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Study of the Works of Allan Kardec   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 9 - N° 459 - April 3, 2016

Paraná (Brasil)  
Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Posthumous Works

Allan Kardec

(Part 5)

In this issue we continue the study of the book Posthumous Works, published after Allan Kardec disembodied and containing texts written by him. The present work is based on the translation made by Dr. Guillon Ribeiro, published by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation. 

Questions for discussion 

41. When the physical body dies, does the Spirit have a fluidic body?

42. What is the role of the perispirit?

43. Where is the perispirit located in man?

44. What is the role of the perispirit in a person's life?

45. Are the Spirit’s manifestations always spontaneous?

46. Can the perispirit become visible to our eyes?

47. Besides being invisible, does the perispirit also have the attribute of penetrability?

48. What are the most common Visual Manifestations?

49. Can an apparition become tangible?

50. Can the Spirit appear to one only person among a group of people?

Answers to the proposed questions 

41. When the physical body dies, does the Spirit have a fluidic body?

Yes. They have a fluidic body which is given the name of perispirit. Its substance is drawn from the universal or cosmic fluid that forms and feeds it, in the same manner as the air forms and feeds man’s material body. The perispirit is more or less ethereal according to the worlds and according to the degree of purification of the Spirit. In the worlds of inferior Spirits, their nature is coarser and closer to the raw material. The Spirit preserves its perispirit during incarnation; for him the body is only a second coarser wrap, tougher, appropriate to the tasks to be met, and from which he is free when he dies. (Posthumous Works, The Perispirit as the Principle of the Manifestations). 

42. What is the role of the perispirit? 

It is the intermediary between the Spirit and the body. It is the transmission organ of all sensations. For those who come from the outside, it can be said that the body gets the impression, the perispirit transmits it and the Spirit, being sensitive and intelligent, receives it. When the act begins as an initiative of the Spirit, one can say that the Spirit wants, the perispirit transmits it, and the body performs it. (Posthumous Works, The Perispirit as the Principle of the Manifestations). 

43. Where is the perispirit located in man?

It is not enclosed in the body limits, such as in a box. Given its fluidic nature, it is expandable. It beams around and forms around the body an atmosphere that thought and willpower can more or less extend it. Thus, we arrive to the conclusion that the people, who are not in contact with each other, can however experience this contact through the perispirit and transmit impressions and even the intuition of their thoughts. (Posthumous Works, The Perispirit as the Principle of the Manifestations). 

44. What is the role of the perispirit in a person's life?

Being one of the constituent elements of man, the perispirit plays an important role in all psychological phenomena and, to some extent, in physiological and pathological phenomena. It is through the perispirit that Spirits act on inert matter and produce the various phenomena of the manifestations, such as taps, and noises of all kinds, lifting objects, transported or projected in space. (Posthumous Works, The Perispirit as the Principle of the Manifestations). 

45. Are the Spirit’s manifestations always spontaneous?

No, they can also be caused. The spontaneous manifestations occur suddenly and unexpectedly, and occur often in people that are unaware of the Spiritist ideas. In certain cases and under certain circumstances, events may be caused by the will, under the influence of gifted people, with special powers for this purpose. (Posthumous Works, The Perispirit as the Principle of the Manifestations). 

46. Can the perispirit become visible to our eyes?

Yes, due to its nature and in its normal state, the perispirit is invisible, and has that in common with a multitude of fluids known to exist and which, however, we have never seen. But it can also, just as certain fluids, undergo changes that make it visible, or by a type of condensation, or by a change in the molecular arrangement. It can even get the properties of a solid and tangible body, and instantly resume its ethereal and invisible state. These different states of the perispirit are the result of the will of the Spirit, and not of an external physical cause, as it happens with gas. When a Spirit appears, it is because he puts his perispirit in the state needed to make it visible. But his will is not always enough: it is necessary that for the perisprit to suffer a change that several independent circumstances apply. It is necessary, however, that the Spirit has permission to be seen by such a person, and this is not always granted, or because of certain circumstances, or for reasons we cannot appreciate. (Posthumous Works, Visual Manifestations). 

47. Besides being invisible, does the perispirit also have the attribute of penetrability? 

Yes, because of its ethereal nature, it holds the attribute of penetrability, i.e., no matter is an obstacle. It crosses all matter as a light passes through the transparent bodies. That is why there is no enclosure that can oppose the entry of the Spirits; they will visit the prisoner in his cell as easily as a man who is in the middle of the field. (Posthumous Works, Visual Manifestations). 

48. What are the most common Visual Manifestations? 

The most common occur during sleep, through dreams: they are the visions. The apparitions themselves occur in a waking state, and generally are seen under a vaporous and diaphanous form, sometimes vague and indecisive; other times, they are seen with precision and it is possible to make a very clear description of them. The steps and the appearance are similar to what they were when the Spirit was incarnate. But being able to take all appearances, the Spirit may be present under the form through which he can be best recognized, if he wishes to do this. Also, even though as a Spirit he has no bodily infirmity, he can show up crippled, lame, bruised, scarred, if this is necessary for his identification. (Posthumous Works, Visual Manifestations). 

49. Can an apparition become tangible? 

Yes, it can have all the appearances of a solid body, in fact producing a complete illusion and making one believe that you are facing a corporeal being. In some cases, under certain circumstances, the tangibility can become real, that is, you can touch, feel, feel the same strength, and the same heat as part of a living body. However, this does not prevent it from fading at lightning speed. (Posthumous Works, Visual Manifestations). 

50. Can the Spirit appear to one only person among a group of people? 

Yes, it can. This is explained due to the fact that for the phenomenon to occur there has to be a combination between the perispiritual fluid of the Spirit and the one of the person. Therefore, it is needed that between theses fluids there is a kind of affinity that favors the combination; if the Spirit does not find the necessary organic fitness, the phenomenon of apparition cannot be reproduced. If the fitness exists, the Spirit is free to take it or not; from this fact we arrive to the conclusion that if two people are equally apt for this and are together, the Spirit can operate the fluidic combination with only one of them, not using the other person, who therefore will not see it. (Posthumous Works, Visual Manifestations). 



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