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Year 10 - N° 474 - July 17, 2016

Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Christina Nunes

Ufology under the Spiritualist point
of view

In the Fantastic (TV’s Sunday night program on Globo’s channel), shown some weeks ago, we had the opportunity to see a rare and serious approach regarding the UFOs, so purposeful and vehemently rejected in the routine dissemination of mass media. And this is a shame. Due to this position, directly related to the global initiatives of the cover-up, the population is left in a dull state of ignorance of a fact, the obviousness of which is evident by itself the more evolved the state of global human consciousness and the progress of Science itself.

My interest in this subject, from an early age, came tied to the knowledge and to Spiritist experiences, and it could not be otherwise. For several years, since the first and most impressive vision of a UFO, still in my childhood, in the presence of two other witnesses, I did not get to make the connection of what happened to the beliefs and information that I was gradually learning under the guidelines of the assistant Spirituality and intense study in this context. Only when I became an adult, now already with practical and theoretical domain of some characteristics of mediumship and multidimensional manifestations of life did I spontaneously establish obvious correlations between the truths of existence in many spiritual spheres and how the UFO phenomenology happens.

This is the subject that I would like to share now with my readers, since the time has arrived when our cosmic quarantine is coming to its end. It is not possible that with the level of understanding we have, we still think that the great Universe above us only exists as an ornament to fascinate our eyes on starry nights. Carl Sagan said: “If there is no life beyond Earth, then the Universe is a big waste of space".

Festival of intentional misconceptions about the subject

And even more – it is unacceptable that, without the necessary study and free research of the subject, we still follow the easy denial, and use the flawed argument that, if our scientific devices and present technology have not yet found it out, as we may wish, then we can arrive to the conclusion, peremptorily, that it does not exist. For any simple reasoning leads us to the understanding that, for the far more advanced levels of technology and Science, only their respective compatible resources of detection would satisfactorily meet that requirement.

Moreover, through the virtual bedlam of our times, amid the festival of misconceptions and intentional fraud aimed even to discredit the subject, due to various interests – being the main ones the religious and political, because they fear that this Humanity, lost in a small blue world in the cosmic vastness, is, indeed, not the only manifestation of Life – and that, indeed, there are reliable and important information, accessible to anyone, who seeks to research seriously this issue, with a good will, and without preconceived ideas .

However, it is necessary to understand that, besides the initiatives of the military to cover up in many countries, including Brazil, for justifiable reasons – there is the unfortunate unpreparedness of the world's population to deal with the stupendous implications caused by the acceptance of this truth - the working partnership of serious ufologists of various parts of the world, together with the authorities already allows the access to factual documents hitherto guarded on emblematic cases such as the one of Roswell, Varginha, Operation Prato, and the famous appearance in mass of UFOs in the airspace of Rio de Janeiro, in the decade of 1970-80, shown in the already mentioned TV program Fantastic.

Why do not the spotted objects fly?

My personal experience regarding this fascinating subject, as previously said, only contributed to enrich my understanding of how it happens, not only referring to the continuity of life after our quick passage by this material Earth, through reincarnation, but also how these many civilizations, not only coming from dimensional places, adjacent to our orb, but from other worlds too – where we may already have been ourselves, in other evolutionary stages before beginning our earthly cycle - operate with the multidimensional aspect of existence. For many of them live in another vibrational level of life and therefore of only sporadic access to our limited senses, while in a physical body.

For many years I have had many doubts: - Why do the objects, we repeatedly spot, do not exactly fly – they appear and disappear in a startling evidence of materialization and dematerialization, before my astonished eyes? Why, on many occasions, the accesses by detachment of the physical body - with the same characteristics described by many of those contacted, in one way or another, all over the world? Seeing the inside of one of these advanced carriers, after having been showered by a powerful bright influx of varied colors, orange or multicolored; or even simply viewing them massively, hovering, or in quiet flights in the skies, more frequent in some more known areas than in others?

I have, indeed, seen them three times, over the years. The first, already mentioned, at night, in the skies of Meier, a suburb in Rio de Janeiro – a place where UFOs are continuously seen, for some reason I have not yet grasped – it was a huge object with the shape of a lens, emitting its own light in the distance, and with a mirrored appearance. I was stunned, as well as another two girls, who accompanied me; we were approximately nine or ten years old, not more than that – it described a slight lateral movement and disappeared behind the dome of the Church Coracao de Maria. 

The objects appear and disappear in the same way

I saw another two UFOs in recent years just to name a few of the most striking – from the balcony of my current residence, a second floor apartment with a privileged view of the sky to the north. During two sunny afternoons, an object with the shape of a boomerang appeared, and judging by its extremely high altitude, it was also of a considerable size. On both occasions, it appeared in exactly the same quadrant of the sky, as if, oddly, who was in it wanted to be seen. I had time to run and fetch a powerful binocular and, after some difficulty, I could see it only for a few seconds; the greyish "boomerang" simply "disappeared" in the clear skies, no visible dislocation in any direction. They came and went, in the same vertiginous manner.

The peculiarities of these events remind me of the descriptions of certain psychic experiences, where the Spirits also come in that same mysterious way. However, in the same way as what occurs with the UFOs, it also does not happen so often. It seems to me that this is because these phenomena require special conditions, not only the fluidic environment, or atmospheric-magnetic, in the case of UFOs, and in the case of the Spirits the deep spiritual/psychic conditions of those who see them. I remember having seen Spirits for three times, in these similar conditions: they appeared out of nowhere and disappeared in the same way, with no defined destiny. However, while I saw them, they seemed to me of “flesh and blood” like anyone around me in a reincarnated situation.

There is much to discover about the unsuspected conditions of life manifestations in the Universe, and the passing stages we live in this small world; we just raise the corner of an immense veil. However, today, Physics itself shows the manifestation of reality by mere probabilities, focusing on consciousness, and opening up our understanding, to accept the parallel universes.

Coming from other worlds, are we being observed?

Thus, in similarity with what the very serious UFO research allows us to uncover, there is no way as not to draw parallels that lead us to obvious conclusions, knowledge of which already belonged to us even before the advent of the Spiritist Codification.

Beings – Spirits evolving in this world, as in the various civilizations that populate the infinite, in several levels of technological advancement or of awareness – live simultaneously in a countless number of homes scattered in the cosmos, close, parallel, or distant from us. So that, given the appropriate conditions, we can or cannot access them – and once in a while, deliberately take the initiative of coexisting with beings of planes/different worlds, duly authorized by other beings of a higher knowledge, which monitor and help humanities in countless places. 

What happens to the UFO’s phenomenology also happens to an order of similar events - not opposed - of what we can already understand about our circumstances of Spirits in an upward path to consciousness. Not by chance - either by study, or monitoring or supervision of reincarnate beings, who they remember, or links of previous affection - these visitors from other worlds, watch us. They follow the apparent momentary chaos in which linger the populations that live in the material, astral and etheric lands. They contact many around the globe, in person or telepathically; they care for some, chip (1) and support many others. And all this is the confirmation that a stage has been reached by this humanity, which will in a short time come to the stage when we will have appropriate evolutionary conditions to live up to the recuperation of cosmic citizenship. In a time when knowing how to peacefully deal with differences between those, who surround us in the cities and nations of this planet, and we are in conditions to live in harmony with the portentous wealth of Creation too, represented by civilizations visiting us and who populate the multitude of worlds and dimensions scattered around, and in the endless areas of the sky. 

(1) Those, who are contacted, in many cases, are carriers of chips, small etheric devices, which they do not even suspect they carry in their spiritual body. They are thus located easily by our peaceful visitors, and they live in telepathy with them, or through a facilitated mental communication. This probably relates to the interaction with beings in a state of semi-material manifestation that, when dealing with a reincarnated humanity in frequency coarser levels, need a "plus", that facilitates this contact in satisfactory peculiar conditions.


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