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O Consolador

De Nubor Orlando Facure
Translator: Eleni Frangatos
Editora Virtual O Consolador

This book now published by EVOC – Editora Virtual O Consolador, is authored by the physician and Professor Nubor Facure, author of countless other works, among them the e-books Mediumship, a clinical study and Dr. Nubor Facure’s Spiritist “Stories” also published by EVOC. The author lives in the city of Campinas (State of Sao Paulo).

Dr. Nubor Orlando Facure recently completed 50 years working as a physician in the areas of Neurology and Neurosurgery.

He was born in the city of Uberaba, and began as a Spiritist at the age of 7 when he accompanied his Family, having lived with important figures that followed the Spiritist Doctrine at the time, before the arrival of Chico Xavier to the city of Uberaba.

The musical and literally meetings and the Circle of Studies at the Uberabense Spiritist Center served as a crucible to mold his knowledge within Allan Kardec's instructions. Subsequently, the close coexistence with the work of the medium Chico Xavier complemented his Spiritist formation.

His admission to the Faculty of Medicine and his specialization in Neurology allowed him to get to know thousands of human beings who were committed to the suffering that neurological diseases almost always cause.

For centuries the brain and mind dilemma has motivated divergences between the proposed monism - the brain produces the mind - and dualism, according to which the mind is an immaterial entity independent of the brain.

Presently, the conservative academic environment holds the mind as a byproduct of the activity of the assemblies of neurons.

In order to understand the discomfort of this debate, another difficulty was introduced: where would conscience be and what produces it?

This is one of the central themes of the present work, in which the author aims at the displacement of a barrier, overcoming a border and accessing another dimension, another processing environment and connections, leaving the physical to the spiritual domain, from the physical body to the spiritual body, not as a chimera, but by revealing the psychic experiences that demonstrate the existence of a spiritual brain beyond the physical brain.

It is a discussion in the physical-chemical environment of the physical brain that apparently, if official Science does not open itself to metaphysics, it will never completely resolve itself.

Only the recognition of these facts highlights the importance of this work. Its cover was kindly conceived and elaborated by the plastic artist Claudia Rezende Barbeiro, whom we thank.


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EVOC - Editora Virtual
O Consolador