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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 10 - N° 482 - September 11, 2016

Johnny Silveira / silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The Test


A rich man who owned a big farm had to travel. But to do so he needed to leave someone he trusted taking care of his property. So he thought: which of my employees has the skills to take care of my farm well?

Doubtful, he analysed which ones would be best for the job and chose two that he thought were up to the task. He called them, explained to them that he needed to travel and asked them a question:

- Thomas and Jaime. Do you think you have what it takes to take good care of the farm?

Both responded affirmatively. Then, the boss asked another question:

- If by chance someone entered the farm and stole some fruit, what would you do?

The first to respond was Thomas, who was very severe:

- Sir, if someone wanted to steal fruit from the orchard, I would collect some evidence of their theft. Then I would give them a beating to teach them that they should not take what is not theirs. I would drag them to the gate and would kick them out onto the dusty road.

Jaime, listening to his colleague, felt sorry for his attitude towards the unfortunate person who entered the farm to steal fruit, then answered:

- Sir! I recognise that Thomas is right to consider that the intruder should not steal from the orchard. However, as I am a poor man that has children, I know how painful it is for a parent to see their child asking for food

and having nothing to give them so I would act differently.

- And how would you act, Jaime? - asked the boss, with a curious desire to know what he would do.

- Sir, I would ask why they trespassed into the farm. According to the answer, I would tell them that they should not enter other people's property, but if it was for lack of food for their family, I would allow them to get some fruit. Then I would ask the kitchen for some bread because I know that there is always left overs and make sure they would have something to take home with them.

With his heart more tranquil, the rich man asked:

- What would you do if one of the employees got sick during my absence? 

Thomas took a deep breath as he felt irritated and said: 

- Sir, I would not let any employee miss work. They like to skive and, if we allow it, we lose our authority. Therefore, I would be hard on anyone who wanted to stay in bed instead of working. I would take a whip and give them a good few lashes to help them heal faster. You can be sure, sir! 

- And you, Jaime, what would you do? 

Jaime kept crumpling his old hat in his hands while looking at his shoes. Then, raising his head, he took a deep breath, looked up at his boss and said: 

- Sir, I would do differently. If someone says they are sick, we need to check what is happening, because if it is true and they are really bad, requiring them to work could cause the loss of the employee. Also, if they are really sick, they would be useless in the field and may even die!... 

The boss heard the answers of Jaime and Thomas, his most capable employees, analysed them and then said: 

- And what if someone from the road asked for a glass of water to quench their thirst and to let them rest for a while under the trees because they had been walking a lot? What would you do? 

Full of determination, Thomas answered as if he were angry: 

- Well, I would give them a kick in the rear end, sending them off the gate. Because a bum’s place is not here on this farm, sir, where everyone works! 

Then it was Jaime’s turn to answer: 

- Sir… I've walked a lot up and down these roads before being received here on this farm, where you had mercy on me and my family, and gave me a job, home and food, plus a salary for which I am very grateful to you! So, how could I expel an unfortunate person who is thirsty and just wants to get some rest? If I were to receive them, besides allowing them to rest, I would also give them a plate of food. Then I would see if you were in need of another employee for the harvest. We always need more workers!...

Satisfied, the farmer smiled and then announced his decision: 

- Jaime and Thomas! I asked you these questions wanting to know how you would act in such situations. I need to travel with my wife and want to leave someone that has my complete trust in charge of the farm. 

Thomas raised his head, puffed out his chest and gave a smile of satisfaction as he looked at Jamie, who kept his hat in his hand and his head down. 

The boss looked at each of them, then concluded: 

- Both of you are good employees. However, to be the overseer of the farm I choose Jaime, who showed more generosity, concern for people and willingness to help. 

Noticing Thomas’s reaction, who became red with anger, the boss continued: 

- I'll tell you a story. Long ago, my family and I walked these roads without a place to lay our heads. It was on this farm, whose boss welcomed me with kindness, that I was given a job. As he had no children and his wife was already dead, when he got sick, he made me his heir. I learned a lot and always acted according to what he had taught me with his actions. And so I would like as my foreman someone who is generous and concerned about the needs of others. 

Thomas nodded and left the room defeated, while Jaime, satisfied, said: 

- Boss! I thank you for your confidence in me. I was sincere even though I did not think that you would trust in me. Thank you very much, sir! Rest assured that I will act according to my principles of brotherhood and love to our neighbour! 


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 18/04/2016.)


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