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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 3 - N° 147 – February 28, 2010

Carolina von Scharten - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com


The Chocolate cake 


Luis was a loving and intelligent boy, who was always feeling happy. 

He played every day with his neighbour Carmen. They were both six years of age. They really enjoyed playing together, but sometimes disagreed as they had different ways of thinking. 

Luis was always feeling happy and at peace; whereas Carmen was really demanding, selfish and always in a bad mood. 

When Carmen wanted to play with a playhouse, Luis would play with her. Therefore, when Luis wanted to play another game, Carmen would not

accept it. He would end up changing his mind to please his friend in a very calm and respectful way. 

One day they were both playing at Carmen’s house when her mother called them inside: 

— Come on, kids! Please come inside and wash your hands. It’s snack time!  

Luis immediately obeyed. He then stopped what he was doing and was just about to go inside. Carmen felt irritated with her mother: 

— It had to be just now, mom? I don’t want to wash my hands or eat! — She complained. 

The boy took her by the hand into the kitchen. There it was – on the table, a beautiful and delicious looking cake waiting for them. Luis then said: 

— Hey, Carmen. Please look at the delicious snack your mother prepared for us. Come on. Let’s go to the bathroom and wash our hands. 

Carmen didn’t want to go, but did in the end. They then sat down around the table whilst Carmen’s mom served them milk and cake. 

Luis drank his milk and ate his peace of cafe with joy. The girl was still complaining: 

— I prefer the other cake, mom. That chocolate cake you make. 

— Carmen, this cake is delicious! Could I please have another piece? — The boy said. 

Carmen’s mother smiled and gave him another piece of cake. She then asked him: 

— Luis, I noticed you are very different to my daughter. You always look happy and content. You never complain about anything. Why is that? 

He considered for a while and then said: 

— I learned with my mom that we should be grateful for everything God gives us. 

Carmen then replied: 

— Oh, really! And what is it that God is giving us? 

— He is giving us everything! — He calmly replied. 

— What do you mean? 

He then explained to his little friend: 

— Yes, He gave us everything. Who have us life? What about our body? What about our family? What about the love we get from our mom and dad? What about this beautiful and sunny day? 

— But we have always had that! — Carmen replied back. 

— We have always had because we have a Father who gave us this honour. Can you imagine our life without these things, Carmen? 

Carmen’s mom was astonished. She realised she was always spoiling her daughter. She taught Carmen to consider these things as something she had the right to have; rather than evaluate the beauty of it. 

— Luis is right, Carmen. Have you considered there are many children that are born blind in the world? What about the ones who can’t walk? 

Carmen thought about it for a minute. Luis agreed with Carmen’s mother. 

— Your mom is right, Carmen. Do you remember when I was away at home in bed for a few days? At that time, I couldn’t go to school or play with you. 

— Yes, I remember.  

— That was because I had hepatitis, which is a very dangerous disease. I wanted to go out and play, go to school, but couldn’t. I felt so angry but my mom explained that I would get better if I followed the treatment correctly. The more I stayed calm, the quicker the disease would go away. If I complained and cried, this wouldn’t help anything. It would only matters worse. 

Carmen was really surprised by his words. Luis stopped talking for a while but then said: 

— My mom made me realise all the good things God gave me, but I wasn’t aware of. Since that day, I thank God for my health, my body, my family and a list of other things. 

Carmen now understood what his friend was telling her. She then smiled to her mother and said: 

— Mom, I have been a very annoying daughter so far, right? I will change. I want to be just like Luis. Your cake is delicious. Can I have another slice, please?

                                                                  Aunt Celia


O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism