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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 4 - N° 164 – June 27, 2010

Carolina von Scharten - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com


The ostrich


There was a little boy called Tony who was never able to face his problems straight ahead.

His mother would ask him every time he had some kind of difficulty at home:

— So, what are you planning to do now, my son?

— Don’t worry mom. It’s not a big deal. I will deal with it.

His mom would say every time he had low grades at school; quite worringly:

— Tony, you have to study more my son. It is time for exams and you haven’t been studying.

He would then reply:

— That’s ok, mom. I will study. The exams will be easy; don’t you worry.

Therefore, the results came and his grades were even worse.       

— My son, if you don’t work harder, you will fail at school!

— Don’t worry, mom. I will keep it up! You will see!

Tony would always react in the same way. He always ran

away from the problem, as if he didn’t want to see the reality.

His mother was quite tired of hearing the same excuses all the time. One day she said to him:

— Tony, your dad will need to work next Sunday. He won’t come for lunch. Would you like to come to the zoo with me?

— Of course, mom! I love animals! Yes, let’s do it!

On Sunday morning his mom prepared a delicious packed lunch for them to take to the zoo. They decided to have a pic-nic in a park near by.

Tony was so excited. He loved seeing everything around the zoo. He was so impressed with the lion, the giraffe and monkeys. They walked around and got near to a field protected by a fence. They then saw a very bizarre creature. It looked like a bird, but was quite large; much bigger than the average bird. It was greyish-brown and white. The head and neck of the animal was nearly bare, with a thin layer of down.

— What is this, mom? — Tony asked, feeling quite impressed.

His mom smiled and asked:

— It is a bird, my son. It’s called an Ostrich. It is a a large flightless bird native to Africa. It is distinctive in its appearance and has the ability to run at maximum speeds of about 70 km/hour! It weights around 150 kilos!

— Wow! Why is the other Ostrich laying its head and neck flat on the ground?

— Well, this is an interesting story. Some people say Ostrich do that because they want to story food, hiding it from other animals; others say that it is due to laying eggs, if it’s forming a nest; others will say the   bird   will   do  that  when   it   feels

frightened or when it wants to hide from an enemy, that is, so it doesn’t see when danger approaches it.

— Really? What is the truth about this?

— I don’t know the right answer for sure, Tony. What I know is that people say if we don’t want to face a problem, we are behaving just like an Ostrich: laying our head and neck flat on the ground pretending everything is ok.

Tony thought for a while on his mom’s words... He remained silent then....

The sky got darker. It seemed like it was about to rain. Both mom and son decided to go back home sooner from the zoo.

When they got back home, Tony’s mom set up the table for lunch. She prepared it previously with so much care and love! They ate it with pleasure.

In the meantime, the boy kept thinking about his mom’s statement. She then asked her son:

— Are you ok, my son?

The little boy looked at her and said:

— Mom, are we similar to Ostriches?

— What do you think, son?

Tony gave a deep breath and said:

— I think I have been behaving like an Ostrich.

— Why do you say that, Tony?

— I haven’t been performing well at school. I try to trick myself, pretending everything is ok. I have been quite lazy lately. I have also tried to mislead you, mom.

— Oh, right! What do you intend to do then?

— I know I need to deal with the situation and study more. This reminds me on the other day, when we read the Gospel. There was a lesson in which Jesus said if we help ourselves, Heaven will help us. That is, our spiritual friends will help us.

— Well done, my son! You are now making the right choice.

His mom felt quite touched by his comment. She hugged him firmly and said:

— You know you can count on me and your dad, right?

— I know mom. I thank Jesus for having you two as my parents. 

From that day onwards, Tony made an effort to improve at school. He would study and do his homework everyday. He was so happy to hand over to his mom the next set of results from school! His grades were so much better!

His mom felt so happy! She thanked god for being able to help her son awaken for the reality of life.                                   

                                                                  Aunt Celia


O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism