
By Eurípedes Kühl

Planetary Transition... When?

Regenerated Earth

Countless manifestations of High Spirits are included in the Codification of Spiritism, giving their opinion that there will be an inexorable earthly planetary transition. In addition, that Jesus will return  (“second advent of the Christ”).

Regarding the return of Jesus, the evangelist Matthew recorded several quotes from the Master himself: “After the tribulation of those days a sign will appear in Heaven and they will see the Son of Man coming (24-29,30); and they will see that He is near, at the gates (24-33); of that day and hour, however, no one knows, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father (24-36); when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on his glorious throne; and all nations will be gathered before him, and He will separate men one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and He will put the sheep on His right hand and the goats on His left (25-31 to 33).

Reflecting on the teachings above, containing allegorical passages of Jesus (and which biblical theologians called “The Last Judgment”), perhaps they mean that the reference is to precisely that, according to Spiritism, the Earth will pass from “a world of proofs and atonements” to a “regenerate world...”, that is, earthly humanity will be composed only of people who love God and neighbor and constantly strive to improve.

In fact, in the Codification of Spiritism we find records linked to the regeneration of the Earth, a future wonderful event, decanted by different sources of Spirituality, without specifying when it will happen.

In today's Spiritist circles, there are books and articles with statements that the planetary transition will take place, and there are even some mentioning in which year. I respect everyone. However, I think these are just guesses.

Moreover, mystics, fanatics, pseudo-sages and opportunists on duty, over time made and make predictions of the end of the world, mentioning dates, more under the influence of the Apocalypse of John, or on their own. So far, none of these predictions have come to fruition or come true.

As appropriate, I remind you that Kardec, in the Introduction to “The Gospel According to Spiritism” offered us an incomparable method for any event to fit and enforce the Doctrine of the Spirits. I believe that it is time when prudence recommends listening to the emeritus encoder of Spiritism (Kardec), pedagogically dealing with doctrinal purity:

- “In the universality of the teaching of the Spirits lies the strength of Spiritism (...). Outside the scope of exclusively moral teaching... the revelations must be considered personal opinions of this or that Spirit and it would be imprudent to accept and propagate them as absolute truths (...). The matching in what the Spirits teach is, therefore, the best proof (...). There is only one serious guarantee for the teaching of the Spirits: the concordance that there is between the revelations that they make spontaneously, using a large number of mediums who are strangers to each other and in various places”.

By the foregoing, I believe that any quote or record about the earthly planetary transition, with mention of the date that such an extraordinary blessing will occur, that will bathe the Earth, will be nothing more than a personal opinion.

By the way, about the regeneration of Humanity, not citing dates of when it will occur, Kardec made interesting reflections in Chapter XVIII - The times have come, from the book “The Genesis”:

Signs of the times - (...) physically, the terrestrial globe has experienced fantastic transformations, improving the conditions of human life, with the inhabitation of increasingly perfect beings, at the same time as the sanitation of unhealthy regions, facilitating communications and making the Earth more productive.

Proof of this is that Brazil is today the largest producer of food, thanks to Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Company), which has recovered vast portions of land, until then considered unsuitable or unsuitable for plantations!


In the Spiritist literature, it is repeatedly stated “God brings good out of evil”.

We are in May / 2022 and the pandemic that involved the whole world is in the phase of regression, thank God, significantly decreasing the number of infected people in specific treatment and of those who did not resist.

So, in my opinion, I think that, among so much suffering, at least one benefit so far the current pandemic has brought to Humanity: to sensitize hearts, regarding the sufferings of others; A remarkable worldwide fact is the number of people from the countless teams of doctors, nurses, administrative attendants and general food and hygiene services, professionally and lovingly caring for a large number of infected, saving thousands and thousands of lives.

(I cannot imagine current pandemic precursor of planetary transition soon).

Russia vs Ukraine War

As for the current war, I also think that the greatest and blessed example of a good, extracted from an evil, is the fact that motivated all Humanity to somehow unite and support millions of Ukrainian victims who, in forced flight, under duress and very high danger of life, they had to abandon everything (including family members) in their country and went on pilgrimage to unknown distant lands. In fact, charitable actions have erupted worldwide to support the needy in general, but especially the victims of war.

Many are the combatants of the attacked nation, who resist daily under desperate conditions, in the face of bombing, unable or failing to leave the unhappy and sad stage of war, where they live.

It is commendable that even in the aggressor country not a few people disapprove of the war and do so publicly, at the risk of imprisonment.

In fact, already in the 21st century, immense scientific and material progress has been achieved, but moral/spiritual progress skates on pride, vanity and the conquest of more power, attitudes absolutely contrary to the recommendations of Jesus, about love and respect for God and for neighbor.

Jesus and the power of God

When Divine Wisdom decides to promote a planet of trials and atonements, becoming categorized as the "World of regeneration", it means that it will house humanity that has evolved and, for example, is happier than the current humanity of Earth.

I also believe that such an assumption has something so transcendental that, when it happens, it is necessarily in obedience to Divine Laws, just and perfect, and not in obedience to the mad frenzy of unhappy spirits, incarnate or disincarnated, who, inspired by forces of evil, act under the inspiration of cruel spirits. In addition, most importantly, this change will obey the Divine delegation of the Supreme Creator to Jesus, our planetary spiritual governor, to organize and effect it. Perfectly, lovingly and fairly, it will result that each Spirit will receive what they deserve, both those of promoted humanity and those who are led to a new world address, consistent with the non-transferable need for new fraternal learning...

I have faith and I firmly believe in the power of God and, if, contrary to the unfathomable divine designs, there is a human decision to use atomic weapons, I think that the supreme Creator has and has always had infinite attributes of Love and Justice to prevent the innocent from suffering.


Prophecies, John's Apocalypse and Jesus' warnings offer undoubted information that Earthly Humanity will progress, formed only by people who deserve it, i.e., who love God and neighbor.

This blessed list of information leaves no doubt that our Humanity will undergo regeneration, separating good from evil, the good from the bad, the rebellious from the meek and peaceful, something like this paraphrasing the lesson of separating the sheep from the goats (Matthew 25- 32) and the Parable of the wheat and the tares. Good will be promoted to inhabitants of regenerated worlds. As for those who do not achieve this merit, they will be tenants of worlds where they will adjust to the Moral Laws and bring progress; in parallel, they will evolve, until they conquer physical existences in better worlds, in line with their evolutionary degree.

One day, undoubtedly, they will also inhabit a regenerated world.

What is not in any consecrated source is when all these things will happen...

As for a second advent of the Master of Masters (return among us), I reflect in a simple essay and with respect to the Greater Plan that it is possible that it will occur alongside the realization of the planetary transition, i.e., these two splendid and blessed events, obviously with Jesus ahead, will occur simultaneously under the permission of the Supreme Creator!

So, the thought-provoking question that when this will happen (Jesus will return and simultaneously the Earthly Humanity will inhabit a happier world than the Earth), He himself has already answered:

"No one knows about that hour, only the Father who is in Heaven."

In fact, at the end of the physical presence of Jesus among us He declared:

All power is given to me in Heaven and on Earth (...) and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age!" (Matthew 28-18 and 20.)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita