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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 449 - January 24, 2016
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


Life has a meaning and it is important to remember that 

In the same newspaper, within a difference of 15 days, it was read the statement below given for people with the same graduation in Psychology:

“I think we look into too much meaning in life. One of the reasons of unhappiness I think it comes from this incapacity to live light, to live together with the fact that life does not have a meaning.
(Contardo Calligaris, Italian Psychiatrist in an interview published in Gazeta do Povo – People´s Newspaper, January 4th 2016, page 8.) (The bold is ours.)


“The development of dependency is realated to five components: family, psychological, biological, spiritual and social. (…) spiritual component has to deal with the perception of the meaning of life. It is lower the experience with drugs and use repetition among young adults who have relation with spirituality.” (Raphael Mestres, master in Chemical Dependencies by University of Salvador, in Buenos Aires and coauthor of the book It gives nothing, about chemical dependency, in a public interview published in People´s Newspaper, December 19th and 20th 2015, page 31.) (The bold is ours.)

Life, according to the psychiatrist Calligaris, it does not make sense.

Different is people´s opinion to whom the psychologist Raphael Mestres refers to.

After all, does life have a meaning or not?

Of course life has, indeed, a meaning. It is not a blind shot, or a soap opera where it is missing an editor or direction.

The reader can think that this is the way dogmatically we express ourselves, ignoring the doctrine is not made of dogmas, or the result of conciliar decisions or papal decrees. Far away different from it, it bases in the testimonial, confirmed thousand times, of people who also nourished mistaken thoughts but one day returning to the true life, they had to rethink their concepts.

We refer to February 2014 when it was remarked in this same space the book Before Good, the first work authored by Erick, pseudonym used by the brilliant Brazilian writer, who transmitted it through the medium Célia Xavier Camargo, our editorial´s fellow. (1)

The vision that Erick had in life and of the world when He was incarnated was totally different of the Erick-disincarnated vision.

He was in disagreement with inequality, injustice and illness of earth society, Erick rejected in life the idea of God and as a consequence, everything it comes further which we call faith. Life for him was like for Contardo Calligaris, meaningless.

It came, however, the blessed disembodiment and Erick could finally notice with his own eyes that life and the world obey to a meticulous plan and during the execution of it, it is strong the presence of the Creator and the spiritual Benefactors that the goodness of the Father allows them to watch us, then we do not go far away from what we need to follow to reach the goal to what we were all created.

It is read in the main spirit work the below answer given by the immortals to the question “Which is the aim of Spirits’ incarnation?”:


“God imposes them the incarnation to make them reach perfection. To some is atonement; to others, mission. But to reach perfection, they have to suffer to all the events of body existence: this is the atonement. Incarnation also aims other purpose: to put the Spirit in conditions to endure the part of the creation it is responsible for. To execute it, in each world, the spirit takes an instrument in harmony with the basic matter of that world in order to accomplish from that point of view, God´s order. It is like this, going to the general work, he himself step forwards it.” (The Spirit´s Book, Allan Kardec, question 132.)

That there are many Ericks around we believe that nobody denies it.

It is a pity that it takes disembodiment to change their vision about life, world and most of all to God, our Creator, that we own everything.   

(1) The mentioned text, titled Before God, can be read clicking on: http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano7/350/editorial.html



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