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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 7 - N° 319 – July 7, 2013



Guará, DF (Brasil)

Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Marcus Braga: 

“Sexuality and responsibility walk hand in hand” 

The author of the book “Alegria de Servir” (“Happy to Help”) talks about sexuality and says that issues relating to sex and its implications need to be thought through, studied and discussed

Marcus Vinicius de Azevedo Braga (photo) is an expert on Education, with a Master’s Degree on the subject. He is also the author of many articles published in the Spiritist media and a regular contributor at “O Consolador”. He is a Spiritist speaker and works in the education of young Spiritists as a volunteer at the Spiritist Group  

Atualpa Barbosa Lima, in the Brazilian capital, Brasilia. He is also the author of “Alegria de Servir” (“Happy to Help”), a book published by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB).

How can we deal with the powerful sexual instincts that come up when we are young? 

Well, based on all the discussions held so far on the subject, the history of humankind shows that to repress and simply deny it is not the right way. That leads to lies, psychological problems and in some cases to crime and perversion. It all stems from the way we look into sexual energies. They are creative energies, linked to affection, and not something dirty or to be feared. But like all sources of energy, it creates fear and demands education and respect for other people as well as yourself. When we are teenagers, we not only have to deal with the hormones and a greater freedom of action and autonomy, but that is a period when we are bombarded with external influences from peers and the media. They have a great influence on young people, especially on the way we deal with our feelings. In the middle of all those sources of power, young people must look for dialogue with people he or she consider to be more mature; they must read good books and form their own opinion, putting together theory and practice. That is where I believe engagement in Spiritism is key. I remember my days in the youth Spiritist Movement, when that was a recurrent theme, which drew the attention of all the young people around me.  

Why does the practice of casual sex get so much attention in the media, especially during big events, such as the carnival? 

Sex is linked to the idea of pleasure, which is something that is highly valued these days; it is used to hike audiences, to sell products and events. The problem does not concern only the carnival, but there are wider concerns with links to sexual tourism, child prostitution, the sexualisation of children, and human beings who begin to be viewed as objects. Also, we live in an era in which people value their freedom of choosing what to do and what to consume, in which young people get fascinated by dreams of sexual adventures, where quantity is more important than quality, all that linked to external appearances and the culture of celebrity. Sex is used in the context of the marked, where we are expected to conquer new markets and targets, and we live as men and women without appreciating the quality of life sex can bring to our lives. As I said before, the extreme views – extreme conservative approaches and freedom without responsibility – are a result of our misconceptions about the sexual energies and our problems in building meaningful and mature relationships. That, I think, is the main challenge of our days. 

What would be the best time for young people to initiate their sexual life? Only when they get married? 

This is a tricky question. If I say before marriage, young people will show the interview to their mother and say: “See, Spiritism, is backing me up.” If I say it must be after the marriage, any teenage girl who gets pregnant may be discriminated against. I believe the beginning of the sexual life is an intimate matter. More important than “when” is “with whom” and “why.” People must think well whether they want to have sex for the first time only to tell their friends, to avoid becoming the object of jokes, or even to keep a relationship going. Or is it part of the natural course of the relationship, which has reached a more mature stage? Finally, one of the possible consequences of having a sexual life is pregnancy, which has financial and professional implications for the parents of the new Spirit. Not to think about that is irresponsibility. At that stage, every young person has the elements to begin making decisions about their lives, as part of the natural process of growing up and maturing. We can only help them, but not make the decisions on their behalf. 

Is there privacy during the sexual act or are we watched by discarnate Spirits? 

That is a question we also ask for when we go to the toilet, or sit an exam at school or do something prosaic as cutting our nails. I believe the higher Spirits occupy themselves with more important matters. They would only be present if assisting the reincarnation of Spirits. Of course if a discarnate Spirit is linked to one of the lovers by a great deal of hatred he might be present to try to intervene, or to curse them. But I do not think that is linked to the sexual act per se. It is linked to the people involved. Let us bear in mind that it all results from how we view our sexual energies! 

What is your view on teenage pregnancy, which may change the course of events planned for the two people involved? Can the birth of a new child always be seen as a blessing, even in those cases? 

Who said the pregnancy will compromise the plans for the new father and mother? It might make it more difficult, but not necessarily jeopardize it. No, life is full of challenges and teenage (or unplanned) pregnancy is one of them, which will give us a great joy, of having a baby. It will certainly force those involved to mature quicker, but I have never heard of anyone dying for that. Those who face an expected teenage pregnancy and deal with it with maturity, with or without family support, are true heroes who deserve our praise, not our condemnation. We live in a funny world, where the single mum or the teenage couple who have a baby are demonised by society while the couple who go for a discreet abortion lives is praised. In this matter, we must have a broader view and understand the degree of maturity those challenges demand. As we say, sexuality and responsibility walk hand in hand, literally… 

Why is the sexual act still viewed by many people as promiscuous and sinful? 

Because we carry the burden of centuries of Catholic control in Brazil and a very narrow view on this matter. Despite the publication decades ago of Spiritist books such as “Vida e Sexo” (“Life and Sex”) by Emmanuel/Chico Xavier or the works of living author Jorge Andrea, we have not been able to change our approach. We have continued to view sexuality as something negative, almost a necessary evil. And even though Aids is widespread in Africa, the Catholic Church continues to reject the use of condoms. From this kingdom of the forbidden arises this range of hypocritical practices Spiritism has vowed to fight. But I must add: in many Spiritist Centrs we still see cases of teenage women expelled for getting pregnant and women discriminated against for getting a divorce or for entering a new relationship. And many of us prefer simply not to discuss these matters, sweeping the problem under the carpet.

Sexual matters need to be reflected upon, studied and talked about. They are important to strengthen our hearts and minds. Young Spiritists must be prepared to face the challenges of the world, and that includes the challenges in dealing with their affections and feelings. We often spend a long time talking about less important matters with young Spiritists and neglect such an important issue, either for fear of debating it or for lack of people interested in taking it on. Finally I would like to recommend three articles I have published on this publication in its previews editions on the same subject: 

Spiritist dating


Reflections on life as a couple


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism