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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 7 - N° 326 – August 25, 2013
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com


Paulo Artur Nogueira de Vilhena: 

“The Spiritist Movement is going through a very
dynamic period”

Our fellow Spiritist from the northern Brazilian state of Pará talks about the Spiritist Movement in the region, which is enjoying a very special moment

Paulo Artur Nogueira de Vilhena (photo), a Spiritist for 40 years, was born in Belém, the capital of Para state, in the Amazon region, and lives in the city of Ananindeua. He is a Physical Education teacher in a state school and has a prominent role in the regional Spiritist Movement. He works as a volunteer  at  the  Spiritist  Centre  A  Voz  de  João

Batista   and  is  president  of  the  Seventh Regional Council of Para’s Spiritist Union. In this interview, he talks about Spiritism and the state of Pará:

Let’s begin with Ananindeua. Tell us about the city where you live. 

Ananindeua is about 19km outside Belém, the state capital. It is actually part of Belém’s metropolitan region. It is the second most populous city of Pará state and the third in the Amazon region, with 471,744 inhabitants. 

How many Spiritist Centres are there in the city and which was the pioneer Group? 

There are 18 Spiritist Groups in the municipality and the oldest is A Voz de João Batista, which opened 20 years ago. There are another 25 Spiritist Groups in Belém. 

Tell us about the Spiritist Book Fair of Ananindeua. 

It began seven years ago, with one single table with Spiritist books in a square of the city. It was an initiative from the Spiritist Centre A Voz de João Batista. The project grew into a huge event, which is now organised by the 7th Regional Spiritist Council and is in the core of our strategy to disseminate Spiritist and promote the unification of the Spiritist Movement in the state. 

And how did the project of inviting Spiritist speakers from other parts of Brazil begin? 

Well-known speakers and authors are invited to Para and shared amongst the many Spiritist Groups in the state. It began with invitations to individuals, with time allocated for them to give autographs. Those visits were so popular that we decided to expand the project. We now have a bigger schedule of special guests visiting various areas of our huge state and the aim is to carry on expanding in 2014, getting them to go to four other areas of Pará. 

Pará, in the Amazon region, is quite far from the rest of Brazil. Is that the main problem for you to get more speakers to the region? 

Absolutely, distance is still the major obstacle, as many guests do not have a big enough gap in their agenda and are not able to attend our Book Fair. To make sure we get some of the guests here we need to book them one year before the event. 

What is your assessment of the current period in the Spiritist Movement?

The Spiritist Movement is going through a very dynamic period, with events that help disseminate the Teachings happening everywhere. We have more and more books being published, but we need to be careful there, as many lack the necessary rigour and some even clash with the content of the core works of Allan Kardec. 

What is the defining moment for you of all the visits to the region by well-known Spiritist speakers from other Brazilian states? 

They have all given a very important contribution to Spiritism in our region, but I would like to highlight the visit of Richard Simonetti, from Bauru, in São Paulo state. And that is for two main reasons: his works are widely read in Pará and he is quite old. Another moving moment was the visit of Severino Celestino, from João Pessoa, in Paraíba state, as his wife was seriously ill when he came to Pará. 

Tell us about the group of people who works in the promotion of such events. 

It is a group of volunteer workers from many Spiritist Centres. They are all very enthusiastic and happy to serve Spiritism, each one contributing with their skills and capabilities in order to make sure we succeed in our events. The group works in partnership with the Regional Spiritist Councils and has 100% backing from the board of directors of the Spiritist Union of Pará State. 

Anything else to add? 

I would like to thank God and all the friends who have been to our events – authors and speakers – highlighting the importance of their presence here, always marked by total dedication and humility. I would like to thank all the Spiritist friends, incarnate and discarnate, who work so hard to help us succeed in our events. And finally, I would like to thank my parents, who are already in the Spiritual World, my brothers and sisters, my wife and children, to whom I owe I great deal.


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