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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 10 - N° 468 - June 5, 2016

Johnny Silveira / silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The Intelligent Stream


Walking with his mother in a beautiful forest, little Mario wasn't really interested in his surroundings. His kind mother, noticing his silence and the fact that he was not paying attention to the beautiful nature around them, put her hand on his shoulder and said: 

- Honey, we are in a such beautiful place but you see nothing because you are not paying attention to nature! Look at that gorgeous bird perched on that tree! Look at those beautiful flowers sprouting from that plant!... Look! Even a frog showed up certainly looking for food!... 

The boy, however, heard his mother talking but his thoughts were far away, and nothing mattered. Then his mother asked: 

- What is going on with you today, Mario? Nothing interests you or draws your attention! 

The little boy took a deep breath and said: 

- I'm just worried, Mom. My classes will start and I'm afraid I might not be able keep up with my classmates or to learn new things, you know? 

The mother smiled at the boy's concern which showed insecurity when facing a new situation, and full of affection, considered: 

- Oh, darling! But life is full of situations like this one that you will face. Over time you will find that everything in life is new and a lesson! And these are precisely the situations that make us learn and grow. Otherwise, life would be a sameness without new experiences to bring us new knowledge. 

At this point the mother, looking for something that would serve as an example for her son, heard the sound of a small stream that ran near where they were, and said: 

- Mario, listen... There is a stream nearby, honey. Let's look for it? 

And they walked through the woods and, always observing the noise of the water, they arrived at the stream. He loved it! He took off his shoes and sat by the stream, soaking his feet in the fresh water. 

- What a delight, mom! Here the stream created a small pool. May I swim in it?

The kind mother agreed and the boy entered the water, playing happily. He splashed the water with his hands and feet, and had a lot of fun. When his mother noticed that he was already tired of playing in the water, she asked: 

- Why do you think that this stream became deeper here in this stretch, sweetheart? 

- I do not know, Mom! - he replied surprised. 

- Observe. What happened here for the stream to get bigger? 

The boy looked around and saw a large rock nearby that prevented the water from passing! But exactly at that place, the stream had grown! Then he smiled happy to see that he had solved the mystery: 

- Mom, it is because that huge rock was preventing the passage of water. But the stream was clever: it let the water increase, increase,

increase... and when it managed to overcome the rock, the stream went on, happily!… 

His mother smiled, satisfied: 

- Congratulations, honey. You solved the mystery. The stream, through its inner growth, overcame a major obstacle. It was clever, wasn’t it? 

The wide eyed boy nodded in agreement and added: 

- And then, Mom, it followed its course with the same size as before. I mean, it just grew in order to overcome the obstacle! 

Seizing the moment, she agreed with him and said: 

- That's right. Nature is wise, darling. If you look around, you will notice other examples of "intelligence" in Nature. Observe it! 

Now more interested, Mario looked around until he noticed a plant that, being born under a rock at the edge of the stream, struggled and fought until it managed to get out from under it! It was still feeble, but it overcame the problem! 

The mother smiled at the child’s discovery of the efforts of that little plant. 

- You're right, honey, it was brave. Do you see anything else that is interesting? 

He looked all around, then lifting his head and looking up he found something else: 

- The birds, Mom! They make their nests high in the trees so that other animals can’t reach them! 

- Perfect, Mario. Do you see how nature is wise? Neither the stream, or the plants, or the birds learned how to survive at school but Nature has taught them to defend themselves to preserve life. 

- It's beautiful, Mom. You know, I think I will not be afraid to face this new class because I will learn a lot this year, right? 

The loving mother hugged her son, happily: 

- Yes, you will, darling. Nature preserves the plants, the animals, the birds and all that is in it through the school of experience; everything is learned by trial and error. But we humans, we learn also in schools, whose teachers, having more experience, teach us what they know. 

Mario returned home happy. When it came time to go to school, he woke up very early, put on his uniform, grabbed his backpack and, after eating well, waved goodbye to his mother as she accompanied him to the gate, wishing him a good lesson.  


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 15.02.2016.)


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