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Letter to the reader Portuguese Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 452 - February 14, 2016
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


A chat with the journalist and writer Marcelo Teixeira 

“What are you hungry for?” is the tile of our editorial which brings considerations around the homonymous phrase that is the provisional title of an interesting book which is going to be launched soon. The elaboration has been coordinated by the journalist and writer Marcelo Teixeira. 

“Nobody will change the world for us.” This sentence was said by the journalist and writer Marcelo Teixiera, our interviewed of the day. He is spirit since he was born in Petrópolis (RJ), where he lives and coordinates the social communication area of the 3º Spirit Board of Unification (CEU), from CEERJ. He talks about his books and says what he expects from the work Você Tem Fome de Quê? (What are you hungry for?). The interview is one of the highlights of the current edition. 

Another highlight is the especial “A carrum navalis that meat worth nothing”, authored by our collaborator Jorge Hessen, member of Editorial’s Board of our magazine. In his article the author analyses carnival, a popular party in Brazil in which, unfortunately, is regrettable unto excesses. 

In the last February 6th, it happened in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, the 1er Encuentro Espírita de las Tres Fronteras, which united spirit panelists from Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. The report about the event is also a spot from this magazine’s number. 

Tomorrow, on 15th it is celebrated another year of the launch occurred on 2/15/1925 by Revista Internacional de Espiritismo – International Magazine of Spiritism. Founded by Cairbar Schutel, who founded years before in the city Matão (SP) the newspaper O Clarim, The Trumpet. The Internacional Magazine of Spiritism (RIE), which is still printed, became one of the most respectable publications in the spirit Brazilian midst. Congratulations for the date to its founders and current leaders.


  Director of Writing: Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho

Administrative Director: José Carlos Munhoz Pinto


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism