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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 10 - N° 491 - November 13, 2016

Johnny Silveira / silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


 The Little Duck And The Grasshopper


Once upon a time, a little duck was swimming in a blue lake, enjoying the sunny day and the breeze that blew gently as it brought the scent of flowers that lived on the lakeside.

Happily, she played with her siblings in the water when, as she got a bit away from them, she heard someone crying a lot. Curious, the little duck began to search for the one who was crying so much.

She swam slowly to the lakeside, looking in the growing grass to see if there was some creature there that seemed to suffer a lot.

Suddenly she stopped. The cry was getting louder, indicating that the one crying was close. Looking more carefully, she soon saw him: it was a little grasshopper! Then, getting closer to him, she said:

- Hello! Why are you so sad?
The little grasshopper, rubbing his eyes and shaking his wings, said:

- I got lost from my mom! We were together but I saw a beautiful flower and went to it, hoping to smell its perfume. Oh, I love the perfume of flowers!...

The little duck flapped her wings, happily:

- I also love the perfume of flowers! But we did not introduce ourselves. What's your name?

- I'm Grassy. What about you?

- My name is Duffy. Nice to meet you, Grassy. I'll help you look for your mother, don’t worry. Hop on my back and let’s follow the lakeside. Certainly she will not be too far.

The little grasshopper jumped on Duffy’s back and they began to examine the lakeside. Suddenly Grassy shouted:

- I see my mother! She's flying over there! Mom! Mommy... he began to yell, happily, until his mother heard him:

- My son, where have you been? I searched everywhere! - she asked, hugging him while glad to have found him.

Grassy smiled and said:

- I was very afraid of losing you, Mom, when Duffy, my friend, decided to help me. She let me hop on her back and took me around the lake until we find you!

The grasshopper mom thanked the beautiful little duck that helped her baby, and with tears in her eyes, considered:

- If you are ever in need of some help, you can count on me. I'm your friend for life! Thank you, Duffy.

They embraced and each went their way happily.

Some time later, Duffy was swimming in the lake when she heard the sound of wings accompanied by the noise of insects. Curious, she lifted her little head from the water and saw a dark cloud coming toward her. Startled, she sank a little but to no avail. "What do these insects want with me?" - she thought.

Then she remembered that shortly before, she had swum at a place full of food scraps left by a group of kids who had had a picnic. Duffy thought it would be best to dive to ward off the insects. However, they were willing to feed on the remains that were on stuck to her back. So she began to quack loudly, trying to get the attention of someone who could save her.

Right then, Grassy recognised the voice of his friend and came to her rescue, warning the other grasshoppers:

- This little duck is my friend, you understand? Go find another source of food. Duffy helped me and I will not let you bother her!

The grasshoppers, although not happy about the situation, obeyed the request of Grassy who wanted to protect his friend Duffy. Even a frog gaped! When the grasshoppers were gone, Duffy thanked Grassy with a smile for having defended her from his friends:

- Thank you, Grassy. You showed me that you really are a great friend!

He landed on a branch by the lakeside and said:

- I owe a lot to you, Duffy. When I needed help, you helped me, and I will always be grateful to you. You can count on me!

Grassy took flight and, waving his wings, said goodbye to his little duck friend.
And Duffy understood how important it was to make friends.

Swimming closer to her mother, she told her what had happened:

- Mom, I had never expected Grassy to help me because of the help I gave him, but he recognised my gesture and helped me.

Then Duffy's mother hugged her daughter and agreed:

- In life, honey, whatever we do to our neighbour will be returned to us through love. You did very well in protecting your friend Grassy and he returned your kindness with more kindness. Because love attracts love and hatred attracts hatred.

The duckling thought for a moment and replied:

- I am glad I chose love, isn’t it, Mom? I will never forget this lesson. I promise to be good always because I want others to be good to me too!


(Psychographed by Celia Xavier de Camargo on 14.03.2016.)


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