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Special Portuguese Spanish    

Year 9 - N° 456 - March 13, 2016

Osasco, SP (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Cláudio Bueno da Silva

The greatest message

 Authentic Christianity is the greatest message of love ever heard in the world

Many were the messengers that God sent to Earth at all times to improve men with their examples of love and wisdom.

We will briefly mention some of the most significant, who gave their lives for the progress of the world:

Moses, Hebrew, 1500 BC, the Founder of Judaism. He is considered the author of the first five books of the Bible, known as the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, with the Ten Commandments, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy where the Ten Commandments are once again mentioned). These five books are the Jewish Torah. Besides the Pentateuch, we find several books in the Bible, written by several Prophets, such as Joshua, Samuel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and others. Christianity and Islam also accept the Bible (Old Testament), whole or in part.

Lao Tzu, Chinese, 530 BC, was the founder of Taoism. Taoist traditions and ethical preach serenity, moderation of desires, simplicity, contemplation of nature and what they call the "three treasures": compassion, moderation and humility.

Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), 520 BC, Founder of the Buddhist philosophy. Born in Nepal, bordering India, he did not want to convert anyone, but enlighten the people with his teachings, the fruits of his own experience. The main goal of Buddhism is to help each one to be free from suffering, and seeking happiness by detaching from matter. 

Jan Huss, precursor of Protestantism 

Confucius, Chinese, 510 BC, raised the philosophy that is called Confucianism. Among the concerns of this thinker were morality, politics, pedagogy and religion. For Confucius, the goal was not salvation, but wisdom and self-knowledge.

Socrates, Greek, 440 BC. He left nothing in writing, fought the traditional beliefs and put true virtue above the hypocrisy and deception of formalism, i.e., fought religious prejudices. He defended the oneness of God, the immortality of the soul and the existence of the afterlife.

Mohammed, Saudi, 570 AD, the founder of Islamism. The Muslim Holy Book is the Koran, and it consists of 114 chapters (Suras). Islamism today has more than one billion followers. It preaches the omnipotence of God (Allah) and the need for kindness, generosity and justice in the relations between human beings.

Francis of Assisi, born in Italy, 1182. He dedicated himself to the poor, tried to imitate the life of Christ, living with extreme simplicity. He traveled and delivered Christian preaching, instead of isolating himself in monasteries.

Jan Hus, Czech priest, born in 1369, was the forerunner of the Protestant Reformation. He did not accept papal supremacy and said that Christ and not Peter was the Head of the Church and the Gospel the only law. It was burned at the stake by decision of the Holy Office, the Inquisition Court. Later Jan Huss reincarnated as Allan Kardec. 

The principles defended by Spiritism 

Martin Luther, German, born in 1483, was an Augustinian monk, professor of Theology, and was the central figure of the Protestant Reformation. He fought the Catholic dogmas.

Allan Kardec, 1804, a French pedagogue and educator. Under the guidance of Higher Spirits, he organized Spiritism. The Doctrine is mainly composed of five works: The Book of Spirits, The Book of Mediums, The Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell, and The Genesis. Spiritism defends the precedence and immortality of the soul, reincarnation, and the communicability with the Spirits, the plurality of inhabited worlds. Allan Kardec used scientific methodology to study the phenomena called mediumship and adopted the universality criterion for the collection and formation of the principles that make up the Spiritist Doctrine.

Of all the mentioned messengers of God, only Socrates and Allan Kardec suggested in their studies the immortality of the soul, and the dynamic existence of afterlife. The others left general guidelines on human behavior, social relationships, and the development of the virtues that enlighten the soul, the pursuit of happiness, the spiritual welfare, and so on.

In the contemporary world we can name a few Spirits, among many, who also contributed to the moral progress of Humanity: Gandhi, Teresa of Calcutta, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Chico Xavier. They were mature Spirits, advanced, and their examples of Charity, Fraternity, and Humanity conquered the world.                                   

No one was greater than Jesus of Nazareth  

God never abandoned Humanity. From time to time, according to its advance, instructors are sent to make it progress further.

Of all these Missionaries, of greater or lesser importance, and many others that reincarnated on Earth to civilize, humanize and enlighten men, none was bigger than Jesus of Nazareth, born in the year I of our era. A Spirit of elite, seen as the most wise and loving ever reincarnated among men, whom he called “brothers” left in His illuminated passage through this Earth, the purest moral doctrine that has fully transformed and will go on transforming Humanity.

Without leaving a written word, His life among us was so strikingly marked by the examples that His ideas and vigorous thoughts, totally in tune with God, even suffering severe and prolonged persecution, still keep the strength and the truth comforting the afflicted, leading the unbelievers to believe and they still confuse the proud and haughty, until the day that the latter also come to believe and trust.

Authentic Christianity, recently restored by Spiritism, is the greatest message of love ever heard in the world. Its truth is the foundation of the Laws of God. Its strength comes from the living exemplification of what Jesus preached. 

Jesus does not give up on us 

Jesus was the Coordinator of the creation of our world. In perfect communion with God, it is He who gives the last word on matters relating to our Humanity.

And to say that this unique Spirit, all love, was among us! ... He worried with our fate, gave His physical life in a remarkable experience that crossed centuries and still works on our understanding. For Humanity, more important than any of the so-called miracles was His Gospel, which contains the will of the Father.

For all this and all that we still do not understand very well, we could serve Him more, by trying to better follow His advice.

But Jesus did not give up on us. He continues working to our benefit, and although He is still misunderstood, He still invites us to accept the piece of spiritual bread that will nourish our Spirit to eternal life.

Recalling chapter 12, verses 46-50, Matthew's Gospel, we can, through our effort, our will, and our moral transformation, be considered by Jesus as members of His spiritual family. 

Author’s note:

Some data on the first part of this work were collected at various sites on internet. This quick sketch is intended to give a general idea of the multiple doctrines and schools of thought available to man by Divine Providence for the growth as an immortal Spirit, being the true Christian Doctrine the most complete expression of God's purposes with Humanity.


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