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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 8 - N° 400 - February 8, 2015
Matão, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Rubens José de Toledo:  

“Our next Spiritist Congress
in São Paulo will be the
most vibrant and well-resourced ever” 

The Media Director for São Paulo’s Union of Spiritist Societies
(USE) talks about the Spiritist Congress scheduled for
April in the city of Santos

Rubens José de Toledo (photo) became a Spiritist at the age of 10 in his native state of São Paulo. He has a degree in Media and post-graduation in Marketing. He is a volunteer worker at the Spiritist Centre Allan Kardec, in the town of Holambra, and is directly involved in the organisation of the next Spiritist Congress, which is the main subject of this


Tell us about the experience of working in the preparations for such an important event. 

This is the 16th Congress and the port city of Santos has been chosen to hold it. There is huge enthusiasm in the region, which makes me believe this will be the most vibrant and well-resourced Congress ever held in the state of São Paulo. The main theme being discussed is very relevant. We are going to discuss new ways for humankind in the XXI Century, the Era of the Spirit and Intuition. We will also look into the challenges in the areas of ethics and education. The event will be held in Santos from 18th to 21st April. Some of the best-known Spiritist speakers will be at the event. Those who want to take part should access the Congress’s website: www.congressouse.com.br.  

How many people are expected to take part? 

We are expecting to have 1,200 people registered for the Congress, but the talks and conferences will be open to the wider public, which means we can have up to 4,500 people present in the Arena Santos. Many people are getting organised to travel together from other parts of the state, sharing cars and minivans.  

How long ago was the city of Santos chosen to host this event? 

At the end of every Congress we select the host city for the next event. Santos was chosen in 2012, at the end of our previous Congress in Franca.  

What are the main highlights of the programme? 

The aim is to encourage a big debate on the future pathways for humankind and also the future of the Spiritist Movement. We will have with us directors from other Spiritist federations of other Brazilian states, not to mention the President of the Brazilian Spiritist Federation, FEB, Antônio Cesar Perri de Carvalho. The seaside region around Santos is well known for its vibrant artistic activities and that will certainly help give a special touch to this year’s event. 

Is there anything else you would like to highlight from the organisation of the event? 

After our first preliminary meeting in Santos with some of the people helping organise the Congress, the group, which included the writer and public speaker Richard Simonetti, decided to visit an old pioneer of the Spiritist Movement in the region. We went to see Altivo Ferreira, a former director of FEB and editor of its prestigious magazine, Reformador, for more than 30 years. He is now 89 and totally blind. But when he began speaking he touched our hearts. He went back in time and reminded us of the power and the pioneer spirit of the Spiritist Movement in Santos. Their first public event was held in 1957 at the Customs Building. “From there we went to Mauá Square to open the Allan Kardec book stand,” he said. It was then that I understood why Santos should, with all justice, host the next Congress. 

Your final thoughts, please. 

My dear Orson, we have been together in the dissemination of Spiritism for so long. I remember the typed articles you used to send to be published on the Alavanca, in the city of Campinas. Today, by giving you this interview, I feel realised. I see the Spiritist media has grown in size and quality and has reached the whole world, especially on the Consolador website. I must thank all the people who put a huge effort to help disseminate our beautiful Teachings. May God allow us to carry on working for peace in the world.


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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism