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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 414 - May 17, 2015
Matão, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Alessandra Cintra: 

“We learn so much with children and young people”

The Coordinator of Spiritism courses for children and young people in the Brazilian city of Matão, in São Paulo state, talks about the importance of learning about the Gospel at a young age

Alessandra Cintra (photo) was born in a Spiritist family in the Brazilian city of Uberaba (Minas Gerais). She has a degree in Law and works at the local courts of law. She also works as a volunteer at the Spiritist Centre Cairbar Schutel, in Matão, where she has lived for many years. She is the Coordinator of Spiritism courses for children and

young people there and talks to us about her work in that field. 

What do you think must be conveyed in evangelisation courses for children and young people? 

It is very important that children and young people in general feel Jesus, that they live his Teachings and come to the conclusion that we will only achieve happiness through him. It is not enough to get to know his Teachings from a theoretical perspective. Spiritism enables that to happen, as it explains the message of Christ in a logical and rational manner. 

Why is it important that parents go with their children to the Spiritist Centre, rather than just dropping them for lessons? 

 The family must be at the centre of everything. Parents and children reincarnate together so they can grow up together. When they are work together towards the same goal, the results are naturally much better. When they go together to the Spiritist Centre, they encourage each other. That also contributes to reaching harmony in the family finding the strength to face the challenges of life. 

How important are regularity and punctuality in attending the lessons? 

Educating children and young people should be one of the priorities of Spiritist Centres, with an organised, structured programme to be followed in a logical sequence. That is the best way to help children and young people in general develop. Good will is not enough. Those teaching young people must evolve with the children’s world and look constantly for tools that will attract children and motivate them, including videos, the Internet etc. As for punctuality, that is something we must learn and put into practice throughout our life. As Chico Xavier’s mentor, Emmanuel, told him, the key to success is: “Discipline, discipline and discipline”.  

What is the main challenge for those running evangelisation courses for children and young people at Spiritist Centres? 

I think the main obstacle is probably the lack of clarity about what such courses should consist of. Many people see it as fun time to keep the children busy while the parents attend the main talk at the Spiritist Centre. But it is not about that at all! That is why it is important that those working in Spiritist Centres remind everyone, in talks and lectures, about the importance of educating the children in Spiritism. 

Is there anything else you would like to share with us, based on your experience as an educator? 

As I have been blessed with working with children and young people for so long, I have been through so many wonderful experiences. I have also been through difficult times and I have learned a great deal, but I am sure of one thing: I have received much more than I have given. After all, we learn so much with children and young people! 

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

I would like to express my gratitude to all of those who have read this interview and to say that once you begin working in the evangelisation of children and young people you cannot stop. If we allow young people to express themselves, if we give the best of ourselves in each lesson, they will be great teachers to us in our live. And they will help us in our Spiritual development. Do embrace this blessed task, do it with enthusiasm, believe that teaching the Gospel according to Spiritism to children and young people will play a key role in the moral transformation of humankind and you will see how gratifying it is to be able to take part in this beautiful task.



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