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Letter to the reader Portuguese Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 434 - October 4, 2015
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


A chat with Sinézio
Augusto Griman

“God helps those who early bird catches the worm”, is the title of our editorial, in which it explains, even when we are lost, isolated in a desert island, someone knows the fact and can perfectly if it wants to help us. The text refers to, in this case, our spiritual benefactors. 

"The motto 'Love yourselves and instruct yourselves' has been neglected in our country." This phrase belongs to Sinézio Augusto Griman, confrere based in Volta Redonda (RJ). Researcher of Spiritualism history, he tells us, in an interview given to our collaborator Orson Peter Carrara, about his research work and the difficulties to achieve it. The interview is one of the highlights of this edition. 

Another spot is the especial “Sleep and dreams”, by Luiz Carlos Formiga, from Rio de Janeiro (RJ). How to analyze the psyche night? What occurs during the sleep body? What should we think of the meanings attributed to dreams? These are some of the issues addressed in the article. 

Spirits from Londrina attended from September 19th to September 26th to another Spirit Week, which was held in the sports gym Anália Franco Home of Londrina and the Spirit Centre Vinha de Luz, as it is shown the especial report that belongs to the current edition. 


It starts with this edition the methodical and sequential study of the book “Obsession Torments”, psychographic work by Divaldo Franco, and author Manoel Philomeno de Miranda spirit. It was published in 2001; it is the ninth written book by the known spiritual author.


  Director of Writing: Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho

Administrative Director: José Carlos Munhoz Pinto


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism