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Year 10 - N° 468 - June 5, 2016

Juiz de Fora, MG (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


José Passini

Analysis of the book
of the Astral”

Focused work: Messages of the Astral

Authorship: Hercilio Maes and Ramatis (Spirit)

Publication: Editora do Conhecimento. 

Through the psychic Hercilio Maes, the Spirit Ramatis wrote several works that would be useful for a better understanding of the Spiritual World and the passage of Jesus on Earth, were it not for certain revelations and prophecies. These works are developed in the form of questions and answers, these unnecessarily long, compared with the objectivity with which Emmanuel answered questions in "The Comforter." For a better understanding, let us see "The Book of Spirits," Part 2, Chapter I, item 104, which deals with the "Pseudo Wise Spirits".

If, at the time these works appeared, they already seemed imaginary, what shall we say today, with the non-fulfillment of the prophecies contained in them?

In the book "Messages of the Astral" the existence of a visitor planet is mentioned, which should absorb the Spirits, who would no longer remain on Earth, and this would be done through a physical approach, which would cause the Earth's axis to become vertical.

In "Genesis" (Chapter XVII, item 63) and in "The Path of Light" (Chapter III), there is a report of the exile of the rebel Spirits, who disturbed the progress of a planet of the Goat System or Chapel. These Spirits were sent to Earth many millennia ago. There is no news that the Earth has moved there in order to "absorb" these Spirits. However, anyone who has studied the Doctrine knows that there is a continuous transmigration of Spirits in the Universe without the need of the planets moving in order to receive them. It is the Spirits who move – or are moved – and not the planets moving like buses or planes to search for the passengers. There are also references in the book to the "absorption" to be effected by this planet. Commenting on this, Chico jokingly called it the "hickey planet"...

Consider some statements of Ramatis in the light of Science and Doctrine, set out below in bold:

"The verticalization, when accomplished, will be unconditionally attributed to the spontaneous frequency of natural orb movements. Hardly your science will accept the 'absurd' news of the approach of an unknown planet within the astronomical charts".

"From next year, 1950, onwards, the first sensitive vibration of this intruder star will manifest itself near the Earth's aura, but still in a deeply magnetic manner; it will be an endogenous expansion, i.e., from the inside to the outside; an astral-etheric action because, indeed, the phenomenon will start from the inner sphere of the Earth. At first, there will be a mating between the Earth's inner forces with the aggressive energy and primary visitor planet, and due to this the scientists - who depend on material instruments - can only point out the phenomenon when it comes to the surface and is sensed by the five human senses". (Page 81)

Any person with a minimum of common sense will refute this statement, because we know that the moon, which is 49 times smaller than the Earth, when it approaches a bit, it causes the phenomenon of the tides. Let us then imagine what would cause the approach of a star 3,200 times bigger than the Earth! There would be a general disturbance in the solar system. These arguments serve to counter the disturbing assertions by Ramatis at the time the book was published, because today the counterarguments are others, since nothing happened! All his prophecies have been disproved over time!

"The most intense phase of physical modification will be between the years of 1982 and 1992, and the catastrophic effects will be felt until 1999, since the advent of the third millennium will be under the debris, which at all geographical latitudes, will reveal the greater or lesser effect of the 'end of time'. In a few more years, your geophysicists will announce, apprehensive, the undeniable truth: - The Earth's axis is becoming vertical”!!! (Page 81).

"By the end of this century, two thirds of Humanity will become free from matter, through seismic commotions, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, disasters, catastrophes, wars and strange epidemics". (Page 190).

To explain such an absurd, only the old proverb: "The false has more brightness than the real". Do those people, who rely on Ramatis, calling themselves Spiritists, have they studied the Encoding? Do they really know Kardec?

And it is not only this work of Ramatis that is subject to refutation. All his books contain absurd statements, written in a pompous form in a supposedly classic language, with an impressive verbosity proper of the pseudo wise Spirits, according to Kardec’s classification.

Ramatis said that the intruder planet is 3,200 times bigger than the Earth. When some embodied contested him, based on the disturbances that would occur in the Solar System on its approach, he answers:

"When you caught our thought, you mistook the auric volume of the planet with its material volume. This volume, 3,200 times larger than the Earth, does not relate to the rigid mass of that orb, whose cold core is slightly larger than the earthly crust. We are dealing with its radiant and radiation field, which is the main event of all events at the “end of times”. It is the volume of its energetic content, inaccessible to the perception of Earth's astronomical instrumentation, but known and photographed by observatories of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, whose sidereal charts mainly record the nature and volume of the auras of the observed worlds". (Page 228).

"Indeed, the intruder star is greater than the Earth, in its hard core, or its cold matter, but there is no arithmetic correspondence between the nuclei and auras of both. The etheric volume of the first is more extensive or expansive, because it is also more radioactive, in the sense of degraded energy, and more radiating in the sense of the interception of free or pure energy. Although it is a world that arose from the 'virgin mass' of the Cosmos, with which the Globe was also forged, it however stands as a special kind apart, compared to your Orb and  which suffered alterations from the time of molecular cohesion, cooling, volume and the distance it circumnavigates in its constellate field”. (Page 229).

Concerning Jesus, there are statements that are worth mentioning due to their clear absurd:

"Under the inspiration and teaching of the Essenes, family friends, and who recognized in Jesus an unusual man, he developed his hidden forces under strict discipline and therapeutic learning because although healing the sick by his mere presence, he could not tangent the natural laws that determine the directions, intensifications and fluidic dispersions. (...) Submissive and true to the natural mechanism of human life created by God, he knew how to heal with the simple laying on of hands, as learned from the Essenes, and used a therapeutic according to his psychophysical type and spiritual temperament". (Page 458)

Just to illustrate the talk of the pseudo wise, let us see what he meant with the sentence: “he could not tangent the natural laws that determine the directions, intensifications and fluidic dispersions”.
Moreover, if "he healed the sick by his mere presence”, why did he need to go and learn with the Essenes?

With his own colors, Ramatis repeated statements that had been made about an alleged preparation of Jesus among the Essenes, to fulfill his mission. Eleven years earlier, Emmanuel, in the mentioned work, in Chapter 12, clearly and vehemently contests the presence of the Master, as a disciple, in any religious group:

"Many centuries after his misunderstood exemplification, there are those who see him among the Essenes, learning their doctrines before his Messianism of love and redemption. The closest levels to the Earth, that by force of circumstances approach more the controversies of men instead of learning with the sincere scholars and selfless Spirits reflect the contradictory opinions of mankind, regarding the Savior of all creatures.

The Master, however, despite the high culture of the Essene schools, did not need their assistance. From his earliest days on Earth, he proved to be as he was, with the superiority that the planet has known him since the ancient times from the very beginning".

Given this clear statement of Emmanuel, should the statements of Ramatis still be believed? But his eagerness to show himself as a herald of Spirituality is more evident with the following "revelation":

"Since you wish to know the truth, we tell you that Jesus' body was taken late at night, by Peter and Joseph of Arimathea, to a tombstone, property of the latter, who was very devoted to the Master, to avoid that priests would encourage fanatics to depredate the Messiah's tomb, who they did not want to recognize as a spiritual leader". (Page 419)


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