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Study of the Works of Allan Kardec   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 9 - N° 435 - October 11, 2015

Paraná (Brasil)  
Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


What is Spiritism

Allan Kardec

(Part 13)

In this issue, we continue the study of the book, What is Spiritism, launched in Paris in July 1859. This study will be divided into 19 parts. The pages cited in the text and suggested for reading refer to the 20th edition published by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (Federação Espírita Brasileira). The answers to the questions suggested for discussion can be found at the end of this text. 

Questions for discussion

A. How can we define the “perispirit”?

B. How can the Spirit, an ethereal being, act on the raw material?

C. Can the Spirits answer any question?

Reading Text

123. Spiritist manifestations of any kind are nothing wonderful and supernatural. They are phenomena that occur under the law governing the relation between the visible and invisible law, a law as natural as all the laws that rule electricity, gravitation, and so on. Therefore, those who accuse Spiritism to revive the wonderful show that they talk about something they do not know. (Chapter II, Items 32 and 33 page 162).

124. Spirits’ manifestations are divided into physical effects and intelligent communications. The first consists of overt material phenomena - moving objects, noise, transportation etc. The others consist of the regular exchange of thoughts by signs, word, and especially writing. (Chapter II, item 34, page 163).

125. We recognize the quality of the Spirits by their language; the good and the Higher Spirits always use a dignified, noble, logical and free of contradictions language; it breathes wisdom, benevolence, modesty and the purest morals; it is concise and devoid of redundancies. (Chapter II, item 37, page 164).

126. The inferior Spirits are more or less ignorant, but not all of them are essentially evil; some are just ignorant and vain. (Chapter II, Items 38 and 39 page 164).

127. Superior Spirits only pass intelligent communications, to teach us something. Physical or purely material manifestations are, particularly, the work of inferior Spirits. (Chapter II, item 40, page 164).

128. We must always be calm and focused when we communicate with the Spirits. (Chapter II, item 41, page 165).

129. Spirits are free and only communicate when they want, with whom it suits them and when their occupations allow it. They are not at the disposal and at the mercy of anyone. No one can make them communicate if they do not want to do so. Only quackery has unfailing principles. (Chapter II, paragraph 42, page 165).

130. Spirits are attracted by sympathy, same tastes, character and intention of those who desire their presence. The Superior Spirits do not attend futile meetings, and do not answer trivial questions. (Chapter II, paragraph 43, page 165).

131. Frivolous meetings always do more harm than good, because they keep away from the Doctrine more people than they attract, and are subject to criticism and mockery of their detractors. (Chapter II, item 46, page 167).

132. If physical manifestations do not have the importance of philosophical teachings, they have their use from the point of view of the phenomena, because they are the alphabet of science, to which they gave us the key. Although they are less necessary today, they still contribute to the belief of some people. (Chapter II, paragraph 47, page 167).

Answers to the proposed questions

A. How can we define the “perispirit”?

The perispirit is the fluidic envelope of the soul that, during incarnation, acts as an intermediary between it and the material body, and in the spiritual world (erraticism). It is the vehicle that the Spirit uses in its relations with the outside world. It is through it that the Spirit acts on the material body when alive and it is with this same fluid that it manifests, acting on the matter and producing noises and movements of objects. It is invisible in its normal state, but the perispirit can become visible and even tangible. That's how apparitions occur. (What is Spiritism, Chapter II, items 28 and 30, pages 159 and 160).
B. How can the Spirit, an ethereal being, act on the raw material?

The action of the Spirit upon the raw material is explained by the perispirit properties and its ability to manipulate, through the will, the environment fluids. (Ibid, Chapter II, Items 30 and 31, pages 160 and 161).
C. Can the Spirits answer any question?

No. They can only answer about what they know, according to their spiritual development, and still within the limits of what it is allowed to tell us, because there are things they cannot reveal to men. (Ibid, Chapter II, Items 35 and 36 page 163).




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