Letter to the reader

Year 17 - 847 - October 29, 2023

“Animals: love and respect”, by Eurípedes Kühl, is the new release from EVOC

The e-book Animals: love and respect, written by the medium, writer and spiritist scholar Eurípedes Kühl, was published on Thursday, October 26th, by EVOC – Editora Virtual O Consolador. The aim of the work, according to the author, is to offer a global panorama of the human-animal relationship, inducing dormant consciences to respect animals. The e-book can be read or downloaded for free, simply by accessing the EVOC website.

Our interviewee this week is the spiritualist scholar and speaker Valter Ribeiro de Lima, from Caxias do Sul (RS), the city where he was born. Linked to ACELG - Associação Cultural Espírita Lajeado Grande, from São Francisco de Paula, a city located 50 km from Caxias do Sul, he tells us in the interview about his spiritualist experience in a valuable and motivating statement. The interview is one of the highlights of this edition.

Should we review concepts about sexual drive?
 This question gives the title to the Special written by Ricardo Baesso de Oliveira, a doctor based in Juiz de Fora (MG), columnist and member of the Editorial Board of O Consolador. At the conclusion of the article, he suggests that the concept of sexual boost, as we have traditionally admitted, should be reviewed, as it does not find support in scientific Psychology nor in the works of Allan Kardec.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita