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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 10 - N° 494 - December 4, 2016
Matão, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Vânia Mugnato de Vasconcelos: 

A mistake should not be a reason for stagnation, but for a new beginning instead” 

Our fellow Spiritist from the Brazilian city of Jundiaí speaks about her initiation in Spiritism and its preferences within the Teachings

Born in the southern Brazilian city of Curitiba, Vânia Mugnato de Vasconcelos (photo) lives in Jundiaí, in the state of São Paulo, where she works as a volunteer at the João Batista (John the Baptist) Spiritist Centre. She is the coordinator of the Parents’ Group and is also a Spiritist speaker. Vânia is a social worker, with a post-graduation

degree  in Human Resources and a trained lawyer. In this interview she gives a wide perspective about the Teachings and the Spiritist Movement. 

When and how did you become a Spiritist? 

Born in a Catholic family, religion issues were always very important to me. When I was 12, my family paid a visit to a Spiritist neighbour and, even though all the children were only interested in playing, I was like mesmerized by her bookshelves. I found there the book Lindos Casos de Chico Xavier, Lindos Casos de Chico Xavier, by Ramiro Gama, with stories of the great Brazilian medium. The more I read, the more it made sense to me. I asked the host about Spiritism and began to dig deeper and deeper into the Teachings, which I love profoundly. I can say, therefore, that I feel I have been a Spiritist since I was 12 years old. 

What strikes you the most about Spiritism? 

The fact that it is so logical. It makes sense of live on Earth with the concept of reincarnation, bringing comfort to the soul eager for explanations for so much differences and suffering on the planet. Moreover, the Teachings encourage us to realize more clearly the impact love and charity has on the life of people, inviting us into a change of attitude and to seek a life with higher moral standards without the threat of “hell.” 

Where does your passion for speaking in public come from? 

As a descendent of Italians, speaking has always been a joy for me! However I had never considered the idea of being a public speaker until I was 14 and enrolled in a public speaking course organized by a Spiritist organization. At the end of the course, I received the “title” of Disciple of Jesus, realizing that “being a disciple” meant working for the cause of Jesus.  

What is your assessment of the public that attend the meetings and activities organised by Spiritist institutions in Brazil? 

The number of people attending activities in Spiritist Centres has been growing. Many non-Spiritists come for the talks and lectures, even people from other religions. That show how universal Spiritism is. However, I still feel that some people who come regularly for talks still fail to engage in the study of the Teachings or in other activities offered at Spiritist Centres. 

What are your preferred themes in your talks and why? 

I like to talk about the principles of Spiritism, linking them to our daily lives, telling stories, showing videos and reminding people of facts. My talks are fit for any kind of public. I understand that human beings have more motivation to act when they realize that what they have learned can be put into practice in their real life interactions. I have noticed that people get enthusiastic about becoming a Spiritist when they realize that they can be Spiritists at home, at work, in their acts as citizens and in their leisure time. We must get rid of the concept that slowly took over all religions that a person of faith must put into practice his or her principles only inside their church. 

What is in your view the most extraordinary point in the Spiritist Teachings? 

Reincarnation. How much could we change in human behaviour, in their belief in God, in their values if the whole humankind believed in reincarnation and linked that principle to the law of cause and effect! 

And in the Gospel? 

I am particularly fond in The Gospel According to Spiritism of the passage about the “Good Man.” To challenge and question our conscience at the end of each day makes us better prepared to accept the limitations of the soul, making it easier for us not to stumble on the same mistake the day after. 

Who are your favourite discarnate authors? 

As well as André Luiz and Emmanuel, who have written through Chico Xavier and provide us with very rich material, I feel a strong affinity with the works of Manoel Philomeno de Miranda, who has written through the medium, Divaldo Franco. This author gives us important warnings about the issue of spiritual affinities and the problems caused by spiritual attachment or obsession, which I think are one of the most serious problems affecting humankind on Earth in our times. 

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

Spiritism does not perform “miracles.” It helps us achieve what we want. When I say “miracles” I mean something that seems unattainable, unreal and that only a major power would be able to deliver. Through Spiritism we realise that God is inside us as well as outside. We understand that we have the power to win, we understand our spiritual potential and that, if we have good will, we will find and tune in with God in ourselves.  

Your final words, please. 

May human beings cease to be too impressed by their imperfections, as looking into themselves they will realise that they have also developed qualities and virtues. A mistake should not be a reason for stagnation, but for a new beginning instead. We will become better people by practicing good deeds regularly. After all, no one changes without the help of time. “Nature does not take big leaps.” The world presents us with challenges and problems, but the Spiritism has predicted that before the renovation of the planet everything would need to be modified – a new human moral for a regenerated world. The evil we see now in a more intense manner is the same evil that has always been around, only it is showing itself now. It is always easier, however, to deal with what we can see. May the good people stop being so shy, as The Spirits’ Book warns us on question 932.


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