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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 438 - November 1st, 2015
Matão, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Julieta Côva Checchia: 

“The experience at the Allan Kardec Spiritist Centre in Campinas gave me a perspective of true Spiritism”

The Spiritist leader in the Brazilian city of Campinas talks about the work carried out at the celebrated Spiritist Centre Allan Kardec

Julieta Côva Checchia (photo), born and bread in the city of Campinas (in the state of São Paulo), has been a Spiritist since the age of nine. In this interview she talks about her work at the Allan Kardec Spiritist Centre (CEAK), where she works as Advisor to the Division of Studies and Communication. CEAK is one of the most renow-

ned Spiritist organisations in Brazil. It was there that two of the great names of the Spiritist Movement worked as volunteers: Therezinha Oliveira and Daisy Jurgensen.  

How has your experience at the Allan Kardec Spiritist Centre changed the way you see the world? 

My experience at CEAK gave me a perspective of true Spiritism according to the books of the codification of the Teachings by the master, Allan Kardec. 

How do you deal with the social challenges of our times? 

The knowledge of Spiritism, which is enlightening, makes it easier to understand the nature of the events that are happening now. They are part of the process of evolution of the planet, but we must bear in mind that everything is in a permanent process of renovation. 

What has CEAK-Campinas meant to you in your life experience? 

CEAK-Campinas was my school of life. I grew up, raised a family and I am getting older under the guard of this friendly house and all of those who were my masters and companions. 

What did it mean to you sharing many of years of your life with Dayse and Therezinha Oliveira? 

I met Daisy Jurgensen shortly after I joined CEAK. She was my teacher in Gospel classes and later my colleague at the Centre, a friend and many times also my mother. Therezinha Olieira joined CEAK when I was 15. I was taken by joyful she was, by her dedication to Spiritism and her continuous encouragement to studying and working. They were very dear to me and had a very important at CEAK and particularly in my life. 

What specifically did they mean for CEAK? 

They meant a great deal. They had great knowledge of the Teachings and they were also very efficient on the administration side. They were true examples of responsibility towards the institution and the Spiritist cause. 

What is the most vivid memory you have of all these years with CEAK? 

Our Spiritist Centre is 77-year’s old this year. There were so many remarkable events, but I would like to mention the visit we had of Chico Xavier in 1974 and the many visits by Divaldo Franco, who gave us memorable talks. 

How is the daily work at CEAK and what are your main challenges?

The work here is nonstop. We have a permanent concern about the formation of new volunteers to work on the many courses we offered. The main challenge we have is how to combine continuous growth with keeping the high standards. We need to keep Spiritism, in all its greatness, simple, truthful and inexhaustible.  

What would you like to mention about the history of CEAK? 

We have remained faithful to two articles in the documents of its foundation. They are: 1) to study, practice and disseminate Spiritism in its triple aspect – philosophical, scientific and religious – based on the works of the codification of Kardec; 2) to carry out, free of charge, charity work in a continuous and planned manner. 

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

I could not forget the pioneers who founded CEAK, especially Gustavo Marcondes, whom I knew for 18 years of my life. He was an honest and good man, humble and active during the 30 years the followed the foundation of CEAK in 1938. He passed away in 1968, when he was fully engaged in his work at the Centre. 

Your final thoughts, please. 

My final words are to remember, with great fondness, the great companion of my life, my husband José Roberto Checchia, who passed away in 2012. We had 45 years of a happy marriage. He gave 38 years of his life to CEAK, where he worked as a treasurer for many administrations. I am hugely grateful to him for all the affection and protection he gave me.  



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