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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 4 - N° 158 – May 16, 2010
Londrina, Paraná (Brasil)
Carolina von Scharten -carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com

Wilson Czerski: 

”We need to search for spaces and persuade without imposing our point of view”


Wilson Czerski (picture) was born in the city of Ponta Grossa (PR), but now lives in Curitiba (PR). He works in the Aeronautics as a Meteorology specialist. He has graduated in Management and is also a small businessman. He is the Vice President of the Association of Spiritism Disseminators from Paraná (ADE-PR). He also contributes with the electronic magazine O Consolador. Here at the present interview he talks about his journey within the Spiritist Movement and tells us his views on interesting topics.

O Consolador: When was your firstcontact with Spiritism?  

I was first in contact with esoterical and AMORC books (The Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis) from the age of 12. I started to go with my dad to a spiritist centre; later we went to a Centre of Umbanda*. I then stayed away from religion for a decade, but after this period of my life I concentrated on studying the spiritist books.

O Consolador:  What was your family’s reaction?

I was living alone at that time, and away from my family. When I got married, my wife also joined me with the study of the Doctrine.

O Consolador: What roles have you performed in the Spiritist movement?

I am linked to the centre Comunhão Espírita Cristã from the city of Curitiba. I am now focusing on working at the Association of Spiritism Disseminators from Paraná (ADE-PR). 

O Consolador: How did you get to know the electronic magazine O Consolador? What do you think about the dissemination of Spiritism through the internet?

I got to know it through my friend Astolfo Olegário, whom I have known since 1982 when I used to go to the spiritist centre Centro Espírita Nosso Lar, in the city of Londrina. I have collaborated for a long time with the newspaper "O Imortal", from Cambé. ADE-PR also disseminates Spiritism online, which I believe is a powerful, efficient, quick and cheap tool available to us. Therefore, we need to have quality and consistency on the information provided. Fortunately, there are many articles, sites, blogs and virtual rooms where this is happening. 

O Consolador: Which of the threes aspects of Spiritism (Science, Philosophy or Religion) attract you the most?

I prefer the philosophical aspect of Spiritism. We should never stop thinking, questioning and searching for the truth. This is what attracts to the philosophical aspect of the Spiritist Doctrine as it makes me think, reflect, analyse what goes on in the world and with myself.

O Consolador: What are your favourite Spiritist authors?

I prefer Léon Denis, Ernesto Bozzano, Herculano Pires and obviously Allan Kardec from the disincarnate spirits. From the incarnate ones I am a big fan of Hermínio de Miranda, Jorge Andréa and Richard Simonetti. There are many unknown authors who have also contributed to the dissemination of the spiritist thinking through books and articles.

O Consolador: What books do you consider indispensable for those who are starting off in Spiritism?

The Five Fundamental Works of Spiritism, which is the collection of the first five books written and published by French teacher, educator and Spiritism Codifier Allan Kardec. The Spirits Book, comprising a series of 1,019 questions exploring matters concerning the nature of spirits, the spirit world, and the relations between the spirit world and the material world is a fundamental book to be read.

O Consolador: If you were to spend some years in a desert place, with restricted access to Spiritist activity, which books would you take?

André Luiz’s collection, The Spirits Book and Life and Destiny (original title: Le Probleme de l'Etre et de la Destinie) from Leon Denis.

O Consolador:  The doctrinal differences in our movement are not many. One of them talks about the secular Spiritism. Is Spiritism a religion for you?

Kardec has defined Spiritism as a spiritualist philosophy with a scientific and moral base. Since grew stronger in Brazil (this country has the world's largest spiritist population), it is now commonly associated to religion as the country is strictly connected to Christianity and to the search of social recognition. The Codifier himself might not have considered this when he wrote The Gospel According to Spiritism. I believe it is useless to try to take Spiritism away from religion. Would you imagine Chico Xavier being only recognised as a Philosopher or a Scientist?

O Consolador:  Have you read the book by J. B. Roustaing**? This is another topic well debated within the spiritist movement.

I haven’t had the opportunity to read it, but I’ve heard that Roustaing opposes many of Kardec’s explanations. I have read Kardec’s view on it at the Spiritist Revue from June 1866 where he didn’t condemn it. He only stated there was a lack of criteria in terms of the Universal Control of Spiritist Teachings, since Roustaing wrote the "Four Gospels" based on isolated messages received from spirits.

O Consolador: Another subject in the Spiritist practice sometimes presents differences related to so-called standardized passes, proposed by Edgar Armond. Though we know the most common procedure is the laying of hands as José Herculano Pires, what’s your opinion about it?

Fluid-therapy could be seen as a practice that is part of the spiritist practices. The laying of hands procedure at the spiritist centres is the simplest one; the most adequate type. This does not mean the magnetism from incarnate and disincarnate beings needs be done this way; it could also vary according to the situation.

O Consolador:  How do you see abortion and the discussion that is going on around this topic? How is this dealt with at the country you leave at? Should Spiritist be bolder in defence of life, as the Church?

The spiritists have been actively taking part on campaigns such as "Life; say yes to pregnancy ", from AME-PR. We could do a massive campaign in other communities; not just the spiritist community. We might be lacking a great opportunity of taking the spiritist principles to millions of people if we don’t act on it.

O Consolador:  Euthanasia, as we know, is not a practice supported by the Spiritist Doctrine. Kardec and others, such as Joanna de Angelis, have given their opinion on this topic. The idea of orthothanasia came up lately, which has been defended by some spiritist’s doctors. What is your opinion about it?

I am on favour of orthothanasia. Science is improving its brain death diagnosis, which leaves the physical body alive but without the presence of the spirit that was linked to that specific body. If the machine is switched off but the body and the heart keeps working normally, then let nature follow its own natural course.

O Consolador: How do you see the Spiritist Movement in Brazil today?

I think there is a lot of work to be done. We need to talk more, open debates on important questions which haven’t been considered before in terms of the Spiritist movement and other related to every day life. It is important to highlight the need to carry our own inner reform, which we need to lead by example. If we want to help people develop spiritually, let’s orientate them but also accept their limitations. We can not expect people to behave just like us since this would be the image we project on them; not corresponding to our internal reality.

There are advances in terms of spreading the spiritist thinking through the media and/or other specialised associations such as Abrade (Brazilian Association of Spiritist Disseminators), Abrame (Association of Spiritist Judges), AME (Medical Spiritist Association), Abrape (Association of Spiritist Psychologists), ADESP (Association of Spiritist Disseminators from São Paulo), NEUs (Nucleus of Spiritist Studies in Universities), etc. If these institutions receive the support they need, they contribute for Spiritism to be not just known and admired, but also for its principles to be put into practice within the society. I think there should be more unification of our work.

O Consolador:  How do you see the level of criminality and violence which appears to increase everywhere in our country and worldwide? How can spiritists collaborate to change this situation?

The statistics are astonishing; plus the media makes it look even worse. It is the State’s duty to fight against violence. Therefore, this starts with each of us; we need to disarm ourselves from when dealing with other human beings. It is important to present the causes of violence, which are part of our evolutionary stage which the humanity encounters itself. We would like to highlight the question 784 from The Spirits’ Book: Man's perversity is very great; does he not seem to be going back instead of advancing, at least, as regards morality? “You are mistaken. look at the human race as a whole, and you will see that it is advancing; for it has arrived at a clearer perception of what is evil, and every day witnesses the reform of some abuse. The excess of evil is required to show you the necessity of good and of reforms'." The next question we would like to point out is question 685: - But what resource is there for the old man who needs to work in order to support himself, and yet is unable to do so? "The strong should work for the weak; where family-help is not to be had, society should supply its place. Such is the law of charity. Here the good spirits show everyone who works aligned to Spiritism should perform their roles accordingly. The spiritist centres should become more active in terms of social activities within our society. We can not just talk to spiritits and forget about the rest of the world. This is how real charity is practiced.

O Consolador: The preparation for the advent of a world of regeneration in our planet already gave its first steps, as we are aware of. How long will it take for Earth to stop being a world of tests and atonements, and become a world of regeneration where, according to Saint Augustine, the word love will be written everywhere and social relations will be perfectly fair?

I am an optimistic person and believe this process has already begun. If look carefully the people around you can see changes: relatives, neighbours, friends, colleagues, etc. If you have eyes to see, you will realise most of the people we know is honest, kind; hence, they have many virtues within them, perhaps not well developed. It is a minority of people who are disturbing the peace in the planet. Let’s remember the greatest obstacles to progress are pride and selfishness. Our present inequalities will disappear with the disappearance of pride and selfishness.

O Consolador: About the problems that the earthly society is facing, what should be the top priority for Spiritism in Brazil and the world?

I am convinced we could have an impact in the destiny of the country if we worked on a consistent strategy for reaching the leaders of this country. We could show them the four fundamental of the Spiritist Doctrine: our origin and the process of evolution through reincarnation; our relationship and means of communication with God and the discarnate beings of the spirit realm; and the moral and physical laws that govern life. We could include politicians, manager and leaders in general. We could also include teachers, the police force, entrepreneurs, doctors and many other classes.

Let’s imagine if the majority of the politicians who work at the Brazil National Congress would be invited to analyse the depth of these teachings... Would they risk doing what they are doing at the present moment? Spiritism aims to help us carry our own inner reform, without imposing anything into our consciousness. It penetrates the human soul, enlightens our reasoning. Let’s not forget the call for practicing love, sweetness and tolerance.


* Umbanda is an Afro-Brazilian religion that blends African religions with Catholicism. Umbanda is related to and has many similitude with other Afro-Brazilian religions like Candomblé, Batuque, Macumba, Quimbanda, Xambá, Egungun, Ifá, Irmandade, Confraria, Xangô do Nordeste and Tambor de Mina, but also has it own identity. Although some of its beliefs and most of its practices existed in the late 19th century in almost all Brazil, it is assumed that Umbanda originated in Rio de Janeiro and surrounding areas in the early 20th century, mainly due to the work of a psychic (medium), Zélio Fernandino de Moraes, who practiced Umbanda among the poor Afro-Brazilian population. Since then, Umbanda has spread across mainly southern Brazil and even to neighbouring countries like Uruguay and Argentina.

** Jean-Baptiste Roustaing: For more background on the mediums and on Roustaing, see Hess, Spirits and Scientists, and Hess, “On Earth as It Is in Heaven: Reading Spiritist Otherworldly Ethnographies,” in Toward Socio-Criticism: Luso-Brazilian Literature, Roberto Reis, ed. (Tempe, Ariz.: Center for Latin American Studies, Arizona State University, 1991).


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