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Letter to the reader Portuguese Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 431 - September 13, 2015
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


Ricardo Orestes Forni, from Tupã, speaks to the magazine

“The planet we live in: a house in refurbishment” is the title of our editorial, in which is analyzed the current moral situation in the world we live in and how we should conduct facing problems and difficulties that life gives us.

“Subjects always look for me.” This sentence is from Ricardo Orestes Forni, physician and author of many doctrinal works of huge success in spirit midst. He is from São Paulo, live in Tupã (SP), where he collaborates with Union Spirit Allan Kardec, he talks about his work in literature in an interview given to the fellow Orson Peter Carrara. The report is one of the highlights of the current edition. 

Another spot is the especial “Overcoming, according to Jesus”, written by Claudia Gelernter, from Vinhedo (SP), where the author talks about the existential challenges and the path which allows us to get over and reach in that way, new horizons. 

In the last weekend of August 2015, at the headquarters of Union Spirit Societies of São Paulo State, about 150 people got together to participate in the 11º National Meeting of Researchers Spiritism League (ENLIHPE). Martha Rios Guimarães tells us how it was the event in a report which it is also one of the highlights of this edition. 

Next Saturday, 19th at 15:00, it will happen the lecture by André Trigueiro which is the beginning of the 24ª Spirit Week of Londrina; traditional spirit event that happened for the first time in 1992. The theme will be “Death, awaken for a new life”. The full program of the Spirit Week can be seen in the section “Brazilian Spirit Movement”, in Paraná news. Here is the link: www.oconsolador.com.br 


  Director of Writing: Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho

Administrative Director: José Carlos Munhoz Pinto


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism