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Special Portuguese Spanish    

Year 8 - N° 385 - October 19, 2014

Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Enrique Eliseo Baldovino

Spiritism through the ages

Spiritism is known for believing that the soul exists and is immortal. It has an intimate relation with the development of the spiritual phenomena through the ages, especially with the history of these phenomena, which date from Antiquity. Its doctrine is based on the fact that we are able to communicate with the Spirits.

Gabriel Delanne (1857-1926), a Spiritist Apostle in France, mentioned in his book, "Le Phénomène Spirite" (1): "Spiritist phenomena are as old as the world." 

In Antiquity 

In general, the people of the Antiquity age already believed in the immortality of the soul and in the communication between the living and the dead. We have quite a lot of proof of these phenomena in the Egyptian history (3,000 BC), in the Vedas (Indian sacred texts, dated from 2,000 BC), and so on. We also find these phenomena among the Hebrews (1,350 BC), the Greeks (700 BC), the Romans (500 BC) and many others, and there are records of these phenomena, which occurred later in the middle Ages.

Allan Kardec, the emeritus Encoder (1804-1869), states that among the Romans, there is a report, written by a Latin writer, a theologian and Doctor of the Church, named Tertullian (c. 150 AD - 222), about the rotating and speaking tables. This phenomenon of the tables was already famous in Rome in the early centuries of our Age. This is what Tertullian says, in Chapter XXIII of his work, Apologetics, when he refers to the psychics/mediums, of his time,  

"If the magicians have the power to make ghosts appear, to invoke the souls of the dead, to have children speak as oracles; (...) if they guide dreams, if they can spell cast, if the Spirits are at their disposal (...) then the chairs and tables, which prophesy are a common fact, etc." (2). 

In Modern times  

In our times, we also find many reports about the historical growth of the Spiritist thought regarding spiritual phenomena, as for example, with the Fox Family (1848), as well as the persecution in the United States (Rochester), and the testimony of sages of the time: Professor Mapes, Judge Edmonds, the experiences of Robert Hare and Dale Owen.

In England, there was the remarkable research of William Crookes and his favorable conclusions to Spiritism, registered in the prestigious Dialectic Society of London. The scientific testimonies of Alfred Wallace, Varley, Morgan, Oxon, Dr. Sexton, Dr. Chambers, and Dr. Gully are of great relevance today.

In France, Baron Güldenstubbe's work, the experiences of Victor Hugo, and the incomparable works of Allan Kardec and his followers Leon Denis, Gabriel Delanne and Camille Flammarion became known. During this period a large number of famous men and woman embraced Spirtism.

In Germany, the studies of Dr. Kerner, the facts of Mottlingen, Zöllner, and Fechner and Ulrici's experiences.

In Russia, Professor Boutlerow made experiments with the medium Daniel Home Dunglas. The advisor of the tsar, Alexandre Aksakof, published his works, which became famous causing a great impact.

In Italy, Professor Ercole Chiaia, from Naples, performed countless experiments with the medium Eusapia Paladino, as well as Cesare Lombroso.

In Spain, Jose Maria Fernandez Colavida became famous (he was justly called the "Spanish Kardec"). The Viscount Towers-Solanot and others followed.

In Austria, there were the experiences made by the Archduke Rudolph and by Bastian, a materializing psychic/medium, and so on. 

Mediumship and the Planetary Transition

The Spiritist phenomena continues growing in the New Age, in which we are, these serious times of transition between the XX and XXI centuries.

The Spirit Bezerra de Menezes, in a profound message received by the psychic/medium Divaldo Franco, (3) tells us about the purpose of this Transition Period, clarifying us about the tasks for which we are responsible regarding mediumship with Jesus, obsession, the Spiritist phenomena, and the building of a better world. With our highlighting, we copy in full the beautiful message passed to Divaldo Franco, the psychic/medium, born in the state of Bahia, in Brazil. This message is also a big warning to all, who are living this Planetary Transition.

Menezes' thorough  and  profound  message



"My children:

May Jesus bless us all.

Earthly society experiences, today, a severe psychic moment in which, unconsciously, the interchange between the two spheres of life can be seen. Entities marked by hatred, resentment, and bitterness, blame their yesterday tormentors for the heavy grief they caused them.

Noble spirits, focused on the ideal of human enlightenment, work together with the spiritual powers to build a better world. Obsessions can be seen in a pandemic form, and are mistaken for psychopathological disorders, which cause affliction and degenerative processes.

Earth is going now from the process of great transition of tests and atonement to a world of regeneration.

There never was such an achievement of science and technology, and at the same time so much hideousness of feelings and emotions. The glories of the intellectual achievements fade before the abyss of cruelty, the dissolution of morals, the loss of ethics and the decay of the achievements of civilization and culture...

Therefore, it does not surprise us that pain in many ways spreads on Earth not only as a punishing whip but mainly as an invitation to reflection, as an analysis of the transience of the body, and with the purpose of calling our attention to the spiritual being that we all are.

Quite rightly we talk about everyday's tragedy. Threats of seismic nature constantly become a fact all over the planet. Crime acts loose and our youth understandable renders to bad examples, weakening their character, with no moral limits and indulging in aggressiveness.

My children, the regions of deep suffering are releasing their guests, who stayed there in private jails for many centuries and now, during this period of great transition, they are given the opportunity to choose the good path or continue in the madness in which they have lived. And the ones, who stubbornly remain in evil, for their own benefit and the planet's, they shall exile into lower worlds where they will improve their soul and help their brothers in a more primitive state, as it already happened in the past.

On the other hand, the noble promoters of progress, of all past times, will also reincarnate to speed the achievements not only of intelligence and technology, but of moral and spiritual values too. Beside them, benefactors from another dimension will also become great leaders and will raise awareness among these tormentors.

Psychics/mediums have the great task of being the bridge between pains and consolation. The spiritual scholars ("doutrinadores") have the honorable task of being, each of them, psychotherapists of the disembodied, contributing to their health. While the psychics themselves lovingly work to relieve their disembodied brothers, they also benefit and have their pain lessened, their burden of proof is also relieved, their woes bypassed, because love is the great messenger of mercy which destroys every obstacle to progress. Love is the sunshine of life, and it puts an end to the mist of ignorance and the darkness of wickedness.

You have reincarnated to add to the New Age. Your lives did not happen by chance, but were scheduled. Before coming into your carnal life, you became acquainted with what was expected from you and you agreed to undergo your tests and to the stellar glories too.

Spiritism is Jesus coming back with His arms open, off the crucifix, risen and alive, singing the glorious symphony of solidarity.

Hold hands! May the differences of opinion be filed and may agreement be practiced. May all matters of objection be secondary before the goals to be reached.

We know of your pain because we have been on Earth too and we understand the mist that blears your understanding and, many a times, hampers the necessary logic to right action. Be aware, because you have commitments to Jesus...

It is not the first time that you have compromised, cheating and deceiving. But this is the last opportunity to reach the glory of immortality, unless you want to anesthetize your illusion. To be a Spiritist is to find the treasure of wisdom. 

We agree that enthusiasm vanishes, and the joy of service diminishes before everyday's struggle for survival, in the social, economic, financial and human areas of our lives. However, if you remain faithful, praying to our Father All-Love, you will not lack the inspiration, the support, and the moral strength you need to defend yourself from evil.  

Be courageous, my children, and be united, because we are the workers of the last hour, and our salary will be equal to the salary of the worker hired at the first hour of the day.

Sing the joy of serving and as we leave here, may we take with us in our soul everything that happened regarding our holy intentions, such as the most varied pains, the rebels, the ignorant, the afflicted, the unfortunate and the kind word of the friends, who watch over us all. 

Trusting in our Lord Jesus Christ, who delegated us the honor to speak in His name, and in His name to teach, heal, lift spirits and build a new world, we pray to Him, our Divine Benefactor, to bless us all and give us His peace.

These are the wishes of this humble and paternal server, Bezerra".



(1) Delanne, Gabriel. Le Phénomène SPIRITE. Étude historique [Historical Study]. Paris: Chamuel, Publisher, 1893.

(2) Kardec, Allan. Spiritist Magazine - Journal of Psychological Studies. Year 1860, Volume III. French Spanish translation of Enrique Baldovino, with notes of the translator numbers 111 and 579 on Tertullian. Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, March 1860, pages 99-100. Brasilia: EDICEI, 2012.

(3) FRANCO, Divaldo. Bezerra de Menezes' thorough message. Psychophony received in Los Angeles, United States, on 13/11/2010. This message was the basis for the studies of the Inter-regional FEP throughout the State of Parana in 2014.


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism