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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 11 - N° 514 - April 30, 2017
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


When science can become an useless and dangerous tool

"Undoubtedly, the past has been programmed not to be the necessities of its evolution, pointing to a purpose, an objective that must be achieved through all the efforts of its intelligence and its discernment." (Rogério Coelho, author of the special "Domestication of aggressive instincts" one of the highlights of this edition)

With the exception of idle mentalities, which are adept at the slightest effort, every man has an intellectual task which can be of the most simple or situated in the culminations of the intellectually.

The attainment of discernment is peculiar to all men. This shows that we are all intelligent beings.

"We could redefine intelligence as an aptitude of the Spirit, which sums up a great number of independent functions, such as: imagination, memory, attention, conceptualization and reasoning, among others... It results from learning through the formation of habits derived from a conditioning reflex as well as the free expression of the Spirit in the use of his free will." (Rogério Coelho, in the article cited)

Intelligence is a faculty, or rather a set of constantly evolving faculties. For this reason intellectual development usually, with rare exceptions, surpasses moral development. Intelligence rarely yields to the appeals of feeling for the ascension to high moral qualities. Hence the mere phenomenon of an intelligent man who is incapable of having an ethical and moral behavior.

"It is fundamental to develop self-esteem. For this you do not need anything exceptional in personality. It is enough to consider oneself a child of God and, therefore, possessing minimal skills for proper performance in the art of living; Cultivating physical security, valuing the body properly, not feeling intimidated or afraid of life; Have your personal beliefs about your own divine origin; Be sure that life itself has meaning and a definite direction; Seek not to be disturbed by small defeats, aware that you will improve your own performance next time; Not allowing anxiety itself to hinder the preparation for new trials; Finally, cultivate the sympathy." (Rogério Coelho)

If it is fundamental to recognize the mistakes and defects that are peculiar to us, it is necessary to develop self-esteem.

Some psychic works supposedly spirit use the mistakes of some spirits to try to destroy our self-esteem and make them believe that we are nothing, without any merit, trying to implode Spiritism from inside, in order to depress the spirits less advised or not observer, to the point of deserting "because the spirit life is not worth it".

These defeatist men, however, have been identified by the safer and more vigilant brethren, who have unmasked both the mystifiers and the mediums that give them lair.

"(...) Emotions are reconfigurations of the Spirit. The use of intelligence should not be limited to knowing the objects or even serve to characterize them with names or utilities. It represents superior acquisition of the Spirit and must be placed in the service of love which becomes a useless and dangerous tool without it." (Rogério Coelho)

Science is so present in everyday life that it is a commonplace to regard it as the most important phenomenon of our times.

It turns out that science is ethically neutral. Hence the efforts to submit it to the will of law, order, morality.

Men who are responsible for technological development are, to a large extent, so invested with power that they can use scientific products for warlike and technocratic purposes. It is when science makes the technique become a kind of corrosive in the hands of a child. 


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