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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 7 - N° 357 – April 6, 2014

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


Visiting Grandma


Gloria was very fond of animals, especially dogs. She was always asking her parents to give her a puppy.

One day she asked so much that her father said:

- Are you sure you want a puppy, dear?

Bright eyed and with praying hands, the girl replied:

- Yes, yes, Daddy! My birthday is coming soon. Can I get a puppy as a gift?

Her parents exchanged a look, then her mother agreed:

- Okay, Gloria. Only if you promise me you'll take care of it. You know, animals are hard work: they can't lack water, they need food at the right time, a weekly bath, and if they get ill you have to give them medicine. Ah! And you cannot leave the gate open, otherwise they escape.

The girl was shaking with joy, agreeing with everything.

- Yes, Mom. I'll do everything right, I promise!

Then one day, when Gloria woke up, she heard a different noise under her bed. She turned upside down to look and saw the cutest puppy that one could imagine!

Full of joy, she took him in her arms and ran to the kitchen where her mother was preparing breakfast. Her parents, who were already waiting for her, smiled.

- He is gorgeous! Thank you, Daddy! Thank you, Mommy! He is so very cute! Because of that I'll call him Cutie!

From that day on, Gloria's life changed. She was always taking care of Cutie. Early in the morning, she would give him food and fill his water bowl. On the weekends, she would not forget his bath, which he loved.

This way, both the dog and his owner were growing up.

One day, two years later, Cutie woke up very quiet, unwilling to eat or play. The girl, worried, told her parents, who said:

- It is probably nothing. It will soon pass.

But the next day, Cutie continued to be very quiet, would not eat, and did not want to play. He was taken to the vet who prescribed the medication that should be given to him.

However, he only got worse. Until the day that Cutie did not wake up. Gloria wept a lot, clinging to her buddy.

As the area outside the house was big, Cutie was buried in the backyard, where Gloria put the toys that he liked, explaining:

- These are for Cutie to play, if he wants to.

Sad and disconsolate, Gloria did not play anymore. She would just go to school and, once back, would stay in her room, in bed.

Concerned, her parents asked Jesus to help their daughter, still so young, so that she would overcome the pain of losing her dear dog.

And so happened that one day Gloria dreamed that she had gone to visit her grandmother who was already in the spirit world.

She was received with much joy by her Grandma Anna, who hugged her satisfied as Gloria said:

- Good gracious, Grandma! I did not know you were in such a beautiful place! So many trees, so many flowers! Where does this path leads us?

- To my house. Come on! I have a surprise for you, Gloria.

Approaching the house, the girl saw a little dog that ran to meet her. Disbelieving it, her eyes widened:

- But it's my... Cutie!

The dog barked happy seeing his owner, who picked him up, beaming with happiness, as he licked her face. Then, weeping with joy, Gloria looked at her grandmother:

- Grandma Anna, how did Cutie get here?

They sat on a bench in the shade of a tree, and her grandma explained:

- You know that there is no death, don't you? We all keep on living! So, as you were very sad, dear, I asked Jesus if I could take care of your dog for you. Thus, he has been with me since he came here.

Gloria hugged her grandmother, thanking her for taking care of her dog. Suddenly, Gloria heard:

- Wake up, honey! It's time to go to school!

Opening her eyes, Gloria stretched, and recalled:

- Mom! Last night I visited Grandma Anna and do you know who was there? My Cutie! We played and ran across the lawn. He is cured, Mom! He's well!

With her eyes moist, the mother hugged her daughter with love, thanking Jesus for giving Gloria the consolation that she needed so much.

Then Gloria's mother asked how her mother, the girl's grandmother, was and the girl replied:

- Grandma Anna is great! Beautiful, well-groomed, and she always wears the necklace you gave her!

At these words, her mother started crying with emotion. Gloria was very small when her grandmother returned to the spirit world, and they had never commented that because her grandma liked a necklace that her daughter had given her so much they decided to leave it with her.

That was the greatest proof that Gloria had actually met Grandma Anna and her dog - her mother thought, elevating her thought in gratitude to Jesus for answering her request.



(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 17/02/2014.)



O Consolador
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