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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 8 - N° 383 - October 5, 2014
Matão, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Eduardo Pereira: 

“The Spiritist message is a like a guiding light in our journey” 

The current president of the Union of Spiritist Societiesm(USE)
in the Brazilian city of Bauru shares his thoughts on
the Spiritist Movement in the area


Eduardo Pereira (photo), a retired civil servant in the city of Bauru, in Brazil’s São Paulo state, is the president of the Spiritist Group Paul of Tarsus. He is also the president of the Union of Spiritist Societies in the city for the 2012/2015 term. In this interview he talks about the Spiritist Movement in his city: 

How many municipalities and organisations are under the umbrella of the Union of Spiritist Socities of Bauru? 

We have 32 affiliated Spiritist Centres and Groups in 12 municipalities. And we are at the moment considering the applications of two other groups who have requested to join us. 

Tell us a bit more about the partnership you set up with the Cairbar Schutel Institute. 

We got together to edit and distribute the newspaper, Tribuna do Espiritismo, in Bauru and neighbouring cities, enclosing a copy of our publication, Olhar Espírita. 

What are the main benefits of setting up a partnership with other Spiritist organisations to edit and distribute newspapers and magazines? 

Whenever we consider setting up partnerships we bear in mind that our main aim is to help disseminate the Spiritist Message, which will become stronger and reach more people in our area, the state of São Paulo. Also, there is another aspect, which is to encourage the unification of the Spiritist Movement, with everyone working together for one goal. And finally, the partnership helps us get to know each other better and establish new links. 

Your publication, Olha Espírita: when did you first publish it? Was it created by the Union of Spiritist Socities and later absorbed by Tribuna do Espiritismo

For many years the Union published a monthly newsletter, called Boletim Informativo. In 2009 we published Olhar Espírita for the first time, with 2,500 copies. 

What are the main plans for the Union in the near future? 

We are celebrating now the 150th anniversary of the publication of Allan Kardec’s The Gospel According to Spiritism with a number of talks and lectures. On November 8th and 9th we will be hosting Feiramor, an event gathering all the Groups affiliated to the Union. There will be food stalls, arts and crafts fair and many other activities. And we will have our book fair in a square of Bauru in December. 

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

I would like to say that our Spiritist Book Fair, held in a shopping centre of Bauru this year, had a huge impact in the region. We handed out free copies of The Gospel According to Spiritism and organised a truly remarkable event, thanks to the joint efforts and good planning of the whole team. 

Your final thoughts, please. 

Throughout the whole time we are on this planet as incarnates, we need to go back constantly to the Spirit World to gather the energy and resources needed to implement the principles laid out in the Gospel of Jesus. The Spiritist message is like a guiding light in our journey. It provides to each one of us, dedicated workers, the tools we need to carry out the mission we are committed to. Let us be aware of the mission we have embraced. As we visualise it, shall it lay on us its bright light, reminding us of the words of the Divine Rabbi, who said: “By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John, 13:35). Let us get together, united, so that we can carry on working towards our continuous, endless Spiritual development. 


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