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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 9 - N° 432 - September 20, 2015

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


God's Co-workers


At home, the chores were accumulating. The kind mother ran from one side to the other trying to cope with everything.

Richard, aged seven, who watched that whole movement, complained:

- Mom, you are not stopping for one minute to give me attention!...

She stopped what she was doing and seeing her son there with a dejected face, suggested:

- Honey, help me with the household chores and I will have time to give you all the attention you deserve. Come take a broom and sweep the yard!

- Oh, Mom! I do not like doing these household chores.

- So, what do you like to do? - his mom asked, interested.

The boy's expression changed into a distant one, as if he was thinking, and said excitedly:

- I would like to work building skyscrapers and seeing them grow as if they were reaching the sky and have many employees to obey my orders. Or, as a doctor work in a hospital, caring for people and healing them. Or maybe have a big company, have a lot of employees to do whatever I want, and make lots of money!... But I could also...

His mother, who listened with infinite patience, smiled at Richard's dreams. Then she approached him fondly and said:

- Honey, it's very fair that you have grandiose dreams. However, to accomplish any of them, you will need to grow and

learn a lot. Nothing is achieved without effort and dedication. And to learn, we have to start with the little things. Therefore, each function is important. Think about it! Every day I put out the rubbish. What if there were no rubbish collectors?

- We would live in filth! - exclaimed the boy with wide eyes.

- And what if there were no field workers who plant all we need? How would we do?

The boy thought for a moment and replied:

- We would not have wheat, which makes the bread that I like so much!

- That's it! But there's more, dear. From the crop, the wheat grains go to the mill and are ground. Then as flour, it is transported to the retailers. The owner of the bakery buys flour and only then the bread is prepared and baked by people who stay up all night working so we can eat it fresh for breakfast. Ah! And we still need someone who will pick it up at the bakery!

Richard was impressed. His mother continued:

- And we are only talking about bread! What about everything else that is part of our daily lives? The clothes we wear, the shoes we wear, furniture, the house itself... How do you build a house?

- I know, Mom! You need bricks, cement and sand. Daddy taught me the other day when he was repairing the wall outside. Also, we need electrical wires, pipes for water and a lot of other things! And people to work on it.

- Well done, Richard. Then you realize that we are all useful in God's work? There are no smaller or bigger, less important or more important people. We are God's helpers, working in this life in different areas and functions. From the street sweeper to a great entrepreneur, we are all equal.

The boy, now seeing the world in which he lived in a different way, said:

- You're right, Mom. The other day, my teacher said that in the hospital a doctor can only perform his task because there are people cleaning and disinfecting everything, to prevent viruses and bacteria from entering there.

Then he smiled at his mom and said:

- You are right, Mom. We could not live alone!

She hugged her son, gave him a kiss, then

grabbed a broom and suggested:  

- So now take the broom and start sweeping!

The boy laughed.

- That's right. I must learn to sweep. And whatever I do, I will do it well.

Richard grew up, became a man, but always remembered that lesson he had learned from his mother. He studied engineering because it was the area that most appealed to him. However, he never failed to appreciate the function of each employee, treating everyone with respect and consideration. Addressing his subordinates, he would always end up stating:

- We must do the best we can. We are God's co-workers in the job of improving the world.

Feeling valued, everybody felt esteemed and worked with love, hoping to be, where possible, much more productive and efficient. 


(Psychographed by Celia Xavier de Camargo on 30/05/2011.)



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