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Year 11 - N° 514 - April 30, 2017

Muriaé, MG (Brasil) 


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Rogério Coelho

Taming aggressive instincts


As the ego becomes aware of the innate values in the Self, a healthy programming for behavior is possible

“A true Spiritist is recognized for his moral transformation and by his
efforts in taming his bad inclinations”. 
-   Allan Kardec[1]


Studying the History of the peoples, it will not be difficult to conclude that the genesis of aggressive instincts - loose in the present day - merges with the genesis of man himself. Therefore, it is lost in time! On the above sentence, we see that Kardec used the verb “to tame. And he was (as always) covered with reason, because in order to reverse aggressive instincts into "educated attitudes", one must employ enormous efforts of self-mastery. And if we do not take the initiative for ourselves, the divine mechanisms will begin to act as Lazarus teaches when he reprimands us[2]: Woe to the lazy Spirit, woe to him who closes his understanding! For we, who are the guides of Humanity in march, we will whip him and we will subjugate his insubordination by means of the double action of the brake and the spur". 

Psychotherapy in view of aggressive instincts

Joanna de Angelis[3] takes us on a journey to the abysses and unknown depths of the Self, where the roots of aggressive instincts are firmly implanted, showing us how to extirpate them.
According to the noble Guide, "An efficient psychotherapy frees the patient not only from conflicts, but also from primitive passions, which begin to be directed with balance, transforming the lower impulses into emotions of harmony. The archetypal images that emerge from the unconscious individual inherit some of the aggressive instincts that predominate in the human nature - resulting from the anthropo-socio-psychological process - become diluted by reason, in a work of awareness of its evil inclinations and immediate overcoming, as emphasizes Allan Kardec, the illustrious Encoder of Spiritism.

These evil inclinations or tendencies towards primitive, rebellious, and disturbing attitudes of the emotional and moral equilibrium are inherited and attuned to the Self because of the long evolutionary trajectory, in the course of which he experienced the primacy of ancestral forms, more instinct than reason, characterized by automatic impulses than by the logic of reasoning. Impregnating the ego with its burdens of savage passions, they need to be worked hard so that they abandon the foundations of the unconscious, in which they find themselves, and can be dissolved, and replaced by the mechanisms of feelings of love, compassion, and solidarity...

(...) As the ego becomes aware of the values ​​embedded in the Self, a healthy program for the behavior becomes possible, working every difficulty, every challenge, through reconciliation with its eternal reality. The phenomena that seem to hamper the process of psychological maturation are replaced by the stimuli for the conquests that take place, in an effort to surpass new edifying achievements that enrich with joy the family, social and human relationships in general. It is a way for the patient to get rid of his bad impulses, which only contribute to make him experience wild feelings and to enclose his wishes in the narrow space of stormy ambitions.

(...) All individuals have the imperative need to work on their primary tendencies, their dominant and primitive instincts. All this ancestral psychological patrimony that remains in them is the initial stage of the process of becoming aware of his consciousness that cannot be violated without serious damages regarding other manifestations that are part of the reality of the instincts themselves. This intimate battle is made possible by the stimuli that flow from the first results, when the initial stages of the internal struggle are naturally overcome. As busy spaces cannot be filled, it is imperative to replace each disturbing impulse by a noble feeling, increasing the area of ​​understanding of life and disputing harmony in the commitment of health. 

Putting aside the instinctive impulses...

It is worthwhile to recall the already considered wise proposal of Krishna to the disciple Arjuna, as narrated in the Baghavad Gita, when the first one tells him that, in his condition as a Pandavas prince, he will have to fight fearlessly against the kin of the group Kuru, even though these are numerically larger. Although the young candidate for spiritual fullness wished for peace, he was concerned that he would not be able to fight the other members of his family, thus causing a great tragedy.

Moreover, he did not know where this vigorous battle would take place. But the merciful and wise teacher reprimanded him, and informed him that they were relatives, because they came from the same root, but that the Pandavas were the virtues while the kurus were the vices in that interrelationship that strengthened in the causality of the phenomena, but that victory would undoubtedly be of those noble values ​​while the struggle would have to be fought in the field of consciousness... This moment of the awakening of the consciousness to the reality of the Si also means the joy of recognizing the necessity to free oneself from the dissolving passions that cause suffering.

The past has, no doubt, set on the being the need for evolution, giving it a purpose, an objective that must be reached through all the efforts of its intelligence and its understanding. Leaving aside the merely instinctive impulses that have guided it through the millennia, it now awakens to reason, discovering the essentiality of life, which is found in it as a permanent tendency - its fate - that is the harmony, the fulfilled ambition. It is unavoidable that, during this trajectory, the difficulties arise, now threatening, and which were part of the past conquests, and, in their moment, were the mechanisms of survival and victory of the being in relation to the hostile environment and the primitive alike that sought to decimate it.

By overcoming the impressions that remain of yesterday, the becoming of the being is enticing and enriching, by providing it with idealistic goals that will develop feelings and intelligence, in charge of selecting the resources that can propel it to the achievement of integral health and social balance".

How intelligence is understood today

Our confrere psychologist, Adenauer Novaes, offers us[4] rich subsidies for the intimate work of eradicating aggressive instincts, and the secret lies in the development of our Emotional Intelligence. According to Novaes, there are several types of intelligence. From the content of the twenty-fourth issue of "The Book of Spirits," in which Spiritual Benefactors assert that "intelligence is an essential attribute of the Spirit," the author reveals that the poverty of our understanding and language does not allow greater insights into the essence of the Spirit, showing that the same thing happens with the concept of the word "intelligence".

On intelligence, Novaes4 explains: "For a long time, intelligence was considered as the main attribute to designate the maximum capacity of the human being regarding the world and its challenges. The word summed up everything one wanted to assert regarding the capacity of each human being with regard to his intellectual aptitudes. But in no way can it sum up all the qualities and diversity of human nature. Human intellective capacities can no longer be summed up to the word intelligence. It contains only the logic-mathematical and linguistic-verbal domain of the human mind. The Spirit, in the richness of its evolution and in the complexity of its potentialities, has more than intelligence, as the Spirits have very well placed in the Codification by asserting that it is only one of the attributes of the Spirit. As the Science of the time did not value other forms of manifestation of the psychic capacities of the human being, the Spirit was mistaken for the intelligence.

But today, after studies and new forms of perception and valorization of human capacities, we can affirm that intelligence in all its manifestations is only one of the many attributes of the Spirit. The domain of the intelligences, belonging to the Spirit, is still in such a way conceived as a cerebral character that one does not advance in the perception of the totality and the psychic reality of the person. Science insists on attributing to the brain the potentials that belong to the Spirit, which uses what its physical structure allows to manifest.

The denomination of intelligence obeys to a time in which terms were lacking to define the capacities of the Spirit. Perhaps they are still lacking, but it is fundamental to understand that the fault is not due to language, but to the imprisonment of mechanistic paradigms and strictly linked to a materialist and utilitarian conception of seeing the human being. The intelligences defined by science as intellectual capacities, far from being mere fields of evaluation of knowledge, approximate, albeit narrowly, the faculties of the Spirit.

We could redefine intelligence as an aptitude of the Spirit, which sums up a great number of independent functions, such as: imagination, memory, attention, conceptualization and reasoning, among others... It results from learning through the formation of habits derived from reflexive conditioning as well as of the free expression of the Spirit in the use of his free will. It is a complex function of adaptation to the world where consciousness becomes increasingly capable of understanding, criticizing and deciding on a new situation. Intelligence is the ability to order, organize and use thoughts and emotions for our own benefit; it is the ability to put together proper procedures to do things; it is the ability to solve problems or create situations that are valued within one or more cultural settings.

Diverting the conception of intelligence as something connected to reasoning and intellectual knowledge, Gandhi said that "the only demons in this world are the ones who circulate in our hearts. That is where the battle must be fought". In the same path of Gandhi, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, in The Little Prince, states that "it is with the heart that one sees correctly; the essential is invisible to the eyes". Both try to put it that there is something beyond what intelligence means. There are emotional capacities that escape the realm of what is known by the name of intelligence".

Concept of Emotional Intelligence

The famous IQ tests, because of the wide range of human potentialities, are innocuous, since they cannot cover all this superlative range of potentialities; therefore, they are ineffective in measuring the intelligence and abilities of the Spirit.

Still according to the psychologist Adenauer, the IQ tests partially cover only two intelligences: linguistic or verbal intelligence (of the domain of speech) and logical-mathematical intelligence (of calculation, algebraic perception). But there are other intelligences besides these two, for example: musical intelligence, body-kinesthetic intelligence, spatial intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intuitive intelligence and Emotional Intelligence. In this last one, is our great ally to tame the aggressive instincts. Let us learn from Adenauer4 the real meaning of “Emotional Intelligence”. It is the ability to recognize feelings, and apply them effectively as energy in favor of survival, conformation and personal growth. It is the ability to feel, understand, and effectively apply the power and insight of emotions as a source of human energy, information, connection, and influence.

Mahatma Gandhi - showing that he had combined his faults and reached the balance and spiritual harmony desirable to any human being - said: "I am a medium-sized man with less than average ability. I admit that I am not intellectually brilliant. But I do not care. There is a limit to the development of the intellect, but none to that of the heart".

The development of emotional intelligence occurs with the appearance of empathy, which is the ability to identify oneself with the other, feeling what he feels. This implicates in: understanding, tolerance and patience. Emotional Intelligence comprises: self-knowledge, mood management, self-motivation, impulse education, and sociability".

In order to improve our Emotional Intelligence and awaken the inner creative potential that strengthens it, we must, according to our confrere Adenauer, take the following actions4: not be bothered by small things; cultivate optimism and enthusiasm, which means having God within; cultivate the objective persistence; develop your own individuality (personal style) and simplicity;always recognize your mistakes; learn to listen and listen to the other; learn to distinguish between the deeds and the person who practices them; look into the eyes of the person you talk to; believe what you say; recognize and feel emotion, do not deny it or minimize it; cultivate love, humanization and compassion...

Emotional Intelligence in the Evolutionary Process

To make our Emotional Intelligence a reality, we must consider that any defeat is important learning as much as victory. Persist in seeking different alternatives for seemingly insoluble problems without attributing it to incompetence. In addition to the immediate and closer goals, we must internally develop the belief in a global goal for life as a gift from God.

Consider it important to plan, organize and take responsibility for everything that happens in one's life. Learn to be guided by reason and feelings, seeking alternatives that reconcile these possibilities. Stimulate in yourself, in your own character, the purest and most noble aspects that you possess. Love simplicity, people, yourself and life.

It is important to develop self-esteem. For this you do not need anything exceptional in your personality. It is enough to consider oneself a child of God and, therefore, possessing minimal skills for proper performance in the art of living; cultivate physical security, value the body properly, do not feel intimidated or afraid of life; have your personal beliefs about your own divine origin; to be sure that life itself has a meaning and a definite direction; try not to be affected by small defeats, being aware that it will improve the own performance next time; do not allow anxiety itself to hinder the preparation for new trials; in the end, cultivate sympathy.

 (...) Emotions are reconfigurations of the Spirit. The use of intelligence should not be limited to knowing the objects or even serve to characterize them with names or utilities. It represents superior acquisition of the Spirit and must be placed in the service of love, without which it becomes a useless and dangerous tool.

Emotional Intelligence, or the ability to manage affects, emotions, and feelings, is the most important factor in the evolution of the Spirit in its present stage on the planet. This acquisition will enable the perception of transcendent laws that will enable it to reach limits outside the solar system".


[1] - KARDEC, Allan. The Gospel According to Spiritism. 129 Ed. Rio [de Janeiro]: FEB, 2009, Chapter XVII, item 4, § 5. 

[2] - Idem, ibidem, Chapter IX, item 8, § 2.

[3] - FRANCO, Divaldo. Personal Success. By the Spirit Joanna de Angelis. Salvador: LEAL, 2002.

[4] - NOVAES, Adenauer. Psychology of the Spirit.  Salvador: FLH, 2000, Chapter “intelligence”.



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