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Year 9 - N° 443 - December 6, 2015

Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Gerson Simões Monteiro

The various Colonies and Aid Stations in the Spiritual World

In question 234 of The Book of Spirits, Allan Kardec asked the Spirits Instructors, about item "Transitory Worlds", when addressing issues relating to "Spiritist Life": - "Are there , indeed, as already stated, worlds that serve as stations or rest points to wandering Spirits?" And the answer of the Instructors of Humanity: "Yes, there are worlds particularly intended for wandering beings, worlds that serve as a temporary housing, (very simple and quick permanence camps) where they can rest from a long wandering (erraticity), an always painful stage. (...) ".

Of course, at that time the Superior Spirits gradually revealed their teachings to Humanity, since in 1857 they could not yet speak of wandering Spirits communities, i.e., Spirits awaiting new reincarnations to reach the spiritual perfection, living in cities structured in buildings of solid nature in the Earth's atmosphere on fertile ground vegetation, and all with close resemblance to what we see now in the present Earth crust. It would be quite possible that the opponents of Spiritism, before this revelation, and such heresy, most probably would light an inquisitorial bonfire to burn Allan Kardec as a heretic.

Recently, in 1980 when I was with Chico Xavier, at his home in Uberaba, he told me that when he was working on the psychographics Our Home, in the 1930s, he was branded a "fascinated medium", and that he himself was very confused by the whole situation. However, to undo all this, the Spiritual Benefactor Andre Luiz took him in detachment, to a point just above "Our Home", so he could see above the city, and could observe the reality of what was working on. At that time, Chico explained to me also that what he saw that night is exactly designed on the map of the Colony, by the medium Heigorina Cunha, and presented in the book City Beyond. 


The book When you want to talk about life, the young man, with an Israelite formation, Roberto Muskat, disembodied on March 14, 1979. It presents 22 psychographic messages by the medium Chico Xavier, addressed to his parents and family. In the message of November 16, 1979, he tells his mother about his death, and how he was helped by his grandfather Moszek Aron, who by saying the words "Leshaná Habaá bi - Yerushalayim" (it is a goodbye, meaning: next year in Jerusalem), reassured him and made him sleep as a child.

When he awoke, he found himself in a white linen bed with his grandmother Rachel watching over him. After some time, his grandfather Moszek came to take him to meet other Spirits friends in a large school and hospital. Those friends sang the hymn Shalom Aleichem (hymn that welcomes the angels of peace, sung on Friday nights) and his grandfather, then blessed him. Tears ran down his face, while his grandfather was promoting the Seder (festive meeting in the first and second night of the Jewish Easter), where he had the opportunity to ask lots of questions.

Roberto Muszkat still says ipsis verbis: "I then found out that I was in Erets Israel (Land of Israel), or the Renaissance Land, there are no words to describe its beauty. There, in that province of the earthly space, rose another luminous city of Prophets (...). With these notes I do not mean I was in a privileged city because other nations also have them within the spheres surrounding the Planet, but in that corner was my heart beating with thousands or millions of other hearts, consecrated to our Single Father". 

This spiritual colony is quoted in the book Life beyond the veil, dictated by various spirits, received by the psychic mechanics writing of the English Reverend G. Vale Owen, edited by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), translated by Carlos Imbassahy. This spiritual Colony – its information came in with the first edition of the above mentioned book (1920) - has as its basic task the care of children. It receives disembodied Spirits in childhood, prepares them for the new reality of life, and reintegrates them to plans designed for them after they have returned to the adult form. It also prepares Spirits for reincarnation, accompanying them in the infant stage.

Although the predominant language in the book is not the present one, it is a pleasant reading book, which greatly enlightens us. The Colony, situated between mountains, has a golden dome in the center, surrounded by a terrace full of columns. A long street runs through the city from one end to the other, forming a mall, where their leaders’ homes are located. There are many grounds, spacious buildings and structures for the care of children. Many farm workers live there, dedicated to horticulture, and many workers of the city, dedicated to tasks regarding childhood. It is a very beautiful and bright place. There are many fountains and a harmonious environment. The desire to do well prevails. 


The book Memoirs of a Suicide by the Spirit Camilo Candido Botelho, received through the medium Yvonne A. Pereira, describes the Correctional Colony of the Legion of Servants of Mary, an evangelical and social service work that helps suicides. Its leaders and servers act on behalf of Holy Mary, its Mentor and Higher Guide.

The Colony is represented by a fortress, surrounded by a set of fortified walls, located in a sad and desolate region, wrapped in mists as if the whole landscape was covered by the shroud of continuous snow, although it offers the possibility of being seen. This fortress reminds us of a medieval castle with moat, turrets and a shifting bridge.

Inside the fortress there are numerous buildings with their service departments, which unfold, constituting a real city in the dark regions, offering the suicidal Spirit the necessary assistance to begin his moral uplifting.


The Spirit Andre Luiz in the book Between Earth and Heaven reveals through the psychographics of Francisco Candido Xavier, FEB’s edition, that the Home of Blessing is an important educational Colony, a mixed school for mothers and a home for the little ones returning from the carnal sphere. This colony is located in the corresponding spiritual space of the territory of Brazil and its purpose is to prepare mothers for a responsible motherhood and assist children who disincarnate and reincarnate.

Andre Luiz informs further that such children receive the necessary support to their spiritual readjustment. So it is that in the first moments when they become free of their body and while still imbalance, they are blessed by the superior and friendly support of the Spiritual Benefactors of the Home of Blessing and the unforgettable affection of those who were their mothers, which, although still prey to the bonds of flesh, are, however, brought to the Colony to assist and monitor the uplifting of their children. 


Peace Mansion is a school of spiritual adjustment, under the jurisdiction of "Our Home". The Spirit Andre Luiz states this in the book Action and Reaction, psychographic by Francisco Candido Xavier, published by FEB: "The establishment, located in the lower regions, is a kind of “St. Bernard Monastery” in an area punished by a hostile nature, with the difference that the snow, almost constant around the famous convent, jammed in the canyons between Switzerland and Italy was here replaced by thick shadow, thickened, moving and terrible, around the institution, as if touched by ceaseless wind”. According to Andre Luiz, it is an institution meant to receive unhappy or sick Spirits, but decided to work for their own regeneration. These creatures improve in these colonies to enlighten their Superior Life or returning to the realm of men for a better reincarnation.


The Stations, or Aid Centers, are situated in the lower spheres of the spiritual region. They represent an advanced campus of a spiritual colony, as Conan Doyle tells us in the work History of Spiritism. Spirits enlightened and devoted to goodness, perform in these locations missionary work, characterized by great difficulties and dangers similar to those that are faced by the men, who tried to evangelize the wildest existing ethnic group on Earth.
The missionary Spirits fight hard combats with the inhabitants of the dark regions, especially with their leaders, true princes of evil, who are formidable in their own kingdoms. These Spheres are the waiting rooms - hospitals for sick souls - where the punishing experience is intended to bring the sufferer to health and happiness.


"Campo da Paz” (Field of Peace)  is a Station located in the lower zones, and its mission is to receive sick Spirits, more unbalanced than evil, due to the shock of their physical death, the relative attachment they still have regarding people and things left on this Earth.

This information is in the book The Messengers, dictated by the Spirit Andre Luiz, psychographic by Chico Xavier and published by FEB. In this Station, the disembodied are received, processed, adjusted and then sent to other plans. Many of these Spirits arrive to this Help Station demented, absent from the reality of the place where they are. Many of them remain in a state of deep sleep. 


The essential purpose of the Transitional House is to provide urgent aid and, due to its location on a dark and evil area, it suffers a permanent siege by desperate and suffering Spirits, convicted by their own conscience to revolt and pain. It is a mobile shelter and to ensure their magnetic defenses, it requires a large number of servers and godly friends who remain there day and night, side by side with suffering.

The Spirit Andre Luiz in the book Workers of Eternal Life, psychographic by Francisco Candido Xavier published by FEB, informs that the work of this House is the most worthy and uplifting. In that building of Christian Charity they centralize numerous expeditions of loyal brothers  to do good, and they go to the Planetary Crust or the dark Spheres, to help those who are struggling in pain, distressed and ignorant beings in a long trip through the dark abysses.

Our Benefactor Spirit, Andre Luiz, says it is a great pious institution, in an environment of great suffering to where the newly disembodied souls are brought, in the vicinity of the Earth's Crust, which was founded by Fabiano de Cristo, devoted servant of charity among ancient religious of Rio de Janeiro, disembodied years ago. Organized by him, it was entrusted from time to time to other Benefactors of a spiritual high level to accomplish an evangelical work with the recent disincarnated Spirits. Fabiano’s Transitory House is a mobile aid station, which moves when necessary, along the Umbral regions.


Faced with this information, I believe that there must be thousands of Colonies around the Earth, each one bringing together related Spirits, according to race, religion, culture, moral progress and so on. Accepting that around the Earth live approximately 13 billion disembodied Spirits, and dividing by one million Spirits in each Colony (considering the population of Our Home), we will have at least 13,000 colonies scattered throughout the Space around the Earth, outside the Aid Stations linked to these Colonies.

Now, if we depend on official human Science to officially prove the existence of these Spiritual Colonies and Aid Stations in the Spiritual World, we must remember that if Allan Kardec needed scientific confirmation for the existence of the Soul or Reincarnation to publish The Book of Spirits, today he would still be waiting for the official announcement and we would still wait for a long time. Anyway, we cannot lose sight of the REVEALING aspect of Spiritism, which anticipated to human knowledge the existence of the Soul, Reincarnation, including the Perispirit. 

Gerson Simões Monteiro is President of Funtarso, Provider of Radio Rio de Janeiro.


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