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Year 10 - N° 475 - July 24, 2016

Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Americo Domingos Nunes Filho

The Old Testament predicted the crisis in Europe

On June 24, the world was shaken by the result of the plebiscite, ruling the UK population to leave the European Union (EU), for more than 1.2 million votes difference. This event generated an unprecedented crisis, immediately bringing down the values ​​of the Stock Markets of many countries. In Europe more than 12% casualties were recorded. Bank stocks suffered heavy losses. The pound also suffered a sharp decline, falling 10%, reaching the lowest level since 1985, and the lowest value against the dollar in 31 years. In Japan, the Tokyo Stock Exchange fell almost 8%. The referendum caused the resignation of the British Prime Minister, David Cameron.

Once again Europe suffers a new convulsion, especially economic, because of the UK’s exit, which will cause a great loss of resources to the continent. The UK contributes to the EU with 11.3 billion euros, below the amounts paid by Germany and France. By leaving the EU, the UK will certainly no longer pay the funding for the European budget, failing to contribute to the financing of programs and projects in all EU countries. At the same time, by isolating from the block, the revenue from UK countries should fall due to the lack of the free movement of goods and people within the EU countries.

Economic experts believe that the tripod before formed by the UK, Germany and France, which mainly supports the EU will dismantle, becoming lame, and consequently, destabilizing its economy. By the exit of one of the strongest and representative economies, Germany and France will have to carry Europe on their backs. Concomitant to this vision of chaos, it seems that there is the possibility of more countries also leaving the EU and the crisis, which is already intense, will expand, even to the point of a possible disruption of the European Union. 

Daniel and the king's dream

Unfortunately, Europe has been through other difficult times in relation to the harmony between their countries. History is rich when regarding the effort expended uselessly, along the times, for the European continent to become fully united and peaceful.

In the article entitled "The Prophet Daniel and the European Crisis", published in the magazine "The Comforter", no. 285, in November 2012, and copied in the newspaper "The Immortal" in Cambe-Parana, no. 706, December 2012, we made references to the crisis that ravaged Europe and we mentioned that the Old Testament through the Book of Daniel, had foreseen the problems that are now affecting the world, including the crisis that still affects the European countries.

In fact, the Prophet through the split (unfolding) or projection of his consciousness, that is, being released during his sleep into the spiritual dimension, he became aware of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream and its explanation (Daniel 2:19). The king demanded that, firstly, the dream would have to be reported, so that he could be sure of the veracity of its interpretation. The sensitive, then, reports that the king dreamt with a great statue made up of four main parts. The head was of gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze. The legs, made of iron, were supported by feet made of a mixture of iron and clay. Suddenly, a large stone, without anyone touching it, crushed the feet of the statue, and destroyed the rest of the image. What was left of the statue was carried by the wind, but the stone was turned into a mountain that filled the whole Earth.

The four main parts were identified by Daniel as four kingdoms, beginning with Babylon itself (the head of gold). Then, he specified that the second state would be inferior to Babylon, represented by the chest and arms of silver. Next, the third one would be higher, exercising the dominion "over all the Earth." But the strongest of the four kingdoms would be the fourth, made of iron, although the presence of clay mixed with it showed a divided kingdom, soon to be crushed by a large rock. 

The lack of unity of the European countries

The reign represented by the chest and arms of silver was certainly played by the Medo-Persia, who conquered Babylon (539 BC). The belly and thighs of brass identify the Greeks (bronze symbolizes Greece), which won (in the fourth century BC) a vast territory. The legs of iron represent the Roman Empire, the mightiest of all; however, the clay meant not only the presence of barbarian infiltrators among the Romans, but also the invasions made by them and that led to the end of the Western Roman Empire.

Regarding the destruction of the feet of the monument made of clay and iron, so said the sensitive Jew: "As for what you saw, the feet and toes, partly of clay and iron, represent a divided kingdom" (Daniel 2:41). "As you saw iron mixed with clay, this mix will occur through a marriage, but they shall not cleave, to one another, in the same manner that iron does not mix with clay" (Daniel 2:43). When the Roman Empire collapsed, several kingdoms, indeed, appeared such as the Anglo-Saxons, the Visigoths, and the Lombards, forming several European nations.

The union was not achieved, not by diplomacy or by marriage between the nobles of the different kingdoms and not by force by Charlemagne, Charles V, Louis XIV and Napoleon. The lack of unity of European countries was proven after the emergence of Nazism, communism, the dictatorships in Greece, Portugal and Spain, as well as the strong division that happened in the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, and especially violent in Yugoslavia. At the same time, the European continent suffered serious socio-economic crisis, resulting in the high public debt of the bloc's nations, mainly Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Ireland. 

The Cornerstone and the new world

It is important to emphasize, too, the Prophetic phenomenon, nowadays, considering that not all European Union nations use the euro as its currency. Other data used in our times are the movement that aims to separate the Basque region of Spain and the very worrying moment in relation to the rejection of Arab immigrants.

The Prophet predicted that the fragmented kingdom has "some of the iron firmness" (Daniel 2:41), though the iron was mixed with clay. Indeed, the main reason for all this was Christianity, which occupied a preponderant role in the integration of the barbarians converted to Catholicism.

Ending the prophecy, the psychic said: "the God of Heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed..." (Daniel 2:44), "the stone that struck the image became a great mountain that filled the whole Earth "(Daniel 2:35).

It is sad to think that the European crisis can cause more damage to the world economy. However, Daniel’s prophecy, observed from the perspective of the "spirit that witnesses", tells us that everything is under a severe control because, below, it is emphasized that our beloved Father, Love of Excellence, shall set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, since the stone that struck the image formed a great mountain involving all the Earth.

Jesus is called "The Cornerstone" (Ephesians 2:20 and 1 Peter 2:6), and certainly under the aegis of this Master, a Kingdom will be deployed and it  shall never perish, when the World of Proofs and Atonement is transformed into a Regeneration World, conquered by all good men, experiencing love, justice and providing permanent peace.

Americo Domingos Nunes Filho is a physician in the city of Rio de Janeiro.


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