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Letter to the reader Portuguese Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 426 - August 9, 2015
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


The doctor Fabíola Zanetti de Lima speaks to the magazine

"The influences of the material field on the eternal power" is the title and the theme of our editorial, which focuses on the influences that the reincarnated spirit suffers in his struggle for his own advancement. 

"There is a growing interest in academia and in society about the role of spirituality in the binomial health/disease." The phrase was said by the spirit doctor Fabíola de Fátima Zanetti de Lima, president of the Medical-Spirit Association of the Federal District, in interview given to us and that is one of the highlights of this edition. 

Another highlight of this issue is the Special entitled "The Spirit and the influence of matter," written by the spirit doctor Ricardo Baesso de Oliveira, based in Juiz de Fora (MG) and member of the editorial board of this magazine. The article was split into two parts. The final part is going to be published in our next issue. 

It was held in the city of Amparo (SP) on August 2nd, the 3rd Movement You and Peace, with the presence of the medium and speaker Divaldo Franco, founder of the movement, as it is shown in a special report written by the confrere Paulo Salerno which is also one of the highlights of this edition. 

Yesterday, August 8th, it was celebrated another foundation anniversary of the Charity House Our Home, founded in São Paulo (SP) on August 8th, 1946 by Mrs. Maria Augusta Ferreira Puhlmann and Mrs. Nair Ambra Ferreira, with the intention to create a home to orphan and abandoned babies.

Until 1966, hundreds of children received education, love and care, which contributed so they could, over time, lead their own lives. In 1967, however, a life experience changed the course of the institution that has passed since then dedicating themselves to the education of needy children with brain injury and Down Syndrome.

The history and the work of “Our Home” can be known at the site:  http://www.ibnossolar.org.br/

  Director of Writing: Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho

Administrative Director: José Carlos Munhoz Pinto


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism