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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 4 - N° 162 – June 13, 2010


Fernanda Trebien / ftrebien@hotmail.com


The doctrinal purity is
good or evil?

It is likely that no one, amongst the spiritists, ignore the famous advice given by Emmanuel to the medium Chico Xavier at the beginning of their mediumship work.

Let’s recall it: "I remember that in one of the first contacts with me, he warned me that he intended to work with me for long time, but that I should, above all, seek the teachings of Jesus and the lessons from Allan Kardec and he also said that, if one day, he, Emmanuel, advise me something that was not in accordance with the words of Jesus and Kardec, that I should stay with Jesus and Kardec, forgetting about him. "(Elias Barbosa, The World of Chico.)

Therefore, it is difficult to understand why several mediums, who admire the work and personality of Chico Xavier, reject any analysis that are made of the messages they receive when compared with the contents of Kardec's work. If the advice was valid for Chico Xavier, why is it not for the other mediums?

It should be noted that the above recommendation from Emmanuel is not an isolated fact in his work. In the chapter 54 of the book The Spirit of Truth, psychographed by Chico Xavier, published by FEB in 1961, Emmanuel has analyzed the words of Jesus "What seek ye" in John 1:38: 

"This simple inquiry of the Lord, to the two disciples who followed him, is currently directed to all spiritists, in face of the good news renascent in the world.


To those who collaborate to the doctrine dissemination, it represents the incessant questioning about the task of protecting the purity of the postulates that comfort and instruct. "
Once again it is important to emphasize the work of Kardec, Emmanuel has transmitted through  the hands of Chico Xavier another significant message: 

"Remembering the encoder of the Spiritist Doctrine, it is imperative to be alert in our fundamental duties. Be convinced that it is necessary to:  feel Kardec; study Kardec; annotate Kardec; meditate Kardec; analyze Kardec; comment Kardec; interpret Kardec; cutivate Kardec; teach Kardec and disseminate Kardec... 

There is no doubt that we must Christianize the humanity, however to Christianize on the Spiritist Doctrine basis is to ratiocinate with the truth and to build on the good of all, in order to, in Jesus' name, we do not promote another system of fanatism and denial on earth.” 

André Luiz has given similar advice through another medium - Waldo Vieira – in the well known book entitled the Spiritist Conduct: 

"The purity of the Spiritist Doctrine’s practice must be preserved at all costs." (chap.11)

"To constructively support the constant manifestations of exotic cults which are unrelated to the simplicity and purity of the Spiritism, offering as much as possible, aid and cooperation, without pretentious demands on colleagues who promote such cults." (chap. 23.)

"To prefer the true and integral spiritist artistic compositions, preserving the doctrinal purity." (chap. 44.)

 "Disapprove the use of rituals, images or symbols of any kind in the sessions, ensuring the purity and simplicity of the practice of Spiritism." (chap. 3.) 

It is not surprising that  Dr. Bezerra de Menezes has resumed the subject in an expressive message conveyed by Divaldo Franco, reproduced below:

Face the difficulties in times when they multiply. You have innumerable challenges ahead. Wolves dress in sheep to threaten the flock. Remain vigilant as you are demonstrating, in order to pass to the future generations the Doctrine of the Spirits in the pulchritude and nobility with which we have received from Allan Kardec and the Messengers who have composed it. "(Reformador, December 2005, pp. 446-447. )* 

This theme is present on this edition in two articles: in the Special from Alexandre Fontes da Fonseca, professor of physics at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (The Fluminense Federal University), Volta Redonda (RJ), and in the interview with Paulo Afonso Eberhardt, from Passo Fundo (RS), where he remembers that it is the duty of the spiritist centre directors to submit the published books to a literary and doctrinal analysis, mainly because some publishers have in the Spiritist Movement just a niche market, where they can make profit, having no concern for the doctrinal contents. 

All these recommendations naturally remind us of Kardec, who was certainly anticipating the difficult days we would go through when he wrote in 1868:

"One of the biggest obstacles that may hinder the  dissemination of the doctrine would be the lack of unity, the only way to avoid it, if not for the present, at least for the future is to formulate it in all its parts, and even in the most minute details, with both precision and clarity, that any other interpretation would be impossible.
"(Posthumous Works, Project 1868, p. 307.)


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