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Year 3 - N° 148 – March 7, 2010


Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


 After all, who are we? 

The earthly society is mired in a difficult situation.

The one time the media show us people dying of starvation in several countries worldwide, crowds are prey to many natural scourges, homeless children, young people leaving this world after an unsuccessful abortion, politicians caught with the money from corruption, hidden until the half, and finally, the search for the legalization of euthanasia in countries like the Netherlands, as the reader might read, last week in the Letters section of this magazine.

Add to that the personal tribulations, we will see: the tragedy of those who are unemployed, young people look to drugs or suicide to resolve their dilemmas and moral bankruptcy of modern times, which engenders crime, violence, corruption and despair, even in a country like ours, rich in nature and where the people call themselves gallantly supporter of Christianity.

After all, who are we?

How Kardec once said, if mankind were considered only from the angle of life on planet Earth, one might conclude that the human species is sad thing. It would be like if we analyze the population of a large city, taking into account only the sick in a hospital or the inmates of a penitentiary. However, a city not just those who live in those places, but the reunion of all its parts: the sick, the criminals, healthy people, the poor, the rich, old, young people and children.

Thus, as in a prison is not the entire population of the city, humanity does not lie entirely on Earth. Spirits do not belong only to our orb. There are many rooms in the house of the Lord, as Jesus made a point of showing us, and they are all necessary for our progress.

n the world we live in is what many call a strange paradox. The extraordinary scientific advances of the past century coincided with the outbreak of two world wars and the permanent state of alert people who feared for a long time, with reason, the advent of a third world war, it certainly would be the last.

The contradiction is considered by some, however, is false, because the planet has always been shrouded in wars. They have marked the history of peoples. As scientific progress recorded in the globe has not been accompanied by an equivalent moral progress, one gets the impression that there is on earth a process of involution or regression, when what happens is, indeed, a revolution, derived from centuries of torture , harassment, exploitation and death, whose purpose is to clear the way for future generations committed to peace and social justice.

In this sense, we must always bear in mind these words of Jesus: "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5).

Never be stressed enough that the death and reincarnation establish a system of exchanges between the material and spiritual plane.

Death takes away, every day, generations abetting the old order. Reincarnation brings new to the scene beings who, having passed through here many times, returning with new ideas and courage redoubled in order to establish the kingdom of God on earth.

It must, however, that the materialistic ideas, empowered by the materialism of those who call themselves Christians, do not compete for the opposite effect, that would be the destruction instead of preservation of this welcoming address that gives food and shelter to all who seek it spirit of tolerance, work and solidarity.

The state of hunger and destitution in which many people live is a moral phenomenon before that economic, as everyone knows, the resources used in warfare is more than sufficient to eradicate poverty and implement the school that the world needs.

We must come, of course, to the point of targeting only the things of heaven. In all, the middle term is synonymous with good sense. But do not let the narrow view of life, the rampant materialism that consumes us, annihilate the immense possibilities that are available to us for our growth toward the infinite, which awaits us all, like it or not, whatever design we have in life.


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