Letter to the reader

Year 16 - 789 - September 11, 2022

One day the Earth will be a regenerated world; we just don't know When

The above thought is from our collaborator Eurípedes Kühl, author of numerous works and a well-known and respected scholar in the spiritist milieu. One should not, in the name of Spiritism, play with serious things. This concern is present in the special Planetary Transition... When?, in the conclusion of which the author says that, without a doubt, the Earth will one day be a world of regeneration, but there is no established source when this will happen. The article is one of the highlights of this issue.

Another highlight is the interview that psychologist and writer Simone de Oliveira Ferreira, from São José (SC), gave to our collaborator Orson Peter Carrara. She lives in Santa Catarina for 15 years, and participates in the activities of the Spiritist Society Tereza de Jesus, in her city, and also in the Spiritist Center Without Borders, which is totally virtual, acting in the spiritist movement as a fraternal attendant, facilitator of groups of studies and speaker.

There was another birthday this week – which took place in Macaé (RJ) on September 9, 1853 – of Pedro Richard, one of the pioneers of the Brazilian spiritist movement. A companion of Bezerra de Menezes, the Sayão brothers, Maia de Lacerda, Leopoldo Cirne and others, Pedro Richard was one of the founders of the "Ismael Group", as Ana Moraes shows us in a special article published in this issue.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita