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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 447 - January 10, 2016
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


Sorrow... until when?

Amazing news that occupied the news programs earlier this week, the first in 2016.

Earthquake in northeastern India near the border with Myanmar and Bangladesh, road accidents in our country with several deaths, floods, landslides, electrocuted family in front of their own homes... And to top it off, the acts of aggression and violence that followed the diplomatic rift between two great Asian nations where Islam is the dominant religion. We refer, in this case, Saudi Arabia and Iran, disruption which, incidentally, was expanded with the accession of Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, which also broke with Iran.

Examining these and other cases that appear every week in the media, of course it is not difficult to ascertain those caused by actions of the man himself and the others occurring without there being a direct relationship between the fact and what we have done.

"In the world ye shall have tribulation. Courage! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33.)

The above words, spoken by Jesus and recorded by the evangelist are expressive and even more prophetic.

Why in the world we shall have tribulation?

It is not necessary to adopt any belief to note that, regardless of our will, it is what has marked the history of the Earth from its beginnings.

World of tests and atonement, our orb still receives imperfect spirits, with a large chart full of actions and omissions that we need to heal, repair, fix...

Our imperfection does not allow us, except in rare cases, to modify on the strength of a word or advice. Then it comes the pain as a necessary and highly effective measure, as we all surely have noted in our own behavior or the behavior of family and friends visited by the suffering.

We have already mentioned here and it bears repeating that, according to the received teaching of the immortals, someone's regeneration process which hurt God's law involves three factors contest: repentance, atonement and reparation - the latter two, educational measures, not punitive, the person asks itself when preparing a new passage through the reincarnation experience.

As an example of how divine justice processes, let remember the case of Letil, a French industrialist who died in April 1864, of horrendous way, when he fell on the entire contents of a boiling varnish boiler. In the twinkling of an eye his body was covered with burning matter. When it could be provided to him first aid, since the torn meat fell apart, bare bones of a body and face. He still survived twelve hours the excruciating sufferings, preserving, however, all the presence of mind until the last moment, without having heard from his lips a single moan, one complaint. Letil died praying to God.

As it was a very honest man, a gentle and affectionate character, loved and dear of those who knew him, of course no one understood why so sad tragedy claimed his life. Later, however, evoked the Spirit Society of Paris, the very Letil gave news about his situation in the spirit world and revealed the cause that had given him so sad fate.

He said then:

"It goes for two centuries that I had sent to burn a girl, innocent as can be at her age - 12 to 14. What was the charge on her? Complicity in a conspiracy against the clerical politics. I was then Italian and an inquisitive judge; as the executioners dared not touch the body of the poor child, I was even the judge and the executioner.

Oh! How it is great, divine justice! To you submitted, I promised myself not to flinch in the day of battle, and glad I have the strength to keep the appointment. I did not mutter, and you forgave me, oh! God! But when does it go out from my mind the memory of the poor innocent victim? That memory is what makes me suffer! It is necessary, therefore, that she forgives me.

Oh! you, the new doctrine fans who often say it cannot avoid the evils by nescience the past! Oh! My brothers! Praise before the Father, because if such a reminder accompany you to the Earth, there would no longer rest in your hearts. How could you, constantly harassed by shame, remorse, enjoy a moment of peace? Forgetting then is a benefit, because the thought here is torture. A few more days, and as a reward of the resignation with which I endured my pain, God will grant me oblivion of the fault. Here is the promise that my good angel made to me." (Heaven and Hell by Allan Kardec - Part 2 - Chapter VIII).

We hope that the above explanations, although it does not bring back the dear departed relative, it helps us understand that in life everything that emanates from the Father is just and is aimed only our good and our happiness. 



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