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Letter to the reader Portuguese Spanish    
Year 10 - N° 498 - January 8, 2017
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


A chat with Fabrício Alexandre Sanas

“The ultimate end of art is...” is the title of our editorial, about the importance and the goal of spirit art.

“Art allows us to thrill ourselves and the others.” This sentence belongs to Fabrício Alexandre Sanas, our interview of the day. He was born in Minas Gerais in the city Conselheiro Lafaiete, settled in Matão (SP), he is part of the Coro Frater and the group Pazlhaçada (it is a link between two Brazilian words paz = peace and palhaçada = clownery), whose activities are the central theme in his interview, which it is one of the spots of the current edition.

Another spot is the Especial “The sleepiness and its implications according to physical and spiritual health”, authored by Leonardo Marmo Moreira. In the article, he emphasizes the great relevance of the physical sleep not only for the somatic body health, but also for the spiritual growth of the spirit reincarnated. 

Paulo Salerno was in Salvador (BA) to take in in December the activities of the Movement You and the Peace, where he could see the held activities on December 13 to 18 by the Spirit Center Way of Redemption. The report published on this number is also one of this week spots.  

In a day like today – January 8, 1958 – it appeared in Rio de Janeiro (RJ) the Home of Fabiano de Cristo, it was founded by Jaime Rolemberg de Lime, Adhemar Messias de Aragão, Augsut Duque Estrada, Carlos Torres Pastorino, Jorge Andréa, Luiz Goulart and many more.

The initial proposal was to support homes which took care of six to ten children with personal attention as it was an adoption. Each person in the group would contribute so nothing missed to children and to who took them in. Pretty soon it was seemed that the benefited children had many conflicts once returning to their origin family, especially because there was no similarity in the orientation that they had been given. The family also needed support and it became the unit to serve Home of Fabiano de Cristo, a viable initiative with the creation of a company with the purpose of guaranteeing resources for a social work: today CAPEMISA Institute of Social Action.


  Director of Writing: Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho

Administrative Director: José Carlos Munhoz Pinto


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism