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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 8 - N° 406 - March 22, 2015
Matão, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Lena Alberton: 

“To love one another is still the biggest challenge for
us, Spiritists”

Our fellow Spiritist from the southern Brazilian state of Santa Catarina admits that we all struggle when dealing with our innermost feelings

Lena Alberton (photo), a Spiritist since 2004, was born and brought up in the city of Tubarão, in the southern Brazilian state of Santa Catarina. She works as a volunteer at the Spiritist Centre Deus, Amor e Caridade (God, Love and Charity). In this interview she talks about the Spiritist Movement in her city. 

Firstly, please introduce our readers to the city of Tubarão. 

Tubarão lies between the Atlantic Ocean, the mountains and a source of thermal waters, 136km from the state capital, Florianópolis. It is the second biggest city of Santa Catarina, with a population of 102,000 people. Its economy is based on trade, agriculture, cattle raising and the ceramics industry. 

How many Spiritst Groups are there in the city and which was the first group founded there? 

We have six Spiritist Groups, four of them affiliated to the Spiritist Federation of Santa Catarina. The city’s first Spiritist Centre was founded in 1943, but its founders never chose a name for it. Many years later, its founder passed away and its members joined the second oldest group in the city, O Consolador Prometido (The Promised Consoler), which was founded on June 4th 1954. All the Spiritist Centres in the city co-operate with each other and also follow closely the Spiritist principles codified by Allan Kardec. 

What are the main rewards and challenges you have seen in this exchange of experiences in the Spiritist Movement? 

What brings me great joy is seeing that the Spiritists in the region are so united, exchanging experiences that help the local Spiritist Movement grow. The biggest obstacles concern the lack of resources. We do not have enough money to build Spiritist Centres. Also, in some cases, we have a problem with the lack of commitment from our volunteers. 

If you think of all your experiences in the Spiritist Movement in your city and in your region, what comes up to your mind? 

The responsibility we bear helping Jesus build the Kingdom of God on earth and preparing the planet for the new phase of regeneration. I often think about the commitment we have all made and the job to be done. That gives me great satisfaction. I am glad to know that I am part of this group of incarnate Spirits who are working alongside the Spiritual Benefactors to help build a better world, where love, justice and fraternity will prevail. 

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

I would like to mention the continuing support from the Spiritual Benefactors and all the inspiration, encouragement and support, which have never deserted me. That became very clear when my father passed away. The knowledge of the Teachings, based on all my readings, was the most valuable asset at that difficult time. It enabled me to carry on and gave me the opportunity to put into practice all I have read and studied. The wonderful thing about Spiritism is that nothing is imposed on us. It shows us the way. We bear responsibility for our decisions.

We are going through very special times. We are here, on earth, following every step of the transition of the planet from a world of trials and tribulations to a planet of regeneration. After so many centuries of stagnation, we are witnessing amazing development in all areas: social, political, economic, cultural, scientific etc.  

Your final thoughts, please. 

It comes to my mind now the guidance from the Spirit of Truth: Spiritists, love each other and educate yourselves. I have come to realise that the education bit is the easiest one, especially with all the resources we have these days. But to love one another is still the biggest challenge for us, Spiritists. However, by persisting on the pursuit of good will and inner reform, we will leave the “old man” in the past and will finally become renewed men and Christ will finally live in our hearts. 


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism