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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 9 - N° 412 - May 3, 2015

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


Pipo, The Brave Donkey


Once upon a time a donkey named Pipo was tired of being despised by his companions in the stable and felt very unhappy. He had no friends. All other animals: the horses, oxen, cows, rams and sheep, made fun of him.

Mimosa, the spotted cow, would bellow:

- You are useless, Pipo! I produce milk for my calves and to feed the children of our boss. But what about you? A donkey... what are you good


While grazing the grass, Typhoon, the racing horse, raised his head and agreed:

- It is true. If only Pipo could participate in races like me, his life would be very different. Ah! It's so good to hear the cheers of the crowd when I win a race! The boss stroking me, saying kind words and, moreover, I always get extra feed. But our donkey, poor guy, is good for nothing!...

Clara the sheep smiled and nodded:

- Shame on him! If at least Pipo had wool, like me, which the boss will shear to make warm clothing and blankets, he would be treated with consideration and respect. But the poor guy has no use!...

After every animal that spoke, the poor donkey lowered his head a little more in shame, feeling despised  by  all.  Tired  of  hearing  what they

thought about him, Pipo looked for the quietest place in his stall where he laid down and became quiet and tearful. His companions ended up forgetting about him and talked about other issues.

Later on that same day, there was a great storm and the animals could not get out of the barn and go to the fields. So the donkey just laid there, sad and ashamed for having no good qualities. After much crying, he fell asleep while the rain poured outside.

Suddenly, he was awakened by a sudden noise. It was the boss who came to pick one of his animals to help him remove a tree that had fallen in the road, blocking it.

The donkey looked outside and saw that the rain had stopped and the sun was shinning again, but did not move. He was sad and wanted to stay there, lying down.

Along with his right-hand man, the boss looked at each one of the animals of the barn and said thoughtfully:

- I need an animal that is very strong!

- Sir, what do you think of Typhoon, the racing horse? He is strong! - the employee said.

- I don't think so. Typhoon is very temperamental.

- Ah! And Mimosa, the spotted cow? She is big, heavy and strong, boss!

The boss thought for a moment and replied:

- Not a good fit. Mimosa has trouble obeying. She is

stubborn and just does what she wants!

- And Clara the sheep? She is used to obeying, sir.

- It is true. But she does not have the strength we need!

Suddenly, walking around the barn, the boss saw the poor donkey, which had woken up but not gotten up for being sad about his life, and smiled:

- I know! Pipo, our donkey! He has all the necessary conditions to perform this important task! He is strong, obedient and worthy of all trust.

So saying that, the boss patted the donkey's back and ordered:

- Pipo, we need you! Get up! We have to move a tree from the road and only you can do it! Come on, my brave fellow!

The donkey opened his eyes and raised his ears, more excited. He got to his feet and, with his head held high and proud to have been chosen for the job, he went trotting among the other animals, who had their jaws dropped because they could not believe what was happening.

Pipo was taken to the road with all the honours. The boss and his helper tied ropes around the tree trunk and then tied the other ends around the donkey's body who using all his strength pulled and pulled and pulled!... He was sweating but, with his head down, kept pulling always.

Pipo struggled a lot but managed to move the tree that blocked the road. Then very happy for having accomplished his task, he returned to the barn.

When he arrived, the other animals surrounded him, curious and inquiring about the job. And he said, calm and satisfied:

- It was easy! I am strong and sturdy. I'm used to a lot of weight!

And before the admiration of the others, he announced:

- Now I'll get some rest. I worked hard and I deserve it!

The cow, the sheep, the ox and the racing horse began to admire and treat him with all the due respect that the brave donkey deserved. And after that day, they never again belittled anyone, understanding that all have qualities that, often, are unknown to us!


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 02/03/2015.)



O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism