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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 10 - N° 486 - October 9, 2016
Juiz de Fora, MG (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Alcione Andries Lopes:

“We must consider all aspects without prejudice to achieve the best results”

Our fellow Spiritist from the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais speaks about her experience in the Spiritist Movement

Alcione Andries Lopes (photo) was born in the city of Leopoldina but has lived in Juiz de Fora for many years – both cities in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Mother of three children and grandmother of five grandchildren, she is a retired university lecturer in Pharmacy and Biochemistry. She works as a volunteer in the Spiritist Centre

Amor ao Próximo (Love Your Neighbour) in Juiz de Fora. She also contributes regularly writing articles for Spiritist publications. 

How was introduction to Spiritism? 

My earliest memory in the Spiritist Movement was when I was perhaps five years old and my father took me by the hand for the first time to the children’s group at the Spiritist Amor ao Próximo in Leopoldina. I also enjoyed accompanying him to Spiritist Centres in the outskirts of the city and across the region, where he gave talks and lectures on Spiritism. And I enjoyed helping in the charity work he did at the Spiritist Centre. Those were radiant morning, when I felt so important for being there close to my beloved father, helping him weigh the powder milk and close the bags that would be donated to people in need, while he told stories and spoke about Jesus. I was so happy when we finished, covered by that white powder, and I could look around and see all the piles of bags with powder milk, put together with so much care. As I grew up, I joined the Spiritist youth group at the same Spiritist Centre. 

Now you work mainly in the Spiritist Movement in the city of Juiz de Fora. When did that begin? 

It was in 1966, when I arrived here to prepare for the entry exams for university. I began attending the Spiritist Centre Ivon Costa, I joined their youth group and was put in charge of the department that looked after the evangelization of children. It was there that I gave my first talk, still in 1966. In the local Spiritist Movement I also met my future husband, Henderson, with whom I got married in 1971. Thanks to the generous support from the Spiritual Benefactors, I have managed to carry on uninterrupted work in the Spiritist Movement in Juiz de Fora throughout the years. 

What else do you think we need so that the Spiritist Movement can reach its goals? 

Kardec said in Posthumous Works that one of the biggest obstacles for the growth of Spiritism would be the lack of unity. To keep unity in the future, he said that three points should be followed strictly: 1) to lay out the main aspects of the Teachings in a clear and precise manner (and Kardec did that in a splendid way); 2) not to distance ourselves from ideas of a practical aspect (in other words, to be aware of the scientific aspect of Spiritism); and 3) not to forget the progressive character of Spiritism. I believe, therefore, that those who strive to work for the dissemination of Spiritism and are determined to remain faithful to its goals must study regularly and systematically its principles, must keep up to date with developments in human knowledge, they must incorporate the knowledge acquired in their life experiences and they must engage in active work. 

Is there a recipe to prevent Spiritists from suffering from depression? 

Many authors have written excellent material on that matter. I would say that while science advances, providing new ways of treating and preventing depression, we can find in the Gospel of Jesus and in Spiritism important guidelines to deal with that problem. They have lessons and exhortations that one should learn, study and put into practice, such as: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you,” or  “The Kingdom of God is within you,” or “Do not be anxious about anything,” or “Know yourself”. We should also read, understand, accept and put into practice on our daily lives the answer the Spirits gave to Kardec on the item 922 of The Spirits’ Book, about possible happiness on earth. If we did that we would undoubtedly contribute straight away towards an improvement on our life quality. 

What is the best way for the Spiritist Movement to interact well with non-Spiritists? 

Again, through Jesus and Kardec: “Do to others what you would have them do to you” and “Work, solidarity and tolerance”. 

How could the Spiritist Movement improve and develop even further? 

The Spiritist Movement has grown according to its possibilities, through the dedication of its workers on both sides of life, but it would be very important to fully engage with the effort of Spiritual Benefactors such as Dr Bezerra de Menezes, Vianna de Carvalho, Guillon Ribeiro, Lins de Vansconcellos and so many others who worked hard for unification. I believe that we need urgently to work on a greater UNION of efforts to combat individualism, complacency, indifference and superficiality towards the sublime legacy of Christ. We should begin by working on ourselves, getting rid of the “old man” in order to allow the seeds of the Gospel to flourish, fulfilling the plan of the Community of Pure Spirits who govern our Solar System and which has Jesus amongst its divine members.  

Are the old proposals always valid or should we continue looking for new ideas? 

As Spiritism is progressive, we must be aware of the developments in science, checking, comparing and testing the new ideas against reason. For that it is essential that we have a solid background in the fundamental principles of Christianity and Spiritism. If we do not have such knowledge, we must hear from those who do, with humility to understand that we do not know everything. We must consider all aspects without prejudice to achieve the best results.

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