
By Anselmo Ferreira Vasconcelos

Inner reform and spiritual evolution

A highly challenging aspect focused on by the Consoler promised by Jesus, Spiritism, a sacred repository of wisdom and enlightenment given to humanity by eminent and loving spiritual entities, is the need to initiate our intimate reform. It is a vital initiative for those who aspire to something more than the ephemeral glories or childish distractions typical of corporeal life. Considering the huge and non-transferable efforts it involves, it is understandable that the idea of intimate reform generally evokes some kind of discomfort in most people. After all, its proposal is to promote change, transformation or alteration in the way of being of individuals, an undertaking that sounds unpleasant or unnecessary to many. Let us agree that the need to give up certain purely material desires or harmful habits can be seen as unacceptable in certain human circles.

However, as the creature matures psychologically, his thinking begins to consider metaphysical aspects and, by extension, his way of seeing things, as well as his standard of judgments and priorities improves. In other words, a new existential framework begins to be envisioned. Consequently, what was relevant until recently is no longer relevant. On a practical level, the individual's inner reform often starts from a certain exhaustion with what surrounds him, that is, when the things of the world no longer fulfill or distract him.

On other occasions, the process of intimate reform stems from situations he/she is the protagonist in which he/she does not behave properly, and this produces a bitter feeling of disappointment. In short, at a given moment, the creature feels compelled to change his behavior for the better and, having taken such a decision, his desires for detachment and self-criticism increase. Similarly, the Spirit Joanna de Ângelis, in the book Oferenda (Offerings) (a psychographics by Divaldo Pereira Franco), recommends us to assume the commitment of spiritual self-improvement, as well as not to quibble in the face of the challenge.

As I stated above, Spiritism is committed to helping human beings in this regard. In this sense, Joanna de Ângelis observes, in the work Dimensões da Verdade (Truth’s Dimentions) (a psychographics by Divaldo Pereira Franco), that “With Spiritism, a newcomer to human discernment, in a crucial hour of moral collapses and social delinquencies, bright opportunities to exercise the intimate Christ, in the work of non-transferable and unpostponable personal renewal”. That said true inner reform is completely linked to the idea of internalizing the Christian ideal in our lives. It should be noted that Jesus bequeathed us undying lessons for the implementation of our spiritual evolution. In addition, by assimilating them, we will finally be able to promote self-reform – an essential exercise for our victory in the bodily sphere.

The Spirit Emmanuel, in turn, in the work Fonte Viva (Source of Life) (a psychographics by Francisco Candido Xavier), emphasizes, “Life is a renewing process, everywhere [...]”. In effect, everything changes incessantly in our dimension. For example, if we do not visit a certain place for a certain time, it is highly likely that a surprise awaits us. The same reasoning is valid for when we meet a specific person that we have not seen for a long time. Time, as a rule, tends to act relentlessly on our epidermis, and the marks of its transforming action grow to the point of changing our appearance.

It should be remembered that nature itself changes every day. The seasons of the year keep unique characteristics modifying the landscapes radically. Institutions and life in society undergo visible changes and easily observable alterations. Moreover, “[...] the imperishable individuality is constantly reformed”, as Emmanuel ponders. Our identity remains, but the “inner temple” is often hit by countless events and experiences that represent the background of our lives. In addition, through their meticulous analysis and reflection, we have the opportunity to incorporate new values and elements into our background. Furthermore, we must admit that we are not emotionally and spiritually perfect beings, which presupposes the need for constant learning and improvement (reforms).

In essence, still under the inspired thought of Emmanuel recorded in the work Fonte Viva (Source of Life) (also a psychographics by the medium Francisco Candido Xavier), “The only process, therefore, of reforming by building is to accept the suggestions of good and to practice them intensively, through our actions”. To reiterate, the genesis of the individual's changes/reforms is necessarily born from his deep reflections. In this way, the exercise of pondering, examining, observing, comparing, perfecting and absorbing must be continuous.

Therefore, as Emmanuel teaches, “Thought is spiritual fermentation. Firstly, it establishes attitudes, secondly, it generates habits, and then, it governs expressions and words, through which individuality influences life and the world. Therefore, when a man's mind is regenerated, the path that leads him to the Lord is straight and clean”. Finally, having chosen the challenging path of reforming for God, it will be necessary to look within oneself with great moral courage, and be prepared to accept the eventual diagnosis that there is a lot of shadow in your personality and mental screen in need of repair. That said, it is also worth remembering that Jesus gave us two basic commandments: love God and neighbor.

Let us begin, then, by ascertaining our capacity to love God. Is He really part of our life? On the other hand, do we only remember Him in times of need and trouble? Unfortunately, not a few pay lip service to God. Do we only love those close to us or have we managed to expand that noble feeling to others who do not share our family circle?

Considering our eventual relational slips along the paths of life, it is necessary to ask if there is not something to fix while we are living in matter. If we harm or treat someone badly, it would be opportune, then, to try to recompose the bonds making him or her at least fraternal (let us not forget, in this sense, that we will not even take a pen drive from here). Anyway, whatever our greatest difficulty or deficiency, the fact is that intimate reform is essential to our spiritual evolution, as it infuses us with new purposes and meaning to our lives. So do not waste any more time - life is short. Be your own honest judge, admit where you are not doing well and, fundamentally, correct yourself.

Only strong spirits have the moral strength and dignity to carry out this exercise. Start now, my dear friend, your inner reform process so you will not regret it later...


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita