
By Rogério Coelho

Communications from Beyond the Grave

The alleged reasons for condemning relationships with Spirits do not withstand serious examination.

“(...) repelling mediumistic communications is to repudiate the most powerful means of instruction”. - Allan Kardec 1


The Communicability of Spirits, an immediate consequence of the Immortality of the Soul, are the two basic points of Spiritism, in which the COMFORTER aspect of this wonderful Doctrine is anchored. Moreover, it is not without reason that Jesus prophesied2 its advent with such identification: "I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another COMFORTER..."

After all, is it not a great consolation to us to be sure that the people we love and who preceded us on the journey back Home, in the Greater World, are not lost on the Other Side?  Is it not good news to know that it is just a matter of time before a happy reunion can be established with those who bond with us in expressions of affection?

When we commonly hear: “I lost so and so”, referring to the “death” of someone, it is evident that those who say this have no knowledge about Spiritism. Likewise when they also say, “Ah! Shame! He rested! (?)”.

Such creatures – not duly informed – do not know that there are many Spirits begging for reincarnation so that, once erected in the somatic body, they can rest a little, since they feel very tired, worn out, exhausted on the Other Side...

In his portentous and unique series, Andre Luiz, through the blessed and also unparalleled mediumship of our late Chico Xavier, reveals some faces of the Spiritual World to our eyes and then, we can perceive, even if superficially, the complexity of the works available to those who want to accomplish them. Therefore, the Other Side is not a resting place... By the way, many of those Spirits who requested to re-enter the physical body to rest are already here, because what about the people "who are just hanging around in life watching the band go by at random" (have you noticed the crowds that get confused at carnival? Can you quantify it?” However, let us leave them aside, because in fact what such people will really lose is the possibility of Spiritual ascension, and let us return to our theme: "Communicability of Spirits".

The Communicability of Spirits is a proven fact even in the ancestral Bible that many only carry under their arm, but do not let its content penetrate their brain, lost as they are in the embarrassment and damage of the “letter that kills”.

Let us delight ourselves with the unsophisticated logic of the illustrious Lionize Master when he analyzes the “anemic” and unfounded arguments of these Spirit phobic leaders, showing them the inconsistency in which they indulge. Moreover, considering that they always start by saying that Moses forbade mediumship, forgetting, (by purpose), that there are two distinct parts to the law of Moses: the Law of God itself, promulgated on Mount Sinai, (by the way through a mediumistic phenomenon of pyrography); and the civil or disciplinary law, appropriate to the customs and character of the people. The first [the Law of God] is invariable, while the other [the civil law] changes with time. The ban on communicating with the "dead" falls within the scope of the latter, and already revoked by Moses himself. When in his luminous appearance together with Elijah on Mount Tabor, before the astonishment of Peter, James and John, eyewitnesses of the fact, talked with Jesus about His last moments on the planet and the culmination of His mission with us, thus inaugurating the era of mediumship.

Let us therefore follow the luminous reasoning of the incomparable Lioness Master: “(...) if Moses forbade evoking the dead, it is that they could come, otherwise the prohibition would be useless. Well, if the dead could come back then, they can come today too; and if the Spirits of the dead come, they are not exclusively demons. Moreover, Moses by no means speaks of these latter.

The reason why one cannot logically accept the authority of Moses in the species is twofold, namely: — first, because his law does not govern Christianity; and, second, because it is unbecoming to the customs of our time. However, let us suppose that this law has the fullness of authority given by some. However, as we have seen, it cannot apply to Spiritism. It is true that the prohibition of Moses includes the interrogation of the dead, but in a secondary way, as an accessory to the practices of witchcraft. The very word interrogation, together with those of soothsayer and soothsayer, proves that among the Hebrews, evocations were a means of guessing; however, Spiritists only evoke the dead to receive wise advice and obtain relief in favor of those who suffer, never to obtain illicit revelations. Certainly, if the Hebrews used communications as the Spiritists do, far from prohibiting them, Moses would encourage them, because his people would only have to profit.

Still another reason is alleged: — souls remain in the abode that divine justice assigns them — which is equivalent to saying in Heaven or in hell. Thus, those who are in hell cannot leave there, since for that purpose the widest freedom is granted to the demons. Those in Heaven, entirely given over to their beatitude, are far superior to mortals to take care of them, and are happy enough not to return to this land of miseries, in the interest of relatives and friends who left here. So these souls can be compared to the rich governors and princes of the colony of India, who look away from the poor for fear of upsetting their digestion. However, if that were the case, these souls would show themselves to be unworthy of supreme bliss, transforming themselves into a pattern of selfishness! Therefore, it is a case of saying: if souls cannot come, there is no need to fear disturbing their rest.

However, here another difficulty arises: if the blessed souls cannot leave the glorious mansion to help mortals, why does the Church invoke the assistance of the saints who must enjoy an even greater sum of beatitude? Why do you advise invoking them in cases of illness, affliction, of scourges? For what reason, and according to that same Church, do the saints and the Virgin herself appear to men and perform miracles? These leave Heaven to descend to Earth. However, those who are less elevated cannot do it!

Let skeptics deny the manifestation of vain souls, since they do not believe in them; but what is strange is to see people raging against the means of proving their existence, striving to demonstrate the impossibility of these means, the very ones whose beliefs rest on the existence and future of souls! It seems that it would be more natural to accept as a benefit of Providence the means of confusing skeptics with irrefutable proofs, since they are the deniers of religion itself. Those who have an interest in the existence of the soul constantly deplore the avalanche of unbelief that invades, decimating the flock of believers. However, when the most powerful means of combating is presented to them, they refuse it with as much or more obstinacy than the unbelievers themselves do. Then, when the evidence is so overwhelming that there is no room for doubt, they seek to ban the matter as a supreme argument, seeking, to justify it, an article of the Mosaic law that no one had thought of, lending it, by force, a non-existent meaning and application. In addition, they are so happy with the discovery that they do not realize that this article is still a justification of the Spiritist Doctrine.

No alleged reasons for condemning communication with Spirits withstand serious examination. From the ardor with which this is fought, it is easy to deduce the great interest attached to the subject. Hence the insistence. Seeing this crusade of all cults against demonstrations, one would say that they are terrified of them.

The real reason could well be the fear that very enlightened Spirits would come to instruct men on points that are intended to be obscured, giving them knowledge, at the same time, of the certainty of another world, along with the true conditions for being happy there or for being unfortunate. The cult that is with the absolute truth will have nothing to fear from the light, because the light makes the truth shine and the devil can do nothing against it.

Rejecting communications from beyond the grave is repudiating the most powerful means of instructing oneself, either through initiation into the knowledge of the future life, or through the examples that such communications provide us. Experience teaches us, moreover, the good we can do, diverting imperfect Spirits from evil, helping those who suffer to detach themselves from matter and to perfect themselves. To ban communications is, therefore, to deprive suffering souls of the assistance that we can and must give them”.

[1] - KARDEC, Allan. Heaven and hell. 51.ed.Rio [de Janeiro]: FEB, 2003, 1st. part, chap. XI, item 15, paragraph 1.

[2] - John, 14:16.

[3] - KARDEC, Allan. Heaven and hell. 51.ed.Rio [de Janeiro]: FEB, 2003, 1st. part, chap. XI, itens 8, 10 a 15, p. 161-165.

Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita