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Year 3 - N° 114 – July 5, 2009

São José dos Campos, SP (Brasil)
Alcíone Fagundes dos Santos - alcionefagundes1@gmail.com


The 20 biggest mistakes of Christianity in relation to
the Gospel of Jesus

Understanding Christianity as the historical evolution of human movements linked to disciples of Jesus, known as Christians, it is striking to note that after the return of Jesus to spiritual world, his message has been systematically and continuously disfigured.

In fact, the simple reading of the Acts of the Apostles, report attributed to the Evangelist Luke, shows that the apostolic group, despite their extraordinary spiritual condition, had differences of opinion and even some level of mutual rivalry (for example, the disagreements between Paul and James the lesser and

   between Paul and Peter) that hindered uniformity of interpretations about what would be the "Truth" itself. This finding, in itself demonstrates the folly of those who over value biblical text as being a single and isolated "word of God," ignoring that even in a group of unquestionable spiritual excellence, chosen by Jesus and who lived with the Master, i.e., which was made by eyewitnesses of the facts evangelicals, had difficulties in understanding the essence of the thought of Jesus. (*) It is worth to remember that several passages of Acts of the Apostles are supported by the novel "Paul and Stephen,  " the  monumental  work  of  the  Benefactor

spiritual Emmanuel by the secure mediumship of Francisco Cândido Xavier.

These initial difficulties have gained increasing proportions in the course of time. Indeed, after the disembodied of the Apostles, the leadership of the Christian movement was given to individuals without the same predicates as the Disciples of the first hour. Thus, slowly and gradually, the human interpretations were being taken purely as a law within the movement in question, irrespective of the fact whether they are in agreement with the essence of the Gospel of Jesus.

Therefore, we can list 20 topics in which it is evident that detachment:

1. Over value of the Old Testament rather than the New Testament.

2. Consideration of the whole Bible as literally the word of God.

3. Giving fallible men and human institutions the character of divine "infallibility", as in 1870, when Pope Pius IX issued the "infallibility papal".

4. Consideration of all personal views of Paul as being of equal importance of teachings of Jesus.

5. Analysis of verses in isolation, without considering the context and without seeking any correlations with other passages concerning the same subject addressed. 

The Master lived fully integrated in the society
of his time 

6. Worship of Jesus as a being apart from the Creation, or even literally a divine being, privileged or constituent part of God. Such attitude shows an unconscious mechanism to escape in relation to our Christian obligations, because if Jesus is God, He can not really be followed by a concrete way in his attitudes, which would be plausible if he was considered as our Master and big brother.

7. Hyper valuation of attitudes of outside worship rather than an attitude of love and serenity resulting in effective action in the field of good.

8. Belief that isolated lives that are "monastic", often exacerbated by vows of silence and even self flagellation are ways to please and serve God. Indeed, the social behaviour of Jesus is the clearest antithesis of that proposal, since that the Master lived fully integrated into the society of his time.

9. Exaggerated concern in memorize numbers of chapters and verses from the Bible as an expression of proud of the scholarship rather than a valuation of a deeper study on the meaning of each Gospel passage and its correlation with the current social reality and the need for daily experience.

10. Consideration of titles of any kind, including religious and social considerations beyond judgment of our own conscience in light of the Gospel of Jesus, which constitute the Law of God in us.

11. Interpretation of the crucifixion of Jesus as a kind of "laissez-passer" to all our wicked attitudes, using the argument that Jesus died to save us from sin, and so we are already saved by this historical fact, as we "accept" Jesus verbally, linking us to the Christian church and meeting some external habits.

12. Abstention of own study and reasoning, hyper valuating the knowledge called "traditional" or opinions of religious "professionals”, famous or not, as if we were not able to get the "Truth" by our own means or as if this search was not a common job to all children of God.

13. Contempt for reflections of religious character rather than issues related only to the material work, under the justification that such analyses are only subject of study for the religious professionals. In fact, the true religiosity is inherent in all children of God and the pursuit of spirituality should be our priority in earthly existence. 

Many types of council had contradictories conclusions
in relation to other councils

14. Escape of analyses of religious issues considering that so-called "Issues of Faith" have no connection with reason and with science, accustomed to place issues of such importance at the level of soccer and politician discussions.

15. Admitting that only Christians are saved, even though we are all brothers, children of the same God, even the atheists, agnostics and criminals.

16. Accept in an unquestionable way the dogmas established by people who are subject to same problems as us. It is worth mentioning that many of the supposedly universal laws of God have been decided in the vote, in Councils, often as tight scores. Furthermore, many types of council had contradictory findings in relation to other councils, which refer us to earlier questions of infallibility.

17. Admitting that concepts of religious character can not evolve. Indeed, all areas of human knowledge evolve and why only religion can not evolve?

18. Ignore the habit of reading and study of sciences, religions and philosophies, because if the Bible is the Word of God, than Bible’s reading is enough to the Christian.
19. Differentiate places and dates as sacred based or not on any kind of historical events. The universe is work of God and all of it is sacred as every day is sacred as well.

20. Act as parents or grandparents or friends act or acted, freeing themselves up of personal reflection, simply by laziness or emotional issues, forgetting that we must do to others what we would like others to do to us, as we must not do to others what we would not like others to do to us. In other words, we should love brothers and ourselves as Jesus loved and still loves us, working to be good, true and useful to God, society and ourselves, so we are better today than yesterday and tomorrow we will be better than today .

Finally, it is important to emphasize that the Spiritist Movement is subject to the same problems in the past that affected Christianity. Léon Denis stated that "The spiritism will be what the spiritists do with it" because the doctrine is a reality of light and the movement made by us is a reality to search for Light.  So if that pursuit is not deeply sincere, it will be very difficult to demonstrate the excellence of doctrinal postulates through our personal and collective attitudes. 

(*) See, concerning the subject, the "Would the Bible have divine inspiration?" By Thiago Bernardes, published in issue 112 of magazine, which can be seen in this website: http://www.oconsolador.com. br/ano3/112/especial2.html


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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism