Maria Geny
Barbosa (photo)
was born in the
city of Ubá, and
has for many
years lived in
nearby Juiz de
Fora. She is a
unique person,
simple and
humble, capable
of touching our
hearts with her
smile, her warm
embrace and her
greeting: “How
are you doing,
kid? Do you have
anything good
for us?” Dona
Geny is one of
those workers of
Jesus who will
never be
forgotten for
those who’ve
been with her.
Meeting Dona
Geny feels like
being blessed by
hands of light
that can only do
good. I met her
14 years ago and
have never left
her – I would
miss her simple
and direct
words, bearing
some much
wisdom, the
teachings we
carry for life. |
She invited us
to her house
during a rainy
afternoon in
Juiz de Fora.
What an amazing
life story! She
comes from a
very poor
struggling to
bring up her 12
children. Her
became evident
after she lost
one of her
drowned at the
age of one year
and five months. |
disturbed by the
death of her
son, she was
assisted by a
local medium
Mateus Fernandes
Fraga, who gave
healing and
assistance in a
nearby town. Let
us hear the
story in her own
words: “It was
already night
and my son
didn’t turn up.
The first stars
were already
visible in the
sky. I went out
looking for her
and heard a
voice: go
back, your son
is in the water.
I got very
scared and went
mad. They found
my son. I
grabbed him. A
lady tried to
take him from me
to prepare him
for the funeral.
He was dead.
There were ten
men in the room,
but with my
anger and
strength I threw
them all on the
And what
happened after
I had an old
camp bed in my
house, a present
from my mother.
I lied on it and
for ten days I
remained (in
spirit) detached
from my body. I
left my body,
but no one knew
anything about
Spiritism. Every
morning a local
farmer came to
prepare my
funeral. But
then she checked
my vital signs,
she saw I had a
pulse and went
back home. At
the end of the
tenth day, I
woke up, put my
hands on the
wall, looked at
my husband but
didn’t recognise
him. I looked at
my children and
recognise them.
I got up and ran
way shouting so
loud that I
scared my
What measures
did your husband
and neighbours
I became
insane, mad.
Even my mother
left me. But a
group of people
came to my house
once, about six
people, and
invited me for a
walk. My
reaction was to
pick up a broom
and attack them.
My husband
grabbed the
broom and
stopped me from
killing one of
them. I told
them I couldn’t
go for a walk
with them
because I had
stopped brushing
my hair and
wearing clothes.
They told me it
didn’t matter.
That group was
doing something
like the Gospel
in the home.
They told me
they were there
to help me and
that I was very
What was your
I decided to go
with them to
that farm where
Mr Mateus did
his healing. He
told my husband
I would need to
come back or
else I would be
a victim of the
obsession – or
attachment –
once again. I
told him: “You
don’t have a
clue about
anything. If you
did, you would
have cured me.”
Seu Mateus just
looked at me and
And were you
captivated by
his smile?
Eventually I
became to regain
conscience. I
was illiterate,
couldn’t read or
write, but Seu
Mateus told me
it didn’t matter
and asked us to
everything I
saw. Then I told
him at on the
roof of that
room there were
many ill spirits
– some without
limbs, tied up,
some with
faces, so much
pain… He told me
the situation
would improve,
that Padre
Antônio Vieira
(NT: a Jesuit
priest who took
the Gospel of
Christ in the
early years of
the Brazilian
would come to
catechize them.
Do you remember
the first time
you provided
assistance to
someone using
your mediumship?
One day a man
came to me,
wearing a linen
suit – something
very unusual at
the time. That
was my fourth
day of work in
the Spiritist
Centre. But at
the time I
didn’t know a
spirit could
leave his body.
I sat on the
chair and stayed
there for about
half an hour. Or
my body stayed
there, because I
went in spirit
to a big city.
There was a big,
wide pavement
and I got into
this bubble that
took me up. I
later realised
that was a lift.
There was a blue
plaque and a
number in red,
222. I got in,
went to a room
where I found a
woman tied up to
a bed with her
sheets. Two
ladies were by
her bed, looking
after her. They
were praying.
There was house
on top of house.
Later I would
understand that
was a building,
something I’d
never seen. The
man in the suit
started to
panic. Seu
Mateus then
talked to him:
“What is this
about? What are
you to do with
all that?” He
said: “Yes, I
live in Rio de
Janeiro and 222
is the number of
my flat. My wife
is tied to her
bed because she
gave birth ant
the haemorrhage
wouldn’t stop.
The doctor
advised us to
leave her
immobilised to
reduce the risk.
She’s been like
that for 12 days
now. She can’t
do any physical
activity. The
women looking
after her are my
wife and
Four days later
we got a
telegram from
the man saying
his wife was
much better and
had already left
the bed.
Eighteen days
later she came
to the farm
where the
Spiritist Centre
was. She was
cured. That was
my first job
there. I was
23-years-old and
knew nothing
Tell us about
the visit Mr
Mateus Fraga
paid to the
great medium,
Chico Xavier.
One day he went
with his wife to
see Chico Xavier
in the city of
Pedro Leopoldo.
And Chico told
him: “You have a
very good medium
working with
you.” Mr Mateus
Fraga studied
Spiritism, I
simply couldn’t.
All I did was
using my
mediumship to
help others.
Did you go to
see Chico
Yes, I went to
see him three
times, after he
moved to the
city of Uberaba,
also in the
state of Minas
Gerais. My first
visit was to
seek advise from
him about my
mediumship. In
my second visit,
I was asked to
join their
assistance work.
Chico put three
books on the
table in front
of each medium,
for them to
read. But I
couldn’t read or
write. I told
him and he
replied: “Don’t
worry about it,
dear sister,
there are many
spirits with us
to read for
you.” The
spirits of
Scheila, André
Luiz and Dr
Bezerra de
Menezes, among
others, were
there by his
side. And they
read on my
behalf. During
my third visit,
I joined him and
the great
speaker, Divaldo
Franco, for an
afternoon of
studies on the
shadows of his
famous avocado
tree. Divaldo
delivered an
touching speech,
and Chico just
looked at me,
smiled and waved
his hands.
How was your
personal life
My life was a
struggle. My
children's beds
were made of
transport boxes
with a hay
mattress. My
clothes were
made of rags. I
didn’t have
money to buy
proper clothes
and go to Sunday
mass. When I
went to Mr
Centre, I began
working at 6pm
and left at 5 in
the morning.
When I got back
home, my husband
was getting out
to work and I
had to look
after the house
and the
children. In
those days, I
had no idea
which means I
had a new baby
every year and
eight months,
Twelve children
in total… I
didn't know what
having a period
was. I had never
been to a
And where did
you go to have
your children,
if you’d never
seen a doctor?
Did you get help
from anyone?
I use to give
birth to them in
the field. My
husband helped
me, I never had
a midwife with
me. I used to
breastfeed each
son for about a
year. After
having some of
my children, I
decided to begin
helping other
women in labour.
Eventually, I
assisted the
delivery of
sixty or more
children in the
Even with an
family, did you
carry on with
your work as a
medium in the
Yes, I never
stopped. A man,
who lived in
Tocantins, near
Ubá, my
hometown, came
to me one day
asking for help
for a family
member who was
seriously ill. I
told him: “You
may go back home
now, as he has
already died.
They have begun
preparing the
room for his
funeral.” I
didn't know then
that you
couldn’t be so
direct, as
people left
under distress
and could have
an accident as
they drove back
home. Another
man came to us
one day, from
Ubá, and said he
was devastated.
His wife had
left him and
taken their
three children
with her. They
wanted them
back, the
children and the
wife. Then I had
a vision; I saw
a place with red
lights flashing.
A private eye
was outside, and
naked people
were inside,
drinking and
laughing. We
asked him if he
went to
nightclubs. He
said he did and
that was the
reason why his
marriage was in
a serious
crisis. His wife
had hired a
private eye, who
confirmed her
suspicions. So,
the visions I
had, confirmed
by the people
who came for
help, gave me
the strength to
carry on. People
arrived with
serious health
problems. I
remember someone
who came in with
serious stomach
problems. The
Spiritual World
assisted her;
she had the
healing, threw
up some strange
stuff and soon
got better.
How about your
children? Who
looked after
One day I
thought I had to
do something for
them. It hurt me
to see them
going through so
much hardship.
Then I decided
they would have
to get some
education. It’s
the least I
could do. So I
put them in
school, made
uniforms for
them from sacks
and rags. They
came back from
school at noon
and went to work
in the field.
And I often
thought: “Oh,
God, I have all
these children
and nothing to
leave for them.
At least I’ll
leave them with
How about your
husband, did he
agree with you?
My husband asked
how come the
children didn't
even have a
decent uniform
to go to school.
He found it all
very difficult.
I decided to
make charcoal to
sell and make
some money. I
dig a hole in
the ground and
managed to get
ten sacks per
week, which I
then sold and
used the money
to buy some
things. I used
to buy some
spaghetti and
keep it for when
my mother came
to visit us, to
have something
special to
How did you come
to Juiz de Fora?
One of my
Walter, found a
job in Juiz de
Fora, pressing
buttons in a
lift. The other
children came
over, one by
one, and I
joined them. I
was 39 when I
had my first
appointment. I
found many good
people in the
city. But I
never charged
for my work as a
medium, even
though so often
I was short of
money and needed
to buy clothes
and school
books, pens etc.
for the
And you never
gave up on the
dream of
educating your
No, I began
selling all I
had to buy
pencils, and
books. I would
say Jesus opened
the doors to me
in this city.
One day my son
Antônio told me
he couldn’t go
to school
because he
didn't have the
right book. The
teacher had
warned him that
he wouldn’t be
allowed in the
without the
book. I picked
up a copper
basin I had to
bathe my
children and
sold it at a
nearby shop.
With the money,
I bought the
book, more
notebooks and
pencils, for all
the children. I
used to tell my
children: “All
your mother has
to offer is the
opportunity for
you to get some
But little by
little your life
Yes, my children
were going to
school and
working, I also
found a job. All
my children went
to university in
the evening and
worked during
the day. They
all graduated
from university
and were able to
support their
own families. My
daughter Célia
was six when she
went to school
for the first
time, and I
remember being
so happy. She is
now in charge of
a nursery that
looks after more
than 90 children
of low-income
parents. The
children stay
all day in the
nursery, where
they get five
meals a day and
lots of
affection. We
built this
nursery with the
help of many
Eventually I
managed to buy
my own house
here in Juiz de
After moving to
Juiz de Fora,
did you carry
helping others
with your
Yes, I met new
people here and
began working
with them. Then
the opportunity
came up to buy a
plot of land in
the Santa Cruz
area of the
city. With the
help of other
friends, we
managed to buy
the plot and
build the
Centre, which
now has public
meetings two to
three times a
week, study
special groups
for children and
young people. I
don’t know any
other Spiritist
Centre, just
this one and the
work we carry
out here.
D. Geny, are you
a happy woman?
I am very happy
at work. I don’t
mind if I have
to leave our
Spiritist Centre
late in the
evening, to
assist all of
those who come
to us. The
nursery was
another dream
come true. And I
have another
dream, which is
to open a home
for the elderly.
I might be able
to do it, but
Jesus knows I do
what I can. I’ve
had a very
difficult life,
but I am happy.
I have
what I was meant
to do. My
husband and
three of my
children have
already left for
the Spiritual
World; all the
others are still
with me. My
bring me so much
joy and we get
together and
whenever we
We know you have
close links with
the spirits of
Chico Xavier,
Ruy Barbosa (NT:
lawyer and
from the end of
the XIX century)
and Padre
Antônio Vieira.
Tell us about
I love and
respect the
spirits of Chico
Xavier and Ruy
Barbosa. Ruy
Barbosa is the
lawyer of the
poor, Chico
Xavier, the
message of light
that shines over
us all. Mateus
Fraga told me
once in the farm
that, should I
ever have my own
Centre, I had to
name it after
Padre Antônio
Vieira. And so I
did. He is
helping us with
assist all of
those who come
to us. We opened
our Spiritist
Centre on August
1985, Dr Bezerra
de Menezes´
birthday. And
every year we
pay special
homage to Dr
Bezerra, another
It´s a pity, my
dear sister, to
come to the end
of this
interview. Leave
us a final
I advise each
and every one to
look for their
spiritual side.
There is so much
pain and
suffering on
Earth. The
Spirits of Light
need workers who
are able to
heal, to change
sadness into
happiness, pain
into healing,
unhappiness into
permanent joy.
Begin to study,
to work and to
follow the
teachings of our
Great Master,