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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 10 - N° 477 - August 7, 2016
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


The key to understand
the Gospel

Décio Iandoli Júnior, our interviewee of this current edition, to answer the question about what it calls more his attention on Doctrine, he coined a simple and profound words:

Reason, logic and organized and clear thinking that so complex and difficult matters were handled by Allan Kardec, always leaving space for the evolution of thought, ie, a solid and structured base very securely, ready to receive scientific knowledge as it is produced.

We must remember that not only Kardec’s coding is the basis of Doctrine, but also and especially the New Testament, making both Christianity revived.

For many of us this assertion is almost scandalous, because the new covenant content does not seem to admit the reason, logic, crystalline thought. But one wonders if we read all the good news, and how much we meditate and continue reading and rereading the word. And above all, how many of us understands it?

Kardec gives some settings of Spiritism, for example, watching a science. But one stands out: Spiritism is the key to understand the Gospel.

Many points of the Gospel, the Bible and the sacred authors in general are only unintelligible, sounding some even irrational, lacking the key that provides us to understand its true meaning. This key is complete in Spiritism. (The Gospel According to Spiritism, Introduction, I

"The plea, no one can put other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ." (1 Cor 3, 11) There is, you see, a foundation on which it can erect the building of rational faith: Jesus. And the key to well understand him we find it in the Doctrine.

Jesus is the stone rejected by the people of Israel, which it has become the cornerstone, the foundation of the building. Therefore, the cornerstone is love, and all that is built on top are interpretations and practical applications of the various manifestations of love. Even the material research is based on love, because love is the main attraction of atoms and stars, as it is also the molecular construction, as well as cells, tissues, organs.

Propose the primacy of Jesus on the spirit basis is not a matter of principle, not of priority; It is simply comply with the law of cause and effect.

If Spiritism required nineteen centuries for its manifestation, it was because the Christian source was poisoned with philosophical and scientific prejudices, leaving love without manifestation. The cornerstone was always there, but over there was just rubble.

The apostle James says that if we have trouble to understand the text of the scripture, let us ask in prayer that knowledge is present (James 1: 5-8). And the knowledge that now presents itself is Spiritism itself.

In the Brazilian tradition, Kardec is recognized as the most faithful disciple of Jesus.

Many authors spoke of modern spiritism, but no one, except Kardec, withstood the time, with a solid and dignified body of doctrine to be the basis on which many, many developments are being carried out.

The works of Emmanuel, as beloved as misunderstood, by André Luiz, of Manoel de Miranda Philomena (what would we know about obsession without him?) And many other authors are embodied reportedly kardequianas demonstrations.

Kardec is the base, Jesus the foundation. 


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