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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 8 - N° 408 - April 5, 2015
Bürs, Vorarlberg (Áustria)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Christina Renner: 

“I found a treasure and I want to keep hold of it”

Our fellow Spiritist from Germany talks to us about the Spiritist Movement in her home country

Christina Renner (photo), from Neu-Ulm in Bavaria, Germany, is an accountant, relaxation instructor and Bach flower remedies consultant. She is the mother of three children and became a widow in 2005. She became a Spiritist in 2000 and is now deputy-head of the SEELE Group in Stuttgart - http://www.gruppe-seele.de/. She is also Secretary of

the German Spiritist Union - http://www.spiritismus-dsv.de/. In this interview, she talks about the Spiritist Movement in Germany and a number of other issues. 

When did you have your first contact with Spiritism? 

In 2000, when I was given a copy of Allan Kardec’s The Spirits’ Book. 

And how did you become a Spiritist? 

After I read the book, I got curious and looked for a Spiritist Group in Germany. I found SEELE in Stuttgart. I came for a first meeting and began attending the group regularly. Something inside me made me remain in Spiritism. I had been looking for something for many years, but what was it? When I began studying the Spiritist Teachings I realised I had found it. I found a treasure and I want to keep hold of it. 

What has been your family’s reaction? 

My children accept my beliefs, but the reactions in the family have been mixed. Some go as far as rejecting the fact that life goes on and that Spirits do exist. 

What is your role in the Spiritist Movement? 

I am deputy-head of the SEELE Group in Stuttgart and Secretary of the German Spiritist Union. In the SEELE Group I give healing and work in the mediumship group. I also look after the group’s monthly newsletters. I also give lectures and talks about Spiritism. 

Which aspect of Spiritism says the most to you: science, philosophy or religion? 

They are all equally important and interesting. 

Excluding the books of Kardec, which Spiritist books have touched you the most? 

The books of Chico Xavier (those dictated byAndré Luiz as well as Emmanuel) and the works of Joanna de Ângelis. 

What can you say about the Spiritist Movement in Germany? 

It began to be organised in Berlin in 2003, when there were four Groups in the country. That is when the German Spiritist Union was created. In 2007, the German Spiritist Union was registered officially, with its headquarters in Stuttgart. There are 10 active groups now in the Union, which is headed by Maria Gekeler. The Union has been making efforts to disseminate the Teachings in Germany. There are textbooks now in German and a website with information about Spiritism. We hold an annual meeting gathering all the German Spiritist Groups and the Union is now publishing the Spiritist Magazine in German. We are now taking part in the campaign “Love for Life” through posters and a calendar. 

Few native German speakers have as yet joined Spiritism. Why do you think that happens? 

Only patience, information and continuing work will have an effect. Spiritism is associated to a number of negative ideas and that needs to be changed. We must continue to offer the opportunity for people to learn about Spiritism in German, even if not many people take the offer. Each seed counts. On the positive side, we already have a vast Spiritist literature in German, including textbooks, leaflets and books. 

In Europe, abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide are legal in several countries. What can the Spiritist Movement do to prevent these regrettable acts? 

In Germany, the so-called assisted death is forbidden. Anyone involved, including doctors and relatives, face charges. But there are calls for a change in the legislation. Many say that would reduce what is called the “death tourism.” People would not need to go to other countries for that purpose. The German Spiritist Union launched a campaign against the proposal to change the legislation regarding assisted suicide and euthanasia. It is very important to engage the public in a dialogue, enlightenment, providing information naturally with the Spiritist perspective. I also give a course on how to look after terminal patients. When I have the opportunity, I try to talk to the patient and show him or her that life goes on. I am surprised by the number of people who believe that life continues. Our prayers are also very welcome. 

Your final thoughts, please. 

My final thoughts will certainly not be the last ones (laughter). Spiritism has taught me so much and it continues to show me the real meaning of life. Spiritism has the answer to so many questions and it makes Jesus shine even brighter. Every day we have new opportunities to view life in a positive manner.

There are certainly difficult times and I sometimes become insecure when dealing with my feelings. But Spiritism has taught me that we need to work. I know that inner reform is of crucial importance. I believe that the continuous effort to improve, which Jesus talked so much about, is the pathway for a better future. I am so grateful because I can say things are fine with me. I am alive, after all, and I am fully aware of how great and merciful God is. Spiritism enables me to observe life from a much wider perspective.

All I want to do is to carry on working on behalf of other people and my family. I am a Spiritist 24/7, 365 days per year. May God bless us all, because we are his children.


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