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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 8 - N° 396 - January 11, 2015
Matão, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

José Maria Souto Netto: 

“We should use all the resources available to spread the message of Spiritism”

The television presenter and coordinator of the Luz e Vida programme (Light and Life) talks about his experience in the dissemination of Spiritism through the TV

José Maria Souto Netto (photo), an economist from the Brazilian city of Marília, in the state of São Paulo, is the coordinator of a television programme that helps disseminate the Teachings codified by Allan Kardec. He was born in a Spiritist family and works as a volunteer at the Spiritist Centre Luz e Verdade and the Spiritist Hospital of Marília. He 

also teaches Spiritism, running the coursed prepared by Brazilian Spiritist Federation, ESDE and EADE. In this interview, he talks about his experience in the dissemination of Spiritism and the TV programme he coordinates in Marília: 

What is the TV programme you coordinate called, where is it broadcast and when did it start being broadcast? 

I coordinate and present the Luz e Vida programme (Light and Life) with my wife, Loyde Ferreira Souto and three other people. The programme is shown on Marília’s Community TV, channel 15, on Wednesdays at 20:00 and repeated on Saturdays and Sundays at 18:00. It has been on air for more than 12 years.

What has been the impact of the programme along these years?

The feedback has been very positive, among Spiritists and non-Spiritists. Many people stop me in the streets of Marília to talk about it, saying the programme gives them lots of peace. According to TV Comunitária, the Community TV of Marília, the viewing rates are the second higher on the channel. Spiritist speakers from other cities have been invited to take part in the programme, which is done with the support of the local Spiritist Movement.

What is your view on the use of television and other media to disseminate Spiritism?

I have no doubts when I say that Spiritists and Spiritist Centres and organisations must use all the resources available to take the message of Spiritism – the Consoler promised by Christ – to the highest possible number of people. We should disseminate Spirtism in its philosophical, scientific and moral aspects, helping as many people as possible understand the truth that will free them from imperfections and ignorance and, ultimately, of suffering and pain.

Do you face many problems to produce the programme, such as lack of financial resources?

We will always face problems. Like everyone else who decides to work for Jesus, we will meet a number of hurdles on the way. But we have been overcoming those problems with goodwill, perseverance, hard work and love. What we need to bear in mind with a TV programme is that it requires planning, discipline for the schedules, we need to think ahead and to have standby material recorded in case a guest makes a last-minute cancelation.

What are the main themes that you have discussed?

We try to watch the main anniversaries of Spiritism and match them with the programme. We have emphasized themes that open the eyes of our viewers to the Natural Laws and provide an answer to many matters of life and its mechanisms. That way, we aim to bring about Spiritual comfort, serenity, resignation and trust in Divine Providence when facing difficult situations. But I have noticed that the themes that get more interest are those that present simple solutions for complex, common problems: physical and psychological health, marriage and divorce, relationship between parents and children, sexuality, Spiritual obsession, death at a young age, collective deaths etc.

Are the programmes available online?

No, not yet, but we are looking into that.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I really like activities that allow the public to take active part, as I understand that we need to be totally convinced of something we learn otherwise we will not change they way we behave or the way we understand life and other people.

Your final thoughts, please.

I would like to thank you for this opportunity to meet other people. I hope to have the opportunity to visit many other cities to help spread the message of Spiritism. May the peace of the Lord be with us now and forever.


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