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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 10 - N° 475 - July 24, 2016
Matão, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Douglas Salvador Boaretto:

“Our good actions towards other people end up
returning to us”

Our fellow Spiritist from the Brazilian state of São Paulo speaks about his experience in the dissemination of Spiritism

Douglas Salvador Boaretto (photo) lives in his hometown of Taquaritinga, in Brazil’s São Paulo state, where he works in a number of activities, including journalism and tourism. He is a dedicated Spiritist, involved in the dissemination of the Teachings and in a number of local social projects, as he explains in this interview: 

How did you become a Spiritist? 

I became a conscious and practicing Spiritist after reading the five core books of the Codification, by Allan Kardec. And to have a better understanding of other issues, such as the reason why we have so many social inequalities, I did further reading: What Is Spiritism, Posthumous Works and some articles from the Spiritist Review.  

What aspect of Spiritism means the most to you? 

The most striking aspect of Spiritism is the principle that “there is no salvation outside charity”. It must be highlighted that charity means “benevolence with other people, indulgence towards the imperfections of other people and forgiveness of other people’s mistakes,” as it is stated on question 886 of The Spirits’ Book. 

What in your opinion are the main problems faced by the Spiritist Movement in Brazil? 

The problems in the Spiritist Movement have always hampered its expansion, and the main reasons are a lack of inner conscience, solidarity and the lack of knowledge of the Teachings. However, thanks to the work of Chico Xavier and other high profile speakers, as well as the work of a huge group of anonymous volunteers, Spiritism is now available to most men of good will. That is a sign of a New Era with a better quality of life from a spiritual perspective. 

What is your assessment of the efforts to disseminate Spiritism in Brazil? 

The dissemination of the Gospel of Jesus outside Spiritist Centres demands an increasing effort by all Spiritist organisations. We must encourage the idea of taking relatives and people who are curious about Spiritism to study groups. That is important especially when you take into account the diversity of Spirits incarnated on earth and their different levels of spiritual development. We need to encourage people to study and read the Spiritist books, as there is still a lot of mysticism and misconceived ideas about the communications between the physical and the spiritual worlds. And we need to understand the Law of Cause and Effect and its effects in reincarnations. 

Is there any particular experience you had in Spiritism that you would like to share with us? 

The memories I cherish the most are what I have learned from local people throughout the years. As we say in Spiritism, “we don’t get to the wrong address when we reincarnate”. The causes and effects that I couldn’t see in the beginning and became evident later. I cherish the memories of the neighbours who gathered at home to pray the Holy Mary and Our Father. A childhood when everything was healthy and simple. The afternoons when we drank tea, coffee and liquor. The mutual Christian feeling in a world without prejudices of race, ethnic background, gender, religion or moral or economic condition. 

What strikes you the most in Spiritist literature? 

Spiritism professes the universal laws of our Father, the Creator of Creation. “Ora et Labora,” states the Latin saying. I believe in the commandments taught and lived by Jesus, the Guide and Model. And I am grateful for what Chico Xavier taught us when he said: “Even tough we can’t go back in time, we can start again now searching for a new ending”.  

What do you say about the challenges faced by humankind and the possibilities Spiritism offers for overcoming those problems? 

What humankind is facing is the final phase of expiation of our faults because of the lack of forgiveness among us. However, we are already marching towards the new phase of Regeneration through the practice of love. The Spiritists who already understand the process are trying to pay off their final debts while those who are reincarnating already come with the social and spiritual values that we must respect our brothers and sisters in the chain of moral development. Our freewill is anchored on understanding the process and on prayers. And on Christian acts, so that we can all be one day deserving of Christ. 

If you could say something to the Spiritist Movement, what would be your words? 

The Spiritist Movement flourishes as it cultivates the seeds of the New Commandment prescribed by Jesus. We must understand that Christ is, in fact, God’s medium, as He said: “I am the way the truth and the life; no one comes unto the Father except by Me”. 

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

To our companions in this journey, I would like to share a humble reminder: “Teach but put into practice; believe, but study; advise, but give a good example; gather, but feed”. After all, our good actions towards other people end up returning to us. If not to you now in this world, to your beloved ones. Blessed may be the God’s plans, which are fair and merciful to us. And let us honour the first commandment of Jesus, which is to love God, “the supreme intelligence and first cause of all things”.

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