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Letter to the reader Portuguese Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 417 - June 7, 2015
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


Ivana Leal Silva Raisky speaks to the magazine

“An idea to be imitated” is the title of our editorial, which brings considerations about the 31º Spirit Congress in Goiás that happened because of the last carnival.

Our weekly interviewed this time is Ivana Leal Silva Raisky, actual president of the Spirit Federation of the State of Goiás. She was bron in Jataí and lives in Goiânia, both cities in Goiás. She has been spirit since 1990 and speech therapist expertise in education; she talks about the late Spirit State Congress, its format, its structure and its results. The interview is one of the highlights in this present edition.

Another spot is the titled special “Does anybody have time?”, by Paulo Oliveira, Santos (SP). In the article, he shows the difference between chronological time and subjective time, which is, he said, the perception that people have of the amount of hours available to them each day.

Who is Joanna de Ângelis? In Spirit midst we all know she is Divaldo Franco’s mentor. But… which persona Joanna lived in the past? Ana Moraes brings the subject in one special report which is also one of the highlights of this edition. 

90 years ago, on June 3rd, disembodied Camille Flammarion, French astronomer, spirit and author of important works in Astronomy and Spiritism. He was from Montigny-le-Roi, France; he was born on February 26th, 1842. Flammarion wrote the following works: The Plurality of Inhabited Worlds, God in the Nature, The Unknown and Psychic Phenomena, Death and Its Mystery and Haunted Houses. 


  Director of Writing: Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho

Administrative Director: José Carlos Munhoz Pinto


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism